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North Jackson, Ohio (USA),
12.12.2022, 02:51

DOS & LFN (Miscellaneous)


Does there exist any version of DOS that has
"native" LFN support built directly in its kernel
and _does not_ require the use of a secondary LFN driver
such-as DOSLFN.COM, LFNDOS.EXE ...etc...etc... ?




12.12.2022, 03:11

@ glennmcc


Datalight ROM DOS 7 (but I've never tried it). It used to be sold online ($55 USD??), but I can't find a working link anymore. (The link to "single user version" is broken.)


12.12.2022, 03:27

@ glennmcc


> Question:
> Does there exist any version of DOS that has
> "native" LFN support built directly in its kernel
> and _does not_ require the use of a secondary LFN driver
> such-as DOSLFN.COM, LFNDOS.EXE ...etc...etc... ?

PTS-DOS 7.0, RxDOS, IBM PC-DOS 7.1, DR-DOS 7.02.



Sydney, Free World South,
12.12.2022, 03:29

@ glennmcc


> Question:
> Does there exist any version of DOS that has
> "native" LFN support built directly in its kernel
> and _does not_ require the use of a secondary LFN driver
> such-as DOSLFN.COM, LFNDOS.EXE ...etc...etc... ?

PDOS/86 has it internal.


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North Jackson, Ohio (USA),
12.12.2022, 05:02

@ Oso2k


> > Question:
> >
> > Does there exist any version of DOS that has
> > "native" LFN support built directly in its kernel
> > and _does not_ require the use of a secondary LFN driver
> > such-as DOSLFN.COM, LFNDOS.EXE ...etc...etc... ?
> PTS-DOS 7.0, RxDOS, IBM PC-DOS 7.1, DR-DOS 7.02.

Hmmm... I've had the ZIP of PTS-DOS 7.0 sitting here
on my HDD since way back in 2000 but have never tried it.

Thank you for the head's up.




15.12.2022, 15:43

@ Oso2k


> PTS-DOS 7.0, RxDOS, IBM PC-DOS 7.1, DR-DOS 7.02.

Are you sure about DR-DOS? I played with it many years ago but I didn't find LFNs working (at least out of the box). But if someone want to play I still have install disks (that was freely available that times) here:

DOS gives me freedom to unlimited HW access.


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Rio Rancho, NM,
15.12.2022, 20:54

@ Oso2k


> PTS-DOS 7.0, RxDOS, IBM PC-DOS 7.1, DR-DOS 7.02.

I'm not sure this is correct. I don't think any of these (except maybe RxDOS) have LFN built into the kernel. I think this may be confusing LFN with FAT32.

PTS-DOS: I have PTS-DOS 2000 installed and it does not support LFN. I've tried installing PTS-DOS 32 and could never get it to work. It's possible that PTS-DOS 7 or 32 would support LFN in the kernel, but I rather doubt it.

RxDOS: RxDOS still considers itself "unstable" so I've never installed it. I suspect this one might support LFN in the kernel, but don't know for sure.

PC-DOS: I have several versions of PC-DOS installed, including 7.10, and none of them support LFN in the kernel.

DR-DOS: I don't have version 7.02 installed, but do have both 7.03 and 8.0 installed an neither of them support LFN in the kernel.

Even MS-DOS 7.10 ("DOS 98") doesn't support LFN in the DOS kernel -- the LFN drivers are actually built into Windows instead of DOS so you must be running in a DOS Box underneath Windows to get LFN support.


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Düsseldorf, Germany,
15.12.2022, 21:53

@ bretjohn


> I'm not sure this is correct. I don't think any of these (except maybe
> RxDOS) have LFN built into the kernel. I think this may be confusing LFN
> with FAT32.

> RxDOS: RxDOS still considers itself "unstable" so I've never installed it.
> I suspect this one might support LFN in the kernel, but don't know for
> sure.

It does, in recent versions, actually support LFNs in the kernel yes. However, the support is far from mature. If I do get back to my work on this kernel, adding a build option to disable the LFN server is up there on my todo list.


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