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The world is changing. (Miscellaneous)

posted by tkchia Homepage, 09.05.2022, 19:37

Hello DosWorld,

> Now, we have (in UA) situation near to ideal for mass pandemic. Questions:
> Where are the stadiums filled with infected corpses? Where are the
> statistics with millions of deaths?

I am pretty sure you can find the answers to these questions if you just look in the right places...

In short: apparently Poland still sees about 1,000 to 2,000 new coronavirus cases, and up to about 64 deaths from the coronavirus, every day (as of April). And Ukraine was seeing about 29,000 to 44,000 new cases including 100 to 310 deaths every day, at least up to 18 February, but apparently they could not (?) keep track of this stuff once the invasion began.

So there you go.

Thank you!

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