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DOS tool to convert letters in text file to upper/lowercase. (Miscellaneous)

posted by rr Homepage E-mail, Berlin, Germany, 30.10.2022, 11:38

> Actually, it doesn't depend on the Language or Country but rather the Code
> Page. Ä is the upper-case of ä no matter what language you're using.
> The relationships between languages, keyboard layouts, and countries are
> very confusing and not at all straightforward.

That's why I used that simplification.
Yes, "Ä is the upper-case of ä", but it doesn't matter, if you write in, e.g., English or the Cyrillic alphabet.

> DOS has some internal functions to process case conversions (e.g., INT
> 2F.1213).

It even has a documented function: INT 21 - DOS 4.0+ - COUNTRY-DEPENDENT CHARACTER CAPITALIZATION

But I didn't find a tolower() function. My guess: If the user supplied, e.g., lowercase "bäh" on the command line, DOS/ had to look for files like BÄH.EXE or BÄH.BAT, because uppercase is how filenames are stored on (FAT) disks. There simply was no need for a tolower() function.

Oh, INT 21 - DOS 3.3+ - GET EXTENDED COUNTRY INFORMATION reads "03h (DOS 6.2+ COUNTRY.SYS) get pointer to lowercase table".

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