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People's Republic of China,
14.12.2022, 11:50

Can you try to support Chinese (Miscellaneous)

Can you try to support Chinese and then bring a small translation system of your own?
My English is very bad, so I have to use translation software


22.12.2022, 04:37

@ 114514zheermao

Can you try to support Chinese

> Can you try to support Chinese and then bring a small translation system of
> your own?
> My English is very bad, so I have to use translation software

You can use UCDOS or CCDOS make it!

???? UCDOS ?CCDOS?????






Sydney, Free World South,
21.12.2022, 23:18

@ rr

Can you try to support Chinese

> I'm the main admin of this forum.
> > Can you try to support Chinese and then bring a small translation system
> of
> > your own?
> Sorry, but no. We will stay with English.

My understanding is that it will still be English
when it gets into the messaging system.

He just needs automatic translation (into English).

I'm not familiar with auto-translate options on

I assume it's not trivial to add that? Or is it
some sort of policy that you don't want auto

BFN. Paul.


Homepage E-mail

Berlin, Germany,
21.12.2022, 20:19

@ 114514zheermao

Can you try to support Chinese

I'm the main admin of this forum.

> Can you try to support Chinese and then bring a small translation system of
> your own?

Sorry, but no. We will stay with English.

> My English is very bad, so I have to use translation software

I'm from Germany and sometimes have to use translation services anyway. So, that's okay. We don't expect perfect English here.

Forum admin


21.12.2022, 00:08

@ kerravon

Can you try to support Chinese

> He was just sarcastically passing on

Yes it is.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!



Sydney, Free World South,
20.12.2022, 05:07

@ glennmcc

Can you try to support Chinese

> > > >
> > > > Also, kerravon - you are fascist and nazi. Did you known it?
> > >
> > >
> > > There it is... Godwin's law rears its ugly head :-(
> >
> > You know he was being sarcastic about Russians, right?
> My reply was not referring to his sarcastic remark
> but rather to the portion of his post that I quoted which
> demonstrates with a doubt that he had stooped to...

It is Russians who stooped to that, not him.

He was just sarcastically passing on Russia's view of
the world.

BFN. Paul.


20.12.2022, 00:34
(edited by DosWorld, 20.12.2022, 01:10)

@ glennmcc

Can you try to support Chinese

> > Also, kerravon - you are fascist and nazi. Did you known it?
> There it is... Godwin's law rears its ugly head :-(

When will we finally bury Adolf? :-D

We discuss forum internationalization,
so i decided to accuse kerravon of racism. :-D
Now he knows he's not alone. :-D

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!


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North Jackson, Ohio (USA),
20.12.2022, 00:20

@ kerravon

Can you try to support Chinese

> > >
> > > Also, kerravon - you are fascist and nazi. Did you known it?
> >
> >
> > There it is... Godwin's law rears its ugly head :-(
> You know he was being sarcastic about Russians, right?

My reply was not referring to his sarcastic remark
but rather to the portion of his post that I quoted which
demonstrates with a doubt that he had stooped to...

Godwin's law, short for Godwin's law (or rule) of Nazi analogies,
is an Internet adage asserting that as an online discussion grows
longer (regardless of topic or scope), the probability of a comparison
to Nazis or Adolf Hitler approaches.




Sydney, Free World South,
19.12.2022, 23:40

@ glennmcc

Can you try to support Chinese

> >
> > Also, kerravon - you are fascist and nazi. Did you known it?
> There it is... Godwin's law rears its ugly head :-(

You know he was being sarcastic about Russians, right?


Homepage E-mail

North Jackson, Ohio (USA),
19.12.2022, 17:50

@ DosWorld

Can you try to support Chinese

> Also, kerravon - you are fascist and nazi. Did you known it?

There it is... Godwin's law rears its ugly head :-(




Sydney, Free World South,
19.12.2022, 14:58

@ DosWorld

Can you try to support Chinese

> Also, kerravon - you are fascist and nazi. Did you known it?

> fascist. Many people on russia-TV say it every day. May be i must try broke
> my washing machine?

It is normal for people to use words like that
when they have no actual argument. Don't worry
about it. I've been debating for multiple decades
and I just strip out all the (attempted) insults
and look for any actual technical point, and make
sure every technical point is rebutted.

And when there are no technical points left, I just
point that out too.

Pretty much everyone gives up.

That doesn't translate into people changing their
minds about anything though. Nor does it mean that
my arguments get publicized for withstanding the
free marketplace of ideas.

But that's a job for someone else. I'm happy to just
win the intellectual debate.

And program.

The great thing about programming is that there are
no limitations. Noone you need to listen to/defer to.


19.12.2022, 12:55
(edited by DosWorld, 19.12.2022, 20:42)

@ kerravon

Can you try to support Chinese

> > Imho, 90% other users - have [near] the same situation.

I am try to say - everybody is happy with english. Let don't build a new Babylon Tower.

I am never learn german, french, japanese, china. I am speak in czech language as 4-year child (+few bad words, which is common). My brain (and time) is so limited. I am sorry :-( (i am will be happy to join all of this great cultures)

Also, kerravon - you are fascist and nazi. Did you known it?
Look at self, you are:
1. don't want speak in russian
2. have TV
3. have a washing machine
(and many other beautiful things that can be stolen from your house)

Last two point makes you dangerous ultras. But you live far from Russia and a small chance that someone will tell truth to you. But be ready listen opinion like this. :-D

I have no TV at my home >10 years (i am not need it), but i am, anyway, fascist. Many people on russia-TV say it every day. May be i must try broke my washing machine?

> You can probably tell I have no idea about modern
> development or web development - I froze time at
> 1990.


Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!



Sydney, Free World South,
17.12.2022, 12:32

@ DosWorld

Can you try to support Chinese

> > And when reading messages, you want to click on a
> > button that says "translate to Chinese", and perhaps
> > even have that on auto?
> My native charset is not based on latin.
> My english is, also, bad. :-(
> I am use translate service, also. (i can don't use, but will be less
> clear).
> Imho, 90% other users - have [near] the same situation.

Ok, I had no idea people weren't typing in English.

So, with regards to this translation service - are
you running it externally, or is it built in to the

If it is built in to the website, is there a reason
it doesn't support Chinese?

If it is not built in to the website, what is the
barrier to adding it to the website? Is the website
running on MSDOS or something and doesn't support
translation in 640k?

You can probably tell I have no idea about modern
development or web development - I froze time at

Actually, I have a question - is the "English alphabet"
and the "Latin alphabet" the same thing, or does one
have more characters than the other? I know that French
and German has more characters than English - does that
mean they don't use Latin? Do even the Italians use Latin?
I "know" the Latin language is dead, but I don't know
if the Italians at least use the alphabet still.

BFN. Paul.


17.12.2022, 10:58
(edited by DosWorld, 17.12.2022, 11:31)

@ kerravon

Can you try to support Chinese

> And when reading messages, you want to click on a
> button that says "translate to Chinese", and perhaps
> even have that on auto?

My native charset is not based on latin.
My english is, also, bad. :-(
I am use translate service, also. (i can don't use, but will be less clear).
Imho, 90% other users - have [near] the same situation.
(children with random chars)

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!



Sydney, Free World South,
17.12.2022, 07:16

@ kerravon

Can you try to support Chinese

Oh, I think I know what you want to do.

You want to come to the site, type in something
in Chinese, and hit a button than says "translate
and send"?

And when reading messages, you want to click on a
button that says "translate to Chinese", and perhaps
even have that on auto?

Rather than using external translation software.

Fair enough. Above my paygrade.



Sydney, Free World South,
17.12.2022, 07:07

@ 114514zheermao

Can you try to support Chinese

> > > > Can you try asking your question in Chinese?
> > > >
> > > > ni3 neng2 shi4 zhuo2 yong4 zhong1 wen2 wen4 ni3 de wen4 ti2 ma2
> > > I'm talking about this website, and the input Chinese is garbled
> >
> > For what reason do you need to be able to write
> > Chinese characters on THIS website?
> >
> > The rules probably say you have to post in English
> > anyway, so even if you could, you wouldn't be
> > allowed to.
> >
> > Even if you were allowed to, no-one could read it.
> >
> > Oh - is that the issue, you want to write in Chinese,
> > and then rely on people to click "translate"?
> >
> > Note that you can use pinyin (as I did above). Is
> > there a problem with pinyin?
> I know that Chinese is not needed in DOS, but it would be better if this
> website supports multiple languages, because not everyone can use your
> language proficiently,

By the way, when you say "my" language, note that
a lot of people on this board are GERMAN. I'm not
one of them though.

Regardless, the website DOES support "multiple languages".
It supports pinyin.

> In China, basically everyone has never been abroad, and learning other
> languages is likely to be forgotten.

I still don't understand. WHO DO YOU WANT TO TALK TO?
Other Chinese users of this board?

There are probably 0 Chinese speakers on this board.
Germans have enough work to do just to learn English,
nevermind having to learn Chinese too.

> Also, I don't want to fight, watch your words

Fight about what? Watch what words?

Maybe it would be more straightforward for YOU
to not take offence when someone politely ASKS

Perhaps you are talking about DOS *SOFTWARE*?
You want every DOS application to support Chinese?
Or you want FreeDOS to support Chinese? There is
a different mailing list for FreeDOS support.

You can get PDOS/86 support here, but I'll just
tell you what I told you above - you can use
pinyin on PDOS/86. Admittedly the messages aren't
in pinyin.

BFN. Paul.


Homepage E-mail

North Jackson, Ohio (USA),
17.12.2022, 06:09

@ 114514zheermao

Can you try to support Chinese

> I know that Chinese is not needed in DOS, but it would be better if this
> website supports multiple languages, because not everyone can use your
> language proficiently,
> In China, basically everyone has never been abroad, and learning other
> languages is likely to be forgotten.
> Also, I don't want to fight, watch your words
> >

Well again... the translation software you are using is working perfectly.

Perhaps you could figure out a method right there on your own computer
that would automatically feed this page through that software
to translate into Chinese and then have your post automatically fed
back through it to translate into English before sending.




People's Republic of China,
17.12.2022, 03:56

@ kerravon

Can you try to support Chinese

> > > Can you try asking your question in Chinese?
> > >
> > > ni3 neng2 shi4 zhuo2 yong4 zhong1 wen2 wen4 ni3 de wen4 ti2 ma2
> > I'm talking about this website, and the input Chinese is garbled
> For what reason do you need to be able to write
> Chinese characters on THIS website?
> The rules probably say you have to post in English
> anyway, so even if you could, you wouldn't be
> allowed to.
> Even if you were allowed to, no-one could read it.
> Oh - is that the issue, you want to write in Chinese,
> and then rely on people to click "translate"?
> Note that you can use pinyin (as I did above). Is
> there a problem with pinyin?

I know that Chinese is not needed in DOS, but it would be better if this website supports multiple languages, because not everyone can use your language proficiently,
In China, basically everyone has never been abroad, and learning other languages is likely to be forgotten.
Also, I don't want to fight, watch your words
> And you could post a pinyin to English translation
> above the pinyin version, so that no translator is
> required, no rules will probably be broken, and
> probably the only reason anyone would need to click
> on "translate" is if they think it is a superior
> translation program to what you have available.
> Since you asked for a "small" translate program, it's
> unlikely to be better than the one you are using.
> By the way, could you tell me what your interest in
> MSDOS is?
> Thanks. Paul.



Sydney, Free World South,
15.12.2022, 01:33

@ 114514zheermao

Can you try to support Chinese

> > Can you try asking your question in Chinese?
> >
> > ni3 neng2 shi4 zhuo2 yong4 zhong1 wen2 wen4 ni3 de wen4 ti2 ma2
> I'm talking about this website, and the input Chinese is garbled

For what reason do you need to be able to write
Chinese characters on THIS website?

The rules probably say you have to post in English
anyway, so even if you could, you wouldn't be
allowed to.

Even if you were allowed to, no-one could read it.

Oh - is that the issue, you want to write in Chinese,
and then rely on people to click "translate"?

Note that you can use pinyin (as I did above). Is
there a problem with pinyin?

And you could post a pinyin to English translation
above the pinyin version, so that no translator is
required, no rules will probably be broken, and
probably the only reason anyone would need to click
on "translate" is if they think it is a superior
translation program to what you have available.
Since you asked for a "small" translate program, it's
unlikely to be better than the one you are using.

By the way, could you tell me what your interest in

Thanks. Paul.



People's Republic of China,
15.12.2022, 00:38

@ kerravon

Can you try to support Chinese

> > Can you try to support Chinese and then bring a small translation system
> of
> > your own?
> > My English is very bad, so I have to use translation software
> Support Chinese in what?
> Small? A small 16-bit MSDOS executable? How
> many KB is "small"?
> You have to use translation software to do ... what?
> Is pin yin acceptable?
> Can you try asking your question in Chinese?
> ni3 neng2 shi4 zhuo2 yong4 zhong1 wen2 wen4 ni3 de wen4 ti2 ma2
I'm talking about this website, and the input Chinese is garbled[img][/img]


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North Jackson, Ohio (USA),
14.12.2022, 18:34

@ 114514zheermao

Can you try to support Chinese

> Can you try to support Chinese and then bring a small translation system of
> your own?
> My English is very bad, so I have to use translation software

Well, the translation software you're using seems to be working just fine.

And the advantage is that it will help you to improve your English. :-D




Sydney, Free World South,
14.12.2022, 14:26

@ 114514zheermao

Can you try to support Chinese

> Can you try to support Chinese and then bring a small translation system of
> your own?
> My English is very bad, so I have to use translation software

Support Chinese in what?

Small? A small 16-bit MSDOS executable? How
many KB is "small"?

You have to use translation software to do ... what?

Is pin yin acceptable?

Can you try asking your question in Chinese?

ni3 neng2 shi4 zhuo2 yong4 zhong1 wen2 wen4 ni3 de wen4 ti2 ma2

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