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DosBox on Chromebook (Miscellaneous)

posted by DosWorld, 16.09.2022, 00:49
(edited by DosWorld on 16.09.2022, 01:13)

I'll share my first impression.

DosBox from ChomeWeb Store - Crap. (Filesystem restriction) Can be used for "time to time play a games". When you need active file exchange with "dosbox in a jail" -> cause hell for you.

Solution, which looks like work:
1. Go to Dev mode (this step will CLEAR ALL YOUR DATA)
2. Try escape to linux.
2.1 Via built-in linux support (my device have NO)
2.2 or via crouton (my way).

As result i receive second OS - sort of ubuntu with lxde and can install dosbox. Ubuntu have too small memory, but enough to run chrome (again??) with few pages, dosbox and git. Fn keys is mapped in right way.

Imho, like all my tasks (for this device) is solved. Not so bad, for laptop which is two time cheapest then calculator. :-D

So, life is exists with chromeos. Anyway, if you try repeat and fail - your child will be happy.:-D

PS: This is way of "lazy man", so i don't receive true dos and keep internet access.

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