Power plants (Miscellaneous)
> Hello RayeR, hello mceric,
> > I know that building nuclerar power plants was delayed on many places
> and
> > price has incerased but everything growed up due to inflation, also
> price
> > of electricity has increased and noone can guess for next 10 years. In
> our
> > case it's easier that we will not build a new plant on a green field but
> > just add reactor blocks to existing infrasteucture.
> Hmm... I am having this mental picture of a scene where a certain leader in
> the East is threatening to cut off gas and oil supplies, and people in the
> West still cannot quite decide whether to build more nuclear plants or more
> wind turbines (or both)...
Indeed! Note that the UK example actually DOES describe the case where "only" a reactor block has to be added. Still that only worked out financially after the government offered to pay far above normal prices for electricity, which at some point were so low that even coal and gas were not making much profit any more.
At the same time, Germany has been focusing for years to "rescue" the fossil industry, which caused the loss of several 100 000 renewable jobs which apparently have less lobby power. We just left that sector to China and other countries which can build turbines and photovoltaics at the lowest prices.
Either way, discussing about what to do indeed is one of the less effective ways of getting it done. I remember a public discussion event 10 years ago in the Netherlands where some activists from the "other" side seriously suggested to wait until we "soon" have safe fusion power so we could avoid having "ugly" turbines and solar panels standing around in the meantime.
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Complete thread:
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 05:37
- The world is changing. [OT] - glennmcc, 24.02.2022, 05:46
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 06:01
- The world is changing. [OT] - mceric, 24.02.2022, 10:29
- The world is changing. [OT] - tom, 24.02.2022, 11:28
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- The world is changing. [OT] - RayeR, 04.03.2022, 03:35
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- The world is changing. [OT] - RayeR, 16.03.2022, 23:06
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- The world is changing. [OT] - RayeR, 04.03.2022, 03:35
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- The world is changing. [OT] - RayeR, 05.03.2022, 04:39
- The world is changing. [OT] - RayeR, 03.03.2022, 02:49
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 18:45
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 16:33
- The world is changing. [OT] - mceric, 24.02.2022, 10:29
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 06:01
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- Power plants - RayeR, 04.03.2022, 02:56
- Power plants - mceric, 04.03.2022, 09:42
- Power plants - glennmcc, 04.03.2022, 22:23
- Power plants - RayeR, 05.03.2022, 04:13
- Power plants - mceric, 05.03.2022, 12:49
- Power plants - mceric, 06.03.2022, 13:47
- Power plants - RayeR, 16.03.2022, 23:32
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- Power plants - mceric, 26.03.2022, 11:14
- Power plants - glennmcc, 27.03.2022, 05:22
- Power plants - mceric, 30.03.2022, 09:17
- Power plants - RayeR, 30.03.2022, 17:16
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- Power plants - RayeR, 01.04.2022, 04:37
- Power plants - RayeR, 30.03.2022, 17:16
- Power plants - mceric, 30.03.2022, 09:17
- Power plants - tkchia, 27.03.2022, 09:25
- Power plants - glennmcc, 27.03.2022, 05:22
- Power plants - mceric, 26.03.2022, 11:14
- Power plants - tkchia, 26.03.2022, 07:14
- Power plants - RayeR, 16.03.2022, 23:32
- Power plants - mceric, 06.03.2022, 13:47
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- Power plants - mceric, 15.03.2022, 20:54
- Power plants - Japheth, 15.03.2022, 21:11
- Power plants - glennmcc, 15.03.2022, 23:03
- Power plants - rr, 16.03.2022, 09:32
- Power plants - mceric, 15.03.2022, 20:54
- Power plants - mceric, 05.03.2022, 12:49
- Power plants - mceric, 04.03.2022, 09:42
- Power plants - mceric, 03.03.2022, 08:48
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 26.03.2022, 05:51
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 07.04.2022, 10:39
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 07.04.2022, 13:12
- The world is changing. - rr, 07.04.2022, 19:01
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- The world is changing. - tkchia, 08.05.2022, 16:59
- The world is changing. - mceric, 08.05.2022, 18:03
- The world is changing. - Japheth, 09.05.2022, 13:07
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- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 16:59
- The world is changing. - rr, 10.05.2022, 17:22
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- The world is changing. - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 18:36
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- The world is changing. - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 19:51
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 19:27
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 19:02
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 18:46
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 18:36
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 18:25
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 18:25
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- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 21:06
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - mceric, 10.05.2022, 21:46
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 23:06
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - mceric, 10.05.2022, 21:46
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- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - DosWorld, 16.06.2022, 14:23
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- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - DosWorld, 16.06.2022, 19:42
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 16.06.2022, 18:52
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - Japheth, 17.06.2022, 07:49
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 17.06.2022, 11:22
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - Japheth, 17.06.2022, 17:18
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 17.06.2022, 11:22
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - Japheth, 17.06.2022, 07:49
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 16.06.2022, 19:11
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - DosWorld, 16.06.2022, 20:07
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - mceric, 16.06.2022, 17:44
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - DosWorld, 16.06.2022, 14:23
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 21:06
- The world is changing. - rr, 10.05.2022, 17:22
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 16:59
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- The world is changing. - tkchia, 09.05.2022, 19:37
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 09.05.2022, 19:50
- The world is changing. - mceric, 09.05.2022, 20:47
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 09.05.2022, 21:21
- The world is changing. - mceric, 09.05.2022, 22:37
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 09.05.2022, 21:21
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 09.05.2022, 19:37
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 09.05.2022, 18:54
- The world is changing. - Khusraw, 09.05.2022, 14:42
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 08.05.2022, 13:57
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 11.04.2022, 14:45
- The world is changing. - rr, 07.04.2022, 19:01
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 07.04.2022, 13:12
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- The world is changing. - kerravon, 14.12.2022, 03:10
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 15.12.2022, 19:07
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 15.12.2022, 21:03
- The world is changing. - kerravon, 16.12.2022, 03:50
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 16.12.2022, 13:40
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 16.12.2022, 23:55
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 20.12.2022, 01:28
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 20.12.2022, 21:10
- The world is changing. - kerravon, 26.12.2022, 05:34
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- The world is changing. - rr, 18.01.2023, 08:55
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 18.01.2023, 03:30
- The world is changing. - kerravon, 26.12.2022, 05:34
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 20.12.2022, 21:10
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 16.12.2022, 13:40
- The world is changing. - kerravon, 16.12.2022, 03:50
- The world is changing. - kerravon, 14.12.2022, 03:10
- The world is changing. [OT] - glennmcc, 24.02.2022, 05:46