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The world is changing. (Miscellaneous)

posted by glennmcc Homepage E-mail, North Jackson, Ohio (USA), 10.05.2022, 18:25

> > Thank you both for saying what I have been saying for over 2years now.
> > (namely, that this whole Covid-19 situation has been a HUGE lie)
> I'm glad to know so many smart people, who get the trick.
> > This experiment being run by the worlds governments to see just
> > how difficult it would be to create a worldwide panic and seize
> > virtual total control has been a total success for them because
> > it has shown just how EASY it has been.
> Do you really believe, that "the worlds governments" would not split over
> such a plan? That would have been the first time in history.

Some of the 'small/less powerful' goverments did not "fall in line".

The 'large/powerful' ones collaborated with each other and took
virtual total control of virtually the entire world's population
with mandated quarantines, social distancing, wearing of masks,
shutting-down businesses, arresting and jailing those who violated
the mandates... etc...etc...

I wrote this almost a year ago...

And this one December 26, 2020...


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