The world is changing. (Miscellaneous)
> > > PPS: Why Greta Thunberg keep silince?
> > > i hear nothing about COVID from 24 feb.
> >
> > You shouldn't "fear" that the rats have left the sinking ship...
> >
> > This COVID thing has shown once more that people rather believe
> "a big lie than a small one".
> >
> > And this war - well, I guess they welcome the opportunity to blame Mr.
> > Putin for the quickly approaching crash of the Euro...
> Great post! I was ready to write something similar. Anyway, perhaps you
> know the quote, no matter who said it: “You can fool all the people some
> of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all
> the people all the time.”
Thank you both for saying what I have been saying for over 2years now.
(namely, that this whole Covid-19 situation has been a HUGE lie)
260) Sat, 2020-04-11 - 09:58:37 (GMT-0500)
This experiment being run by the worlds governments to see just
how difficult it would be to create a worldwide panic and seize
virtual total control has been a total success for them because
it has shown just how EASY it has been.
And Steve, you were correct in your statement the other day.
This experiment has shown that next time it will be even easier to
seize even greater control via the use of an even less threatening method.

Complete thread:
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 05:37
- The world is changing. [OT] - glennmcc, 24.02.2022, 05:46
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 06:01
- The world is changing. [OT] - mceric, 24.02.2022, 10:29
- The world is changing. [OT] - tom, 24.02.2022, 11:28
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 14:45
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 16:33
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 18:45
- The world is changing. [OT] - RayeR, 03.03.2022, 02:49
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 03.03.2022, 05:24
- The world is changing. [OT] - RayeR, 04.03.2022, 03:35
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 10.03.2022, 03:20
- The world is changing. [OT] - RayeR, 16.03.2022, 23:06
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 10.03.2022, 03:20
- The world is changing. [OT] - RayeR, 04.03.2022, 03:35
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 03.03.2022, 05:24
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 04.03.2022, 01:43
- The world is changing. [OT] - RayeR, 05.03.2022, 04:39
- The world is changing. [OT] - RayeR, 03.03.2022, 02:49
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 18:45
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 16:33
- The world is changing. [OT] - mceric, 24.02.2022, 10:29
- The world is changing. [OT] - DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 06:01
- Power plants - RayeR, 03.03.2022, 02:26
- Power plants - mceric, 03.03.2022, 08:48
- Power plants - rr, 03.03.2022, 13:40
- Power plants - RayeR, 04.03.2022, 02:56
- Power plants - mceric, 04.03.2022, 09:42
- Power plants - glennmcc, 04.03.2022, 22:23
- Power plants - RayeR, 05.03.2022, 04:13
- Power plants - mceric, 05.03.2022, 12:49
- Power plants - mceric, 06.03.2022, 13:47
- Power plants - RayeR, 16.03.2022, 23:32
- Power plants - tkchia, 26.03.2022, 07:14
- Power plants - mceric, 26.03.2022, 11:14
- Power plants - glennmcc, 27.03.2022, 05:22
- Power plants - mceric, 30.03.2022, 09:17
- Power plants - RayeR, 30.03.2022, 17:16
- Power plants - RayeR, 01.04.2022, 04:37
- Power plants - rr, 01.04.2022, 07:18
- Power plants - RayeR, 01.04.2022, 04:37
- Power plants - RayeR, 30.03.2022, 17:16
- Power plants - mceric, 30.03.2022, 09:17
- Power plants - tkchia, 27.03.2022, 09:25
- Power plants - glennmcc, 27.03.2022, 05:22
- Power plants - mceric, 26.03.2022, 11:14
- Power plants - tkchia, 26.03.2022, 07:14
- Power plants - RayeR, 16.03.2022, 23:32
- Power plants - mceric, 06.03.2022, 13:47
- Power plants - Japheth, 15.03.2022, 11:34
- Power plants - mceric, 15.03.2022, 20:54
- Power plants - Japheth, 15.03.2022, 21:11
- Power plants - glennmcc, 15.03.2022, 23:03
- Power plants - rr, 16.03.2022, 09:32
- Power plants - mceric, 15.03.2022, 20:54
- Power plants - mceric, 05.03.2022, 12:49
- Power plants - mceric, 04.03.2022, 09:42
- Power plants - mceric, 03.03.2022, 08:48
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 26.03.2022, 05:51
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 07.04.2022, 10:39
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 07.04.2022, 13:12
- The world is changing. - rr, 07.04.2022, 19:01
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 11.04.2022, 14:45
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 08.05.2022, 13:57
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 08.05.2022, 16:59
- The world is changing. - mceric, 08.05.2022, 18:03
- The world is changing. - Japheth, 09.05.2022, 13:07
- The world is changing. - Khusraw, 09.05.2022, 14:42
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 16:59
- The world is changing. - rr, 10.05.2022, 17:22
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 18:25
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 18:36
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 18:46
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 19:02
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 19:27
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 19:51
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 20:19
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 19:51
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 19:27
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 19:02
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 18:46
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 18:36
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 18:25
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 18:25
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - mceric, 10.05.2022, 20:20
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 21:06
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - mceric, 10.05.2022, 21:46
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 23:06
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - mceric, 10.05.2022, 21:46
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - Japheth, 11.05.2022, 08:48
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - DosWorld, 11.05.2022, 22:20
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - DosWorld, 16.06.2022, 14:23
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - mceric, 16.06.2022, 17:44
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - DosWorld, 16.06.2022, 19:42
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 16.06.2022, 18:52
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - Japheth, 17.06.2022, 07:49
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 17.06.2022, 11:22
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - Japheth, 17.06.2022, 17:18
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 17.06.2022, 11:22
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - Japheth, 17.06.2022, 07:49
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 16.06.2022, 19:11
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - DosWorld, 16.06.2022, 20:07
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - mceric, 16.06.2022, 17:44
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - DosWorld, 16.06.2022, 14:23
- The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes - tkchia, 10.05.2022, 21:06
- The world is changing. - rr, 10.05.2022, 17:22
- The world is changing. - glennmcc, 10.05.2022, 16:59
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 09.05.2022, 18:52
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 09.05.2022, 19:37
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 09.05.2022, 19:50
- The world is changing. - mceric, 09.05.2022, 20:47
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 09.05.2022, 21:21
- The world is changing. - mceric, 09.05.2022, 22:37
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 09.05.2022, 21:21
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 09.05.2022, 19:37
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 09.05.2022, 18:54
- The world is changing. - Khusraw, 09.05.2022, 14:42
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 08.05.2022, 13:57
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 11.04.2022, 14:45
- The world is changing. - rr, 07.04.2022, 19:01
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 07.04.2022, 13:12
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 07.10.2022, 22:10
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 12.11.2022, 11:01
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 15.11.2022, 22:05
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 14.12.2022, 01:33
- The world is changing. - kerravon, 14.12.2022, 03:10
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 15.12.2022, 19:07
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 15.12.2022, 21:03
- The world is changing. - kerravon, 16.12.2022, 03:50
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 16.12.2022, 13:40
- The world is changing. - tkchia, 16.12.2022, 23:55
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 20.12.2022, 01:28
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 20.12.2022, 21:10
- The world is changing. - kerravon, 26.12.2022, 05:34
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 18.01.2023, 03:30
- The world is changing. - rr, 18.01.2023, 08:55
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 18.01.2023, 03:30
- The world is changing. - kerravon, 26.12.2022, 05:34
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 20.12.2022, 21:10
- The world is changing. - DosWorld, 16.12.2022, 13:40
- The world is changing. - kerravon, 16.12.2022, 03:50
- The world is changing. - kerravon, 14.12.2022, 03:10
- The world is changing. [OT] - glennmcc, 24.02.2022, 05:46