Silly hacks -- COMFIX (identify 80186 UPX'd .COMs) (Developers)
Where to talk about things that are interesting but kinda trivial? Well, I guess I'll start here. Apologies in advance if this is too dumb, badly solved, etc.
Recently I noticed that a certain developer (much more savvy than I am) accidentally UPX'd his .COM without the --8086 flag. I've not really totally solved this problem (i.e. tool to actually fix/rewrite that part of the stub to be 8086 friendly), but at least it's fairly easy to identify now.
So here's the horribly kludgy code that I wrote to identify such problematic .COMs. "for %a in (c:\fdos\*.com) do comfix %a" will show you what needs fixing (I hope!).
program comfix;
uses crt;
const special=9; show: boolean = false;
var comfile: file of byte;
i: 1..special;
mydata: array [1..special] of byte;
procedure usage;
writeln('Error: no .COM specified to analyze!');
writeln('TODO: Actually rewrite the dumb part of the decomp stub.');
writeln('Another way to diagnose:');
writeln(' ndisasm.exe -b16 -o100h | grep "rol word \[.*,0x8$"');
begin {upxfix}
if paramcount=0 then usage;
assign(comfile,paramstr(1)); if paramcount >= 2 then show := true;
reset(comfile); seek(comfile,filesize(comfile)-special);
for i := 1 to special do read(comfile,mydata[i]); close(comfile);
if show then begin
for i := 1 to special do write(mydata[i],' '); writeln
{reference: upx-3.08-src/src/stub/src/arch/i086\macros.S}
if ((mydata[1]=$C1) and (mydata[2]=4) and (mydata[3]=8)) or
((mydata[2]=$C1) and (mydata[3]=5) and (mydata[4]=8)) then
writeln('Intel 80186 UPX''d .COM found! Sorry, 8086 users. ')
else begin
textcolor(green); writeln('No problems found, no worries! ');
Complete thread:
- Silly hacks -- COMFIX (identify 80186 UPX'd .COMs) - Rugxulo, 30.04.2013, 14:06 (Developers)
- Silly hacks -- APASHTM (.pas to .htm via FPC GO32V2 build) - Rugxulo, 30.04.2013, 14:21
- Silly hacks -- APASHTM (.pas to .htm via FPC GO32V2 build) - marcov, 30.04.2013, 17:24
- Silly hacks -- APASHTM (.pas to .htm via FPC GO32V2 build) - Rugxulo, 30.04.2013, 14:21