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The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes (Miscellaneous)

posted by DosWorld, 16.06.2022, 20:07
(edited by DosWorld on 16.06.2022, 23:40)

> OK, I kind of admire the sentiment, but I do not for a moment believe in
> the "good guy with gun stops bad guy with gun" mantra.

Yes, this philosophy limitedly - works, until moment when bad guys came and you two choice:

1. die
2. die with a rifle (or fork, if have no gun) in a hand. No matter how good you shoot.

After that, the problem of moral choice (or "what i should to do") does not exist.
All stays clear and simple - just need kill.

Also, here is a misstake - woman can scream on 15km distance, before shooting. I hear full night.

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