HX bugs | GNASH (DOSX)
New Win32 binaries of GNASH (SWF player) : http://benjaminwolsey.de/downloads/
Problems with HX:
* Missing DLL
127F08C 127F67C 0 0 1281AFC 127FCF4 wldap32.dll
ilt iat Hint
127F67C: 128116C 127FCF4: 128116C A ber_free
127F680: 1281178 127FCF8: 1281178 5F ldap_err2stringA
127F684: 128118C 127FCFC: 128118C 6D ldap_first_attributeA
127F688: 12811A4 127FD00: 12811A4 6F ldap_first_entry
127F68C: 12811B8 127FD04: 12811B8 75 ldap_get_dnA
127F690: 12811C8 127FD08: 12811C8 81 ldap_get_values_lenA
127F694: 12811E0 127FD0C: 12811E0 84 ldap_initA
127F698: 12811EE 127FD10: 12811EE 87 ldap_memfreeA
127F69C: 12811FE 127FD14: 12811FE A1 ldap_msgfree
127F6A0: 128120E 127FD18: 128120E A3 ldap_next_attributeA
127F6A4: 1281226 127FD1C: 1281226 A5 ldap_next_entry
127F6A8: 1281238 127FD20: 1281238 D5 ldap_search_sA
127F6AC: 128124A 127FD24: 128124A DD ldap_set_optionA
127F6B0: 128125E 127FD28: 128125E E3 ldap_simple_bind_sA
127F6B4: 1281274 127FD2C: 1281274 E6 ldap_sslinitA
127F6B8: 1281284 127FD30: 1281284 F0 ldap_unbind_s
127F6BC: 1281294 127FD34: 1281294 F4 ldap_value_free_len
maybe 17 dummies would fix the problem
This is a LOGITECH mouse driver, but some software expect here
the following string:*** This is Copyright 1983 Microsoft ***
Complete thread:
- HX bugs - DOS386, 19.12.2009, 14:26
- OLEeeee, OLEeeeeeeee - 1 more bug - "StringFromGUID2" - DOS386, 20.12.2009, 07:45
- OLEeeee, OLEeeeeeeee - 1 more bug - "StringFromGUID2" - Japheth, 20.12.2009, 16:45
- HX 2.17 improvements | even one more bug - DOS386, 21.12.2009, 08:50
- OLEeeee, OLEeeeeeeee - 1 more bug - "StringFromGUID2" - Japheth, 20.12.2009, 16:45
- GPF in "GetProcessHeapEx" | trun in "GetExitCodeProcess" - DOS386, 24.12.2009, 09:59
- GPF's | buggy thing | "CreateProcessA" | ZERO'izing FS - DOS386, 25.12.2009, 16:16
- GPF's | buggy thing | "CreateProcessA" | ZERO'izing FS - Japheth, 28.12.2009, 16:37
- GPF's | buggy thing | "CreateProcessA" | ZERO'izing FS - DOS386, 29.12.2009, 09:39
- 6 more bugs | PETITE | DGDI32.DLL | docs sugx - DOS386, 17.03.2010, 06:02
- 6 more bugs | PETITE | DGDI32.DLL | docs sugx - Japheth, 18.03.2010, 08:59
- 6 more bugs | PETITE | DGDI32.DLL | docs sugx - DOS386, 06.06.2010, 16:04
- discovered 3 more buggs - DOS386, 14.07.2010, 14:38
- discovered 3 more buggs - Japheth, 17.07.2010, 15:58
- discovered 3 more buggs - DOS386, 23.07.2010, 07:33
- discovered 3 more buggs - Japheth, 17.07.2010, 15:58
- discovered 3 more buggs - DOS386, 14.07.2010, 14:38
- 6 more bugs | PETITE | DGDI32.DLL | docs sugx - DOS386, 06.06.2010, 16:04
- 6 more bugs | PETITE | DGDI32.DLL | docs sugx - Japheth, 18.03.2010, 08:59
- 6 more bugs | PETITE | DGDI32.DLL | docs sugx - DOS386, 17.03.2010, 06:02
- GPF's | buggy thing | "CreateProcessA" | ZERO'izing FS - DOS386, 29.12.2009, 09:39
- GPF's | buggy thing | "CreateProcessA" | ZERO'izing FS - Japheth, 28.12.2009, 16:37
- GPF's | buggy thing | "CreateProcessA" | ZERO'izing FS - DOS386, 25.12.2009, 16:16
- Generic horse power 15.CHINA for HX :-) - DOS386, 23.05.2010, 07:07
- HX bugs - DOS386, 17.11.2010, 04:43
- HX bugs - DOS386, 17.11.2010, 05:26
- HX bugs | GNASH - DOS386, 27.12.2010, 09:25
- HX bugs | GNASH - DOS386, 28.12.2010, 07:52
- HX bugs | GNASH - DOS386, 27.12.2010, 09:25
- HX bugs - DOS386, 17.11.2010, 05:26
- HX bugs - innounp - DOS386, 18.02.2011, 05:03
- HX issues | MUH-pdf | Is Processor Feature Present - DOS386, 19.02.2011, 11:58
- HX issues | MUH-pdf | Is Processor Feature Present - Japheth, 19.02.2011, 12:48
- HX issues | MUH-pdf | Is Processor Feature Present - DOS386, 19.02.2011, 11:58
- HX bugs | PETITE & 7-ZIP PF in Ring0 - DOS386, 03.07.2011, 11:18
- HX bugs | PETITE & 7-ZIP PF in Ring0 - Japheth, 03.07.2011, 20:01
- HX bugs | missing imports | Dillo | MUPDF | TryEnter - DOS386, 20.11.2011, 04:33
- HX bugs 2 more | ME bugs 1'000'000'000 more - DOS386, 24.11.2011, 06:11
- HX updated - DOS386, 20.11.2012, 11:34
- HX updated - Rugxulo, 22.11.2012, 05:56
- HX updated - Japheth, 22.11.2012, 07:03
- HX updated - Rugxulo, 22.11.2012, 09:32
- HX updated - Rugxulo, 22.11.2012, 10:16
- HX updated - Japheth, 23.11.2012, 09:13
- HX updated - Rugxulo, 25.11.2012, 07:09
- HX updated - george_breese, 07.01.2013, 18:43
- HX updated - Japheth, 08.01.2013, 08:44
- HX updated (5 years ago) ... but FFMPEG 1.1.1 works almost - DOS386, 08.02.2013, 10:50
- HX and INNOUNP (yeah: BUG isolated !!!) - DOS386, 08.02.2013, 14:41
- HX and INNOUNP (yeah: BUG isolated !!!) - Japheth, 09.02.2013, 08:48
- HX bugs (3 more) - DOS386, 10.04.2013, 12:08
- HX and MSVCRT.DLL - DOS386, 08.03.2014, 18:52
- HX and MSVCRT.DLL - Rugxulo, 23.03.2014, 06:47
- HX and MSVCRT.DLL - DOS386, 08.03.2014, 18:52
- WINE and INNOUNP (and Delphi) - Rugxulo, 11.06.2015, 02:15
- HX and INNOUNP (yeah: BUG isolated !!!) - DOS386, 08.02.2013, 14:41
- HX updated (5 years ago) ... but FFMPEG 1.1.1 works almost - DOS386, 08.02.2013, 10:50
- HX updated - Japheth, 08.01.2013, 08:44
- HX updated - Japheth, 23.11.2012, 09:13
- HX updated - Rugxulo, 22.11.2012, 10:16
- HX updated - Rugxulo, 22.11.2012, 09:32
- HX full of virii - DOS386, 22.11.2012, 16:09
- HX full of virii - Rugxulo, 23.11.2012, 00:24
- HX full of virii - DOS386, 16.12.2012, 13:00
- HX (not) full of virii - Rugxulo, 16.12.2012, 22:07
- HX (not) full of virii - Japheth, 16.12.2012, 22:24
- HX (not) full of virii - Rugxulo, 17.12.2012, 21:59
- HX (not) full of virii - DOS386, 17.12.2012, 05:32
- HX (not) full of virii - Japheth, 17.12.2012, 08:47
- HX (not) full of virii - Rugxulo, 17.12.2012, 22:14
- HX (not) full of virii - Rugxulo, 18.12.2012, 20:55
- HX (not) full of virii - Japheth, 16.12.2012, 22:24
- HX (not) full of virii - Rugxulo, 16.12.2012, 22:07
- HX full of virii - DOS386, 16.12.2012, 13:00
- HX full of virii - Rugxulo, 23.11.2012, 00:24
- HX updated - Japheth, 22.11.2012, 07:03
- HX updated - Rugxulo, 22.11.2012, 05:56
- HX updated - DOS386, 20.11.2012, 11:34
- HX bugs 2 more | ME bugs 1'000'000'000 more - DOS386, 24.11.2011, 06:11
- HX bugs | missing imports | Dillo | MUPDF | TryEnter - DOS386, 20.11.2011, 04:33
- HX bugs | PETITE & 7-ZIP PF in Ring0 - Japheth, 03.07.2011, 20:01
- OLEeeee, OLEeeeeeeee - 1 more bug - "StringFromGUID2" - DOS386, 20.12.2009, 07:45