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nuclear war (Miscellaneous)

posted by tkchia Homepage, 12.11.2022, 08:20

Hello kerravon,

> Yeah, some people like to pretend there was no winner
> of the Cold War. If the Soviets had actually managed
> to enslave the entire Europe, and you happened to be
> living in Western Europe when they kicked down your
> door, maybe you would understand the reality of what
> it's like to lose the Cold War.

I am pretty sure that people can still kick down doors with impunity in some parts of the world.

Which raises the question, or rather, several questions:
- So "we" supposedly "won" the Cold "War" — and this is, supposedly, a mightily good thing, because Karl Marx.
- So what precisely is this "war" about again? I thought it is about "they kick[ing] down your door", but this is still happening.
- At what point did "we" decide, the "war" was "won", and "mission accomplished"?
- And who exactly is this "we" anyway?

Since you are apparently very fond of asking for standards and definitions, perhaps you can try to provide some.

> > And nowhere do you explain
> > - why this "standardization" is so important in a post-nuclear world
> I'm not particularly claiming that it is "important".
> I just want a standard to code to. POSIX doesn't cut it.

Well, to put it simply: that is your problem, not the world's problem.

Thank you!

--- · · 😴 "MOV AX,0D500H+CMOS_REG_D+NMI"


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