User exception handler in C (Developers)
> Is it possible to resume from exception and continue normally?
> Eg. in case of RDMSR of nonexisting MSR exception is generated ...
Yes. However, I'd recommend to use a small assembly routine for MSR access that is protected by a temporarily modified exception vector 0x0D (GPF).
This does not even require protected-mode, this small real-mode assembly prog reads MSRs and won't crash if a certain MSR can't be read:
.model small
.stack 2048
lf equ 10
CStr macro text:vararg
local sym
sym db text,0
exitm <offset sym>
DStr macro text:vararg
local sym
sym db text,0
exitm <offset sym>
msrs label dword
dd 10h
dd 1Bh
dd 0e7h,0e8h
dd 0feh
dd 174h,175h,176h
dd 179h,17ah,17bh
dd 1D9h
dd 1DBh,1DCh,1DDh,1DEh
dd 200h,201h,202h,203h
dd 204h,205h,206h,207h
dd 208h,209h,20ah,20bh
dd 20ch,20dh,20eh,20fh
dd 250h,258h,259h
dd 268h,269h,26Ah,26bh
dd 26ch,26dh,26eh,26fh
dd 277h
dd 2ffh
dd 0C0000080h,0C0000081h,0C0000082h,0C0000083h,0C0000084h
dd 0C0000100h,0C0000101h,0C0000102h
dd 0C0001019h,0C000101Ah,0C000101Bh,0C0001027h ;DRX_ADDR_MASK
dd 0C0010010h ;SYSCFG
dd 0C001001Ah
dd 0C001001Bh
dd 0C0010030h, 0C0010031h, 0C0010032h
dd 0C0010033h, 0C0010034h, 0C0010035h
dd 0C0010111h, 0C0010112h, 0C0010113h ;SMBASE, SMM_ADDR, SMM_MASK
dd 0C0010114h, 0C0010115h, 0C0010116h ;VM_CR, IGNNE, SMM_CTL
dd 0C0010117h, 0C0010118h, 0C0010119h ;VM_HSAVE_PA, SVM_KEY_MSR, SMM_KEY_MSR
dd 0
names label word
dw DStr("TSC")
dw DStr("APIC Base Addr Register")
dw DStr("MPERF"), DStr("APERF")
dw DStr("MTRRCap")
dw DStr("SysEnterCS"),DStr("SysEnterESP"),DStr("SysEnterEIP")
dw DStr("MCG_Cap"),DStr("MCG_Status"),DStr("MCG_Ctl")
dw DStr("DebugCtl")
dw DStr("LastBranchFromIP"),DStr("LastBranchToIP"),DStr("LastIntFromIP"),DStr("LastIntToIP")
dw DStr("MtrrBase0"),DStr("MtrrMask0"),DStr("MtrrBase1"),DStr("MtrrMask1")
dw DStr("MtrrBase2"),DStr("MtrrMask2"),DStr("MtrrBase3"),DStr("MtrrMask3")
dw DStr("MtrrBase4"),DStr("MtrrMask4"),DStr("MtrrBase5"),DStr("MtrrMask5")
dw DStr("MtrrBase6"),DStr("MtrrMask6"),DStr("MtrrBase7"),DStr("MtrrMask8")
dw DStr("MtrrFix64k_00000"),DStr("MtrrFix16k_80000"),DStr("MtrrFix16k_A0000")
dw DStr("MtrrFix4k_C0000"),DStr("MtrrFix4k_C8000"),DStr("MtrrFix4k_D0000"),DStr("MtrrFix4k_D8000")
dw DStr("MtrrFix4k_E0000"),DStr("MtrrFix4k_E8000"),DStr("MtrrFix4k_F0000"),DStr("MtrrFix4k_F8000")
dw DStr("PAT")
dw DStr("MtrrdefType")
dw DStr("EFER"),DStr("STAR"),DStr("LSTAR"),DStr("CSTAR"),DStr("FMASK")
dw DStr("FSBase"),DStr("GSBase"),DStr("KrnlGSBase")
dw DStr("SYSCFG")
dw DStr("TOP_MEM")
dw DStr("TOP_MEM2")
dw DStr("CpuNameString"),DStr("CpuNameString"),DStr("CpuNameString")
dw DStr("CpuNameString"),DStr("CpuNameString"),DStr("CpuNameString")
dw DStr("SMBASE"),DStr("SMM_ADDR"), DStr("SMM_MASK")
dw DStr("VM_CR"),DStr("IGNNE"), DStr("SMM_CTL")
orgint0d dw offset exc0D,seg exc0D
wSP dw 0
assume ds:DGROUP
exc0D proc far
pop ax
pop dx
cmp ax,msrlbl
jz @F
invoke printf, CStr(<"Exc 0Dh occured, cs:ip=%X:%X, ecx=%lX",lf>),dx,ax,ecx
mov sp,wSP
jmp done
invoke printf, CStr(<"%lX(%s): undefined (access caused an Exc 0Dh)",lf>),ecx,bx
mov sp,wSP
jmp nextitem
exc0D endp
xchgint0d proc
push 0
pop es
mov eax,dword ptr [orgint0d]
xchg eax,es:[4*0Dh]
mov dword ptr orgint0d,eax
xchgint0d endp
main proc
mov wSP,sp
smsw ax
test al,1
jz @F
invoke printf,CStr(<"cannot run in V86 mode.",lf>)
jmp exit
call xchgint0d
mov si,offset msrs
mov di,offset names
and eax,eax
jz done
mov ecx,eax
xchg di,si
mov bx,ax
xchg di,si
invoke printf, CStr(<"%lX(%s): %08lX-%08lX",lf>),ecx,bx,edx,eax
jmp nextitem
call xchgint0d
main endp
push cs
pop ds
mov ax,ss
mov dx,cs
sub ax,dx
shl ax,4
push cs
pop ss
add sp,ax
call main
mov ax,4c00h
int 21h
end start
MS-DOS forever!
Complete thread:
- User exception handler in C - RayeR, 24.07.2020, 13:15 (Developers)
- User exception handler in C - Japheth, 24.07.2020, 18:07
- User exception handler in C - Rugxulo, 24.07.2020, 18:39
- User exception handler in C - tkchia, 24.07.2020, 20:47
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- User exception handler in C - tom, 30.07.2020, 23:54
- User exception handler in C - RayeR, 01.08.2020, 02:13
- User exception handler in C - Laaca, 16.08.2020, 21:27
- User exception handler in C - Laaca, 16.08.2020, 22:38
- User exception handler in C - Rugxulo, 17.08.2020, 22:35
- User exception handler in C - marcov, 18.08.2020, 12:23
- User exception handler in C - Laaca, 18.08.2020, 20:15
- User exception handler in C - Rugxulo, 19.08.2020, 19:44
- User exception handler in C - Laaca, 19.08.2020, 21:50
- User exception handler in C - Rugxulo, 23.08.2020, 17:32
- User exception handler in C - Japheth, 23.08.2020, 20:36
- User exception handler in C - Rugxulo, 23.08.2020, 17:32
- User exception handler in C - Laaca, 19.08.2020, 21:50
- User exception handler in C - Rugxulo, 19.08.2020, 19:44
- User exception handler in C - Laaca, 18.08.2020, 20:15
- User exception handler in C - marcov, 18.08.2020, 12:23
- User exception handler in C - Rugxulo, 17.08.2020, 22:35
- User exception handler in C - Rugxulo, 17.08.2020, 22:26
- User exception handler in C - tkchia, 19.08.2020, 18:52
- User exception handler in C - marcov, 20.08.2020, 00:00
- User exception handler in C - Laaca, 20.08.2020, 15:31
- User exception handler in C - marcov, 20.08.2020, 00:00
- User exception handler in C - Laaca, 16.08.2020, 22:38
- User exception handler in C - Laaca, 16.08.2020, 21:27
- User exception handler in C - RayeR, 01.08.2020, 02:13
- User exception handler in C - tkchia, 31.07.2020, 19:36
- User exception handler in C - RayeR, 01.08.2020, 02:16
- User exception handler in C - tom, 30.07.2020, 23:54
- User exception handler in C - RayeR, 30.07.2020, 13:18
- User exception handler in C - Guti, 27.07.2020, 08:22