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non-DOS (yet): an interesting project for x86-64 (Miscellaneous)

posted by glennmcc Homepage E-mail, North Jackson, Ohio (USA), 25.01.2021, 03:30
(edited by glennmcc on 25.01.2021, 04:29)

> Hello glennmcc,
> > Also never said anything about a 32bit nor 64bit DOS which could
> > run existing 16bit or 32bit DOS programs. ;-)
> OK, so what exactly is the point of calling an OS "a 64-bit MS-DOS" when it
> cannot actually run any existing MS-DOS programs at any level
> whatsoever?
> OK, suppose someone creates a 64-bit OS and calls it "a 64-bit MS-DOS".
> How does one make existing MS-DOS software (or the source code thereof) run
> on this new "64-bit MS-DOS"? How exactly will the porting process be
> different from porting some existing MS-DOS program to, say, Solaris? Or
> to Windows? What exactly is it that will make this new OS "a 64-bit
> MS-DOS", and Solaris or Windows "definitely not a 64-bit MS-DOS"?
> The distinction you make between "a 64-bit MS-DOS" and "definitely not a
> 64-bit MS-DOS" sounds like a distinction without a difference. Words need
> to have some connection with reality in order to be meaningful.

_I_ never said ANYTHING about MS.

What _I_ asked and have continued to discuss is.. a 64bit DOS

I also have never suggested that a 64bit DOS should be able to run existing 16bit or 32bit programs.

Again, all I asked was....

Q: Has anyone ever even attempted to create an actual 64bit DOS kernel ?

Why did your brain automatically convert "DOS" into "MS-DOS" ???

Why not "DOS" into "DR-DOS" ?

Why not "DOS into "FreeDOS" ?

Why did it make any conversion whatsoever ?

Since so many millions upon millions seem to be unable to make the
distinction between DOS & MS-DOS...
the Micro$hit brainwashing seems to have been a complete success.

I my case... when I speak of booting my computers to DOS,
the DOS I am booting to since 1997 is OpenDOS v7.01

Before that it was DR-DOS v6.0 and before that DR-DOS v5.0

Every machine I have ever owned which came with MS-DOS already on it,
had it removed to be replaced by one of the above within just a few
minutes of being in my possession.

Had I known that asking one simple question could cause this much
controversy... I would not have asked it. ;-)



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