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The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes (Miscellaneous)

posted by DosWorld, 11.05.2022, 22:20
(edited by DosWorld on 11.05.2022, 22:48)

> So you say that China, Russia, all western countries etc. have been
> secretly working together against THEMSELVES? Because of... sadism?
> If there is a secret world government, then why does it not simply stop
> wars by stopping to fight with itself?

Because they are not fighting against themselves, but against each other.

Did you know that the England-Saxon elites want to enslave Russia?

PS: Sorry, i can't stop kidding, when hear "world government" (russian propaganda based on this) or "Nazi's secret bases in Antarctica". :-D I am stop see russsian-spoken youtube (excluding few persons), bacause overloaded of conspiracy theories madness, last 2-4 years.
PPS: But it not mean: world government and secret bases does not exists. :-D

PPPS: American's artillery (M777A2) in UA, now: (thanks!)

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