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nuclear war (Miscellaneous)

posted by kerravon E-mail, Sydney, Free World South, 12.11.2022, 07:11

> > > Well, the only thing I can say is that universities would simply make
> a
> > > linear 24 or 32-bit address space or use some other better addressing
> > > scheme to access 16+ quantities (e.g. by having wider addressing
> > > registers)
> >
> > Universities won't be doing anything other than
> > producing 8-bit CPUs. It will require industry
> > to be formed to produce 16-bit CPUs.
> Yeah, because universities do nothing but making 8-bit CPUs yet, and all
> industry only makes 16-bit+ CPUs (wouldn't be surprised that it is actually
> the other way around, no universities doing much with 8-bit now, and the
> industry still making them for washing machines and the like)

I think you misunderstood what I said.

If the nuclear powers deliberately take out the industrial
cities, which they may well do, no-one knows, the only
people CAPABLE of manufacturing new CPUs will be

But universities (today), don't have a reason (or ability)
to manufacture the latest greatest CPUs. They have
rudimentary capability. They can manage 8-bit CPUs.

So, under the right nuclear war circumstances, the
universities will be the centre of attraction in the
recovering computer industry, as they will be at the
forefront of the field.

It is unclear where and how fast we will progress from
the new world of only-new-8-bit-cpus.

It may or may not transition through a 16:16 segmentation
phase. No-one knows for sure, although some people here
seem to think they or someone they know has an infallible
crystal ball.

I don't subscribe to crystal ball theories and leave my
options open.

BFN. Paul.


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