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nuclear war (Miscellaneous)

posted by kerravon E-mail, Sydney, Free World South, 09.11.2022, 07:35

> > And that the only people who will still be able to
> > manufacture processors will be universities, and
> > they will only be able to do 8-bit computers, not
> > 16-bit.
> >
> > So there will be a time delay before new 16-bit
> > computers become available.
> >
> > In addition, the 16-bit computers, when available,
> > may or may not go through the same historical
> > process, ie segmentation. It can't be ruled out.
> >
> > So, DOS really may be "ain't dead".
> >
> > As such, if anyone else has nothing better to do,
> > let's standardize 16-bit segmentation computing.
> >
> > It doesn't necessarily need to be 8086.
> Although I think it's unlikely, I really don't hate 8086 and think there
> are plenty of good compilers for it.
> But it's more likely they would reproduce RISC-V, Motorola 68k, or
> SH2.

I'm not saying you're wrong.

What I'm saying is that segmentation can't be ruled out.

And it may go via that route for the same reason the 8086 went through that route - to maintain compatibility with an 8-bit CPU that is currently in active use running an OS like CP/M.

In fact, after sorting out the standards for an MSDOS-like OS designed to run on 16:16 (with an eye to 32-bit flat), we should probably standardize on a proposal for 8-bit CPUs, to prepare for the 16:16.

Note that there was a bridge from MSDOS 1.0 to MSDOS 2.0. MSDOS 2.0 introduced a radical new API.

I personally haven't traditionally concerned myself with bridges.

But I do note that when people didn't have proper bridges (68000, OS/2, Itanium), they tended to fail.

As much as people turn their noses up at 8086 segmentation and point to the 68000, that's not what happens in real life.

Note that in real life I predicted that the Amiga was going to replace the PC because it was much better, and I personally made sure my C90-compliant programs ran on both MSDOS and the Amiga (I owned both).

But my personal philosophy, and my personal prediction, turned out to be total flops when it comes to what meatbags do.

Oh, I ran OS/2 2.0 for quite a while too, getting software to run on that. :-)


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