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nuclear war (Miscellaneous)

posted by kerravon E-mail, Sydney, Free World South, 12.11.2022, 09:16

> Hello kerravon,
> > > I am pretty sure that people can still kick down doors with impunity
> in
> > > some parts of the world.
> > Yes, but not in Western Europe, because we didn't
> > lose the Cold War, no matter how much you may like
> > to pretend that war is very vague with no winners
> > or losers to try to convince people that freedom
> > has no value and we shouldn't try to win wars and
> > be grateful to America (note that I'm not American).
> OK:
> - So you are saying "we" is limited to Western Europe.

Nope, there's free people everywhere, like South Korea
and Taiwan.

> And perhaps parts
> of Oceania. Never mind the impact, good or bad, that this "winning" of
> "ours" has on the rest of the world. The important thing is that "we"
> "won", whatever that means.

It has a meaning, even if you like to pretend
it doesn't.

> Never mind anyone who is not "we".

They are also helped by not having communist
dictators harming humanity.

> - Also, I am sure people still kick down doors with impunity even in
> America. Actually I have heard that people can shoot people dead —
> without having to kick down doors — and do so with impunity. In America.
> Or maybe those cases do not count because we cannot blame them on Karl
> Marx?

Are you talking about people doing things illegally
or legally?

Of course crime exists everywhere in the world. When
you have a dictator, it's the government doing the
crime. You can't report their crimes to the police.

If Uday Hussein abducted you off an Iraqi street and
raped you, that's your bad luck. The police are on his
side. You were raped by your own government instead of
being protected by it. And men had their tongues cut
out, with genuine impunity. I can show you video of
Iraqi men having their tongues cut out if you'd like
to continue to insist that there is no concept of

If you have evidence of an American breaking American
law, please report him or her to the American police
and the free American media and let him or her face
American justice.

Note that courts don't always give you the ruling you
hoped for, but it's the best we know how to actually

Communist dictatorships are not the best we know how
to do.

> So again, what is it this Cold "War" about that "we" supposedly "won"?

Freedom from communist state-slavery.

> > > > I just want a standard to code to. POSIX doesn't cut it.
> > > Well, to put it simply: that is your problem, not the world's
> > > problem.
> > I didn't claim it was the world's problem.
> > I asked for assistance in standardizing an API
> > suitable for small computers.
> The very idea of creating a "standard" is to offer something to the
> world. If your only motivation for proposing a standard is because "I"
> (i.e. you) want it, then you are doing it wrong.

You haven't established that the world is not
being offered anything. You just stated it.

I certainly want it. I don't know who wants it
currently or who will want it in the future.

Most people right now are probably not interested
in standardizing the OS API for small systems.

They may be in the future after a nuclear war when
small systems become relevant again.

And having a standard API will help, in my opinion,
based on what happened in the past.

I may have it wrong though - do you think small
systems (in the past, and in the *possible* future)
would or would not have benefitted from a
standard API?

BFN. Paul.


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