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nuclear war (Miscellaneous)

posted by kerravon E-mail, Sydney, Free World South, 12.11.2022, 08:43

> Hello kerravon,
> > Yeah, some people like to pretend there was no winner
> > of the Cold War. If the Soviets had actually managed
> > to enslave the entire Europe, and you happened to be
> > living in Western Europe when they kicked down your
> > door, maybe you would understand the reality of what
> > it's like to lose the Cold War.
> I am pretty sure that people can still kick down doors with impunity in
> some parts of the world.

Yes, but not in Western Europe, because we didn't
lose the Cold War, no matter how much you may like
to pretend that war is very vague with no winners
or losers to try to convince people that freedom
has no value and we shouldn't try to win wars and
be grateful to America (note that I'm not American).

> Which raises the question, or rather, several questions:
> - So "we" supposedly "won" the Cold "War" — and this is, supposedly, a
> mightily good thing, because Karl Marx.

Not supposedly. It really is.

"we" is the free world. There really is such a thing
as freedom, and it's not the communist definition
which was "living under a communist dictator".

> - So what precisely is this "war" about again? I thought it is about "they
> kick[ing] down your door", but this is still happening.

Not in Western Europe because of communism. If you
are unlucky enough to be a North Korean you can
have your door kicked down, and get raped at one
of Kim's parties if he chooses to do so too.

> - At what point did "we" decide, the "war" was "won", and "mission
> accomplished"?

When there was no longer a major player peddling
communism - in 1991.

It's not completely won while ever there is even
on single person saying that living under
communist dictatorship is no big deal.

> - And who exactly is this "we" anyway?
> Since you are apparently very fond of asking for standards and definitions,
> perhaps you can try to provide some.

The proper definition of "freedom" is "living under
a rational, humanist, non-subjugating government".

Other people define it as "not being a British
colony" (e.g. when white male land-owners were
allowed to vote in the US) or "not being a colony
of anyone" (e.g. most African dictatorships), or
"living under a communist dictator" (all communist

I suggest we standardize on my definition.

> > > And nowhere do you explain
> > > - why this "standardization" is so important in a post-nuclear world
> > I'm not particularly claiming that it is "important".
> > I just want a standard to code to. POSIX doesn't cut it.
> Well, to put it simply: that is your problem, not the world's
> problem.

I didn't claim it was the world's problem.

I asked for assistance in standardizing an API
suitable for small computers.

If I am the only person who actually wants that,
so be it. You have no way of proving that though,
now or in the future.

If you personally don't want to help, so be it too.

BFN. Paul.


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