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nuclear war (Miscellaneous)

posted by kerravon E-mail, Sydney, Free World South, 12.11.2022, 10:25

> I find this "War on Terror" terminology even worse and more vague than the
> whole "Cold War" thing.

Correct. It is totally wide, and ultimately requires
the root source of conflict (all conflict) to be
determined, since terrorism can be done by individuals,
not just states.

> At least the Cold War had a definite end point
> — the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Sort of. There were really 2 ideologies we were
up against - communism and Russian nationalism.

The first of those hasn't truly been defeated
even in the free world. The second is causing
people to die as we speak.

> What does it even mean to "win" a "War on Terror"? I can understand waging
> specific wars on specific groups, such as Al-Qaeda, or the Islamic State,
> or the Taliban. But how does one stamp out all possible "terrorist"
> activity in the past, present, and even future? At which point can one
> truly declare, "mission accomplished"?

Never. There is a saying "the price of freedom
is eternal vigilence". You need to constantly
scan the horizon.

> Nobody speaks of a "War on First-Degree Murder" or a "War on Drunk Driving
> Accidents", in the same vein as one speaks (or spoke) of a "War on Terror".
> Why?

You can if you want.

> Really... think about these things.

I've been thinking about them since circa 1981 when
I tuned in to Radio Moscow to find out why they
were anti-freedom and wrote to them for an
explanation and got a whole lot of propaganda in
reply instead of the expected "good point - we'll
hold democratic elections in all the dictatorships
under our thumb, including our own, within the next
6 months - we were real dumbasses for not being
able to figure that out for ourselves".

I've pursued finding the root cause of conflict and
the fundamentals of programming the entire time,
non-stop. Once I went for 7 days without sleep.
That was a programming breakthrough.

I have published all my findings already.

Here's one from a Russian that actually did the
above, sort of. Note that I have been talking to
him, often multiple times per day, for 11 years
or something, trying to sort out the damned Russians.

BFN. Paul.


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