Failure on DHCP testing Netsurf (DOSX)
> I explain my point of view regarding dos graphic browser..
> Actually the most important sites uses intensivly HTTPS and JS.
There are no DOS browsers that have JS, and I doubt there ever will.
But it is possible to get around _some_ JS with several Arachne plug-ins.
There are a few DOS browsers that handle HTTPS fairly well: Links, Elinks, Lynx.
> Links seem intersting but dos version have some trouble on https (try to
> connect to Gmail page receive error message)and js don't work.
The problem with the Gmail page is JS not HTTPS.
AUSREG Consultancy
Tadpole Tunes
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Complete thread:
- Failure on DHCP testing Netsurf - iw2evk, 09.07.2013, 21:48
- Failure on DHCP testing Netsurf - RayeR, 10.07.2013, 02:02
- Failure on DHCP testing Netsurf - ron, 10.07.2013, 07:23
- Failure on DHCP testing Netsurf - RayeR, 10.07.2013, 10:52
- Failure on DHCP testing Netsurf - ron, 10.07.2013, 14:32
- Failure on DHCP testing Netsurf - RayeR, 11.07.2013, 01:32
- Failure on DHCP testing Netsurf - ron, 10.07.2013, 14:32
- Failure on DHCP testing Netsurf - iw2evk, 11.07.2013, 08:10
- Failure on DHCP testing Netsurf - ron, 12.07.2013, 03:12
- Failure on DHCP testing Netsurf - RayeR, 10.07.2013, 10:52
- Failure on DHCP testing Netsurf - ron, 10.07.2013, 07:23
- Failure on DHCP testing Netsurf - Japheth, 10.07.2013, 13:02
- Failure on DHCP testing Netsurf - iw2evk, 10.07.2013, 13:47
- Failure on DHCP testing Netsurf - RayeR, 10.07.2013, 02:02