Source code for the Lilith's single pass Modula-2 compiler (Developers)
> > Sorry for the non-sequitor, but I would like to talk with DosWorld about
> > his SmallC archive an GitHub. I have opened an issue there for further
> > discussion
> > link:: SmallC issue (FJS)
> > .
> Why not? Create PR (pull request).
OK. I am new to GitHub, but have joined, made a branch of your smallc::master, committed a change to, and tried to create a PR to you (DosWorld/smallc::master) as a test. Let me know if it worked, either here or via GitHub.
Anyone know how to move my intrusions and their responses to a new 'smallc' thread?
Complete thread:
- Source code for the Lilith's single pass Modula-2 compiler - DosWorld, 01.11.2022, 14:54
- Source code for the Lilith's single pass Modula-2 compiler - Rugxulo, 02.11.2022, 01:36
- Source code for the Lilith's single pass Modula-2 compiler - DosWorld, 06.11.2022, 21:27
- Source code for the Lilith's single pass Modula-2 compiler - boeckmann, 06.11.2022, 21:49
- Source code for the Lilith's single pass Modula-2 compiler - Rugxulo, 11.11.2022, 09:07
- GM2 merged into GCC 13 - Rugxulo, 27.12.2022, 08:55
- GCC 13.1 released (with Modula-2 support) - Rugxulo, 27.04.2023, 06:37
- GCC 13.1 released (with Modula-2 support) - DosWorld, 27.04.2023, 17:27
- GCC 13.1 released (with Modula-2 support) - glennmcc, 27.04.2023, 18:38
- GCC 13.1 released (with Modula-2 support) - DosWorld, 28.04.2023, 20:40
- GCC 13.1 released (with Modula-2 support) - Rugxulo, 28.04.2023, 04:53
- GCC 13.1 released (with Modula-2 support) - glennmcc, 27.04.2023, 18:38
- GCC 13.2 released (with Modula-2 support) - Rugxulo, 27.07.2023, 22:56
- GCC 13.2 released (with Modula-2 support) - Rugxulo, 15.09.2023, 05:53
- GCC 13.2 released (with Modula-2 support) - DosWorld, 15.11.2023, 13:50
- GCC 13.2 released (with Modula-2 support) - Rugxulo, 20.11.2023, 08:53
- compiler optimizations and algorithmic efficiency - Rugxulo, 05.03.2024, 06:29
- comparison of Pascal (P4 subset) bytecode compiler - Rugxulo, 29.04.2024, 05:42
- GCC 13.2 released (with Modula-2 support) - Rugxulo, 20.11.2023, 08:53
- GCC 13.2 released (with Modula-2 support) - DosWorld, 15.11.2023, 13:50
- GCC 13.2 released (with Modula-2 support) - Rugxulo, 15.09.2023, 05:53
- GCC 13.1 released (with Modula-2 support) - DosWorld, 27.04.2023, 17:27
- GCC 13.1 released (with Modula-2 support) - Rugxulo, 27.04.2023, 06:37
- Source code for the Lilith's single pass Modula-2 compiler - FredJScipione, 05.11.2022, 05:19
- Source code for the Lilith's single pass Modula-2 compiler - Rugxulo, 05.11.2022, 06:57
- Source code for the Lilith's single pass Modula-2 compiler - DosWorld, 06.11.2022, 21:10
- Source code for the Lilith's single pass Modula-2 compiler - rr, 06.11.2022, 21:25
- Source code for the Lilith's single pass Modula-2 compiler - DosWorld, 06.11.2022, 21:28
- Source code for the Lilith's single pass Modula-2 compiler - FredJScipione, 11.11.2022, 00:22
- Source code for the Lilith's single pass Modula-2 compiler - rr, 06.11.2022, 21:25
- Source code for the Lilith's single pass Modula-2 compiler - Rugxulo, 02.11.2022, 01:36