Power plants (Miscellaneous)
> > Hello RayeR, hello mceric,
> >
> > > I know that building nuclerar power plants was delayed on many places
> > and
> > > price has incerased but everything growed up due to inflation, also
> > price
> > > of electricity has increased and noone can guess for next 10 years. In
> > our
> > > case it's easier that we will not build a new plant on a green field
> but
> > > just add reactor blocks to existing infrasteucture.
> >
> > Hmm... I am having this mental picture of a scene where a certain leader
> in
> > the East is threatening to cut off gas and oil supplies, and people in
> the
> > West still cannot quite decide whether to build more nuclear plants or
> more
> > wind turbines (or both)...
> Indeed! Note that the UK example actually DOES describe the case where
> "only" a reactor block has to be added. Still that only worked out
> financially after the government offered to pay far above normal prices for
> electricity, which at some point were so low that even coal and gas were
> not making much profit any more.
> At the same time, Germany has been focusing for years to "rescue" the
> fossil industry, which caused the loss of several 100 000 renewable jobs
> which apparently have less lobby power. We just left that sector to China
> and other countries which can build turbines and photovoltaics at the
> lowest prices.
> Either way, discussing about what to do indeed is one of the less effective
> ways of getting it done. I remember a public discussion event 10 years ago
> in the Netherlands where some activists from the "other" side seriously
> suggested to wait until we "soon" have safe fusion power so we could avoid
> having "ugly" turbines and solar panels standing around in the meantime.
Yep.... "government officials" in every country talk, talk, talk and talk some more.
But, never seem to actually _DO_ much of anything that amounts to much. :(

Complete thread:
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 05:37
- The world is changing. [OT] - glennmcc, 24.02.2022, 05:46
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 06:01
- The world is changing. [OT] - mceric, 24.02.2022, 10:29
- The world is changing. [OT] - tom, 24.02.2022, 11:28
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 14:45
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 16:33
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- The world is changing. [OT] - RayeR, 03.03.2022, 02:49
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 03.03.2022, 05:24
- The world is changing. [OT] - RayeR, 04.03.2022, 03:35
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- The world is changing. [OT] - RayeR, 16.03.2022, 23:06
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 10.03.2022, 03:20
- The world is changing. [OT] - RayeR, 04.03.2022, 03:35
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 03.03.2022, 05:24
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 04.03.2022, 01:43
- The world is changing. [OT] - RayeR, 05.03.2022, 04:39
- The world is changing. [OT] - RayeR, 03.03.2022, 02:49
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 18:45
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 16:33
- The world is changing. [OT] - mceric, 24.02.2022, 10:29
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 06:01
- Power plants - RayeR, 03.03.2022, 02:26
- Power plants - mceric, 03.03.2022, 08:48
- Power plants - rr, 03.03.2022, 13:40
- Power plants - RayeR, 04.03.2022, 02:56
- Power plants - mceric, 04.03.2022, 09:42
- Power plants - glennmcc, 04.03.2022, 22:23
- Power plants - RayeR, 05.03.2022, 04:13
- Power plants - mceric, 05.03.2022, 12:49
- Power plants - mceric, 06.03.2022, 13:47
- Power plants - RayeR, 16.03.2022, 23:32
- Power plants - tkchia, 26.03.2022, 07:14
- Power plants - mceric, 26.03.2022, 11:14
- Power plants - glennmcc, 27.03.2022, 05:22
- Power plants - mceric, 30.03.2022, 09:17
- Power plants - RayeR, 30.03.2022, 17:16
- Power plants - RayeR, 01.04.2022, 04:37
- Power plants - rr, 01.04.2022, 07:18
- Power plants - RayeR, 01.04.2022, 04:37
- Power plants - RayeR, 30.03.2022, 17:16
- Power plants - mceric, 30.03.2022, 09:17
- Power plants - tkchia, 27.03.2022, 09:25
- Power plants - glennmcc, 27.03.2022, 05:22
- Power plants - mceric, 26.03.2022, 11:14
- Power plants - tkchia, 26.03.2022, 07:14
- Power plants - RayeR, 16.03.2022, 23:32
- Power plants - mceric, 06.03.2022, 13:47
- Power plants - Japheth, 15.03.2022, 11:34
- Power plants - mceric, 15.03.2022, 20:54
- Power plants - Japheth, 15.03.2022, 21:11
- Power plants - glennmcc, 15.03.2022, 23:03
- Power plants - rr, 16.03.2022, 09:32
- Power plants - mceric, 15.03.2022, 20:54
- Power plants - mceric, 05.03.2022, 12:49
- Power plants - mceric, 04.03.2022, 09:42
- Power plants - mceric, 03.03.2022, 08:48
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 26.03.2022, 05:51
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 07.04.2022, 10:39
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 07.04.2022, 13:12
- The world is changing. - rr, 07.04.2022, 19:01
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 11.04.2022, 14:45
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 08.05.2022, 13:57
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 08.05.2022, 16:59
- The world is changing. - mceric, 08.05.2022, 18:03
- The world is changing. - Japheth, 09.05.2022, 13:07
- The world is changing. - Khusraw, 09.05.2022, 14:42
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 16:59
- The world is changing. - rr, 10.05.2022, 17:22
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 18:25
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 18:36
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 18:46
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 19:02
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 19:27
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 19:51
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 20:19
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 19:51
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 19:27
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 19:02
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 18:46
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 18:36
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 18:25
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 18:25
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - mceric, 10.05.2022, 20:20
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 21:06
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - mceric, 10.05.2022, 21:46
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 23:06
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - mceric, 10.05.2022, 21:46
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - Japheth, 11.05.2022, 08:48
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - DosWorld, 11.05.2022, 22:20
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - DosWorld, 16.06.2022, 14:23
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - mceric, 16.06.2022, 17:44
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - DosWorld, 16.06.2022, 19:42
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 16.06.2022, 18:52
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - Japheth, 17.06.2022, 07:49
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 17.06.2022, 11:22
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - Japheth, 17.06.2022, 17:18
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 17.06.2022, 11:22
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - Japheth, 17.06.2022, 07:49
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 16.06.2022, 19:11
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - DosWorld, 16.06.2022, 20:07
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - mceric, 16.06.2022, 17:44
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - DosWorld, 16.06.2022, 14:23
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 21:06
- The world is changing. - rr, 10.05.2022, 17:22
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 16:59
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 09.05.2022, 18:52
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 09.05.2022, 19:37
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 09.05.2022, 19:50
- The world is changing. - mceric, 09.05.2022, 20:47
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 09.05.2022, 21:21
- The world is changing. - mceric, 09.05.2022, 22:37
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 09.05.2022, 21:21
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 09.05.2022, 19:37
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 09.05.2022, 18:54
- The world is changing. - Khusraw, 09.05.2022, 14:42
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 08.05.2022, 13:57
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 11.04.2022, 14:45
- The world is changing. - rr, 07.04.2022, 19:01
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 07.04.2022, 13:12
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 07.10.2022, 22:10
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 12.11.2022, 11:01
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 15.11.2022, 22:05
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 14.12.2022, 01:33
- The world is changing. - kerravon, 14.12.2022, 03:10
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 15.12.2022, 19:07
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 15.12.2022, 21:03
- The world is changing. - kerravon, 16.12.2022, 03:50
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 16.12.2022, 13:40
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 16.12.2022, 23:55
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 20.12.2022, 01:28
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 20.12.2022, 21:10
- The world is changing. - kerravon, 26.12.2022, 05:34
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 18.01.2023, 03:30
- The world is changing. - rr, 18.01.2023, 08:55
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 18.01.2023, 03:30
- The world is changing. - kerravon, 26.12.2022, 05:34
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 20.12.2022, 21:10
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 16.12.2022, 13:40
- The world is changing. - kerravon, 16.12.2022, 03:50
- The world is changing. - kerravon, 14.12.2022, 03:10
- The world is changing. [OT] - glennmcc, 24.02.2022, 05:46