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Power plants (Miscellaneous)

posted by mceric, Germany, 05.03.2022, 12:49

> We often see that there are huge flows from north to south Germany across CZ HV grid. To protect our HV grid from overload CEPS had to install special regulation HV transformers at borders...

That is indeed a policy problem, because the large HV power lines are traditionally owned by the same type of people who own the large fossil fuel power plants. So they are not motivated to pay for the upgrade of the high voltage grid and help other players including small, decentralized renewable energy collectors, to distribute their energy across Germany.

It may have gotten a bit "better" since we ended up to have the larger renewable energy plants being built and run by the SAME players after failing to support that upcoming economic sector with the original young companies: Years ago, politicians preferred the solar panels, converters and wind energy systems to be built as cheap as possible in any other country. As far as I remember, we have lost more jobs in the renewables compared to the peak years ago than there are left in the whole fossil energy.

So a power grid is probably one of the things which should be run by state owned and not by oligarchy owned companies.

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