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non-DOS (yet): an interesting project for x86-64 (Miscellaneous)

posted by ecm Homepage E-mail, Düsseldorf, Germany, 21.01.2021, 18:24

> > So, the 'short answer' to my query is... "no"
> Well, I have been trying
> to get something going that can boot from an x86-64 UEFI environment and,
> maybe at some point, usefully run 16-bit code.
> It is still nowhere near complete though, partly because to do it properly
> I will need to understand ACPI, and the ACPI specification is more than
> 1,000 pages long.
> (Meanwhile, as the Cosmopolitan author reminds us,
> long
> mode is long.) :-D

What mode do you (intend to) use to run 16-bit code? SVM or VTX?



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