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The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes (Miscellaneous)

posted by tkchia Homepage, 16.06.2022, 18:52

Hello DosWorld,

> When will politicians be kicked out for fighting global warming? (and other
> invented problems) They are more afraid of global warming than a rocket
> fire in Europe (right now I hear a rocket launch warning from the street).

Is there a law of physics saying that there can only be one major problem in the world at any time? I do not think Newton or Einstein ever discovered such a physical law.

Global warming is a problem. Rockets raining down on Ukraine are also a problem. Covid-19 is a problem. Heck, people drinking "milk" that is not actually milk ... is also a problem.

These are all problems. Just because my brain may not be able to handle more than one problem at once, it does not mean that the world will somehow alter itself to fit my brain — no siree. A good leader recognizes all the problems as they are, juggles them as best as they can, and places competent people in the right places to solve and manage all these problems.

Thank you!

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