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nuclear war (Miscellaneous)

posted by kerravon E-mail, Sydney, Free World South, 12.11.2022, 10:29

> Hello kerravon,
> > > Well, OK: this "victory" of "ours" in the "Cold War" is all sunshine
> and
> > > roses, we just need to furiously turn a blind eye to all those parts
> > that
> > > are not sunshine and roses. Truly a glorious victory.
> > We're not turning a blind eye. We're doing our
> > best to free the rest of the world too.
> Sorry, you just do not get it.

No, you don't get the difficulty in bringing
freedom to humanity.

> > You are the one making the claim that no-one else
> > in the entire world now or in the future will ever
> > have a use for a standardized API for small
> > computer systems. So the burden of proof is on you.
> Maybe the world will need a standard, but I am pretty sure that we
> do not need your proposed standard,

My proposal was just an example. I have no
particular desire to have that exact
standard adopted. I do have a particular
desire to make sure it isn't Posix unless
they remove fork() from it, just for starters.

> since it does not do anything
> that is not already covered by other more established standards and
> practices.
> Hope that clears things up.

Can you be specific please? What is the
existing standard/practice that you see
for small computer systems, and would you
have recommended that standard/practice
be used on the Amiga so that Commodore
didn't go bankrupt?

Commodore instead created another API.

BFN. Paul.


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