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The world is changing. [OT] (Miscellaneous)

posted by DosWorld, 03.03.2022, 05:24
(edited by DosWorld on 03.03.2022, 06:35)

> Hi, are you from Ukraine? What city?

Jsem z Kyjeva.

> I wish all good to your brave people who are defending own country. We,
> Czech people, have similar historical bad experience from 1938 - nazi
> Germany and 1968 - Russia and allied armies of Warszava pact so I can

When i live in Praha, i watch few films about 1968 (we have no info about it, imho this films must be translated for everybody). Few scene cant forget.
Imho looks like similar scenario. (Starts from capture airport near to Kladno -> airports Gostomel/Vasylkyv etc).

> I like your president,

Yes. Everybody like him - today he have 99.9999% support.
Clown by profession (in fact) is better leader then other professional politic %)
and may be best president in Ukraine for all time (or first normal president?).

> A raised flag for
> you

:-))) THANKS !!

PS: Many ukrainians use russian language as native, but nobody support russian. Please be patient.
PPS: I hope some cultural differences of migrants dont very disturb sweet CR.

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