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Announcement: lDebug release 4 (Announce)

posted by ecm Homepage E-mail, Düsseldorf, Germany, 08.03.2022, 16:23

(Copied from the announcement to the freedos-user mailing list.)

Hello list,

today I finished release 4 of my libre 86 DOS debugger called lDebug [1].

This release fixes several bugs, including several in the interactive enter mode (E command), one of which was reported in January to the original Debug/X project [2]. (lDebug is a fork originally based on FreeDOS Debug/X version 1.13 of 2008-02-27.) A major new feature is that the DI command (Dump Interrupt handler) now allows to follow downlinks of IBM Interrupt Sharing Protocol (IISP, [3]) headers, and can optionally also walk all Alternate Multiplex Interrupt Specification (AMIS, [4]) multiplexers' interrupt lists to find and identify handlers belonging to an interrupt's handler chain.

The entire news are listed in the manual, available in the release archives as well as on the web [5]. As usual, there are a tarball (lzip-compressed), a zip file, and a FreeDOS package zip file available in the lDebug download subdirectories on the server I use [6]. Additionally, there are now "current" release zipfiles available on the server. They are automatically updated daily, if changes were committed to the hg repo. There's for the debugger proper [7] and for the debuggable build of the debugger [8]. (You only want to use the debuggable build if you intend to debug the debugger itself.)





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