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nuclear war (Miscellaneous)

posted by tkchia Homepage, 10.11.2022, 17:51
(edited by tkchia on 10.11.2022, 18:41)

Hello kerravon,

> I started programming in assembly with the
> Commodore 64 in 1984. Not a proper assembler -
> the equivalent of MSDOS "debug".

OK — now try to get a self-hosted C compiler working on that.

> > With all due respect, methinks you know not whereof you speak.
> What I'm interested in is what to do if/when technology
> reaches a 16:16 stage.

Well, yes, if we end up in some universe where your idea might make sense, then ... your idea might actually make sense. Yes, yes, if you put it that way, Mr. Captain Obvious Tautology.

The real question here is why you think there might be a snail's chance that your idea may make any sense. Because, you know, disasters have a way of not going according to our expectations or wishes. And that is partly what makes them disasters.

And nowhere do you explain
- why this "standardization" is so important in a post-nuclear world
- why your proposed standards are any good
- or why existing standards or existing practices somehow fall short.

On a somewhat unrelated tangent:

> And you can add to that the fact that depending
> on how you count, we've already had World War 3
> (2 hot, 1 cold), won in our favor already. And

Well, that certainly looks like a view of history straight out of the "Project for the New American Empire Century". It is easy to wax lyrical about how "we" are on the "winning" side — whatever that means — if "we" do not end up as collateral damage. And there was much needless collateral damage during the Cold War. But I digress.

Thank you!

--- · · 😴 "MOV AX,0D500H+CMOS_REG_D+NMI"


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