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nuclear war (Miscellaneous)

posted by kerravon E-mail, Sydney, Free World South, 09.11.2022, 23:25

> > My question is - if it is a long time, and 16-bit segmented architecture
> > ends up being a thing, yet again, what do you suggest?
> Do what i already do daily now. Keep on programming Microchip dspic33<x>
> :-) It is a segmented 16-bit Harvard architecture.
> Anyway, the whole scenario is so absurd and with so many variables, that an
> answer to a 16-bit x86 only world would be likewise absurd.

It may not be x86, it may be 16-bit segmented with
a different instruction set.

> Either some production capacity is saved,

I'm specifically talking about the situation where
no production capacity is saved, it was deliberately
wiped out to prevent any country having a competitive
advantage in recovery.

> or Einstein was right and the WW
> IV will be fought with sticks and stones.

I don't know how you can possibly predict the future
with such accuracy that those are the only 2

Regardless, even if your crystal ball is so accurate,
I would then like to answer a hypothetical question.

What is an appropriate standard for a world, unlike
the guaranteed real world with only 2 choices, where
16:16 segmentation becomes a thing again.

> But suddenly an architecture that is convoluted and not in active
> production is resurrected again ? Nonsense.

It won't immediately be resurrected. Like I said, when
only universities (outside industrial cities) have the
ability to fabricate chips, and they are only capable
of fabricating 8-bit CPUs, it is 8-bit that will be
active production.

I don't know how long it will take to reach 16:16.

I just want to be ready for when it does. Even if
that is 5000 years.

I want to have the standards documented and code
written to that standard for people 5000 years from
now. I'll probably try to get my code punched on to
plastic cards to be machine-readable as well as on
commercially-produced CDROM and paper printout, and
a bare minimum guide on some piece of metal or
something like that.

> More likely the ability to bring new designs in production is damaged, and
> they can only keep the production setup they have now. ..... non of which
> are 16-bit only x86.

I'm not making any claim on what is "more likely".

Even if it is "less likely", or even if you can
guarantee it is non-existent, I'm interested in
the scenario where there is 16-bit x86 or even
16-bit some other instruction set (because you
don't know, that's why you need C90).

Or if you like, the same question another way -
what would have been a good standard to have in
the 1980s, to complement C90, to provide people
with more options than just MSDOS and 8086?

And specifically, what needed to exist so that the
Amiga would be a viable replacement for businesses
struggling with a 640k memory limit?

It may not be just language standardization, but
also build mechanisms that needed to exist, or
even culture changes.

But language standardization should be one of those
things, which would have at least made sure that
perfectly valid Amiga code was sitting there, and
just needed to be recompiled for the 68000 and
voila, decent business software.

BFN. Paul.


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