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nuclear war (Miscellaneous)

posted by kerravon E-mail, Sydney, Free World South, 12.11.2022, 11:30

> Hello kerravon,
> > > I find this "War on Terror" terminology even worse and more vague than
> > the
> > > whole "Cold War" thing.
> ...
> > Sort of. There were really 2 ideologies we were
> > up against - communism and Russian nationalism.
> > The first of those hasn't truly been defeated
> > even in the free world. The second is causing
> > people to die as we speak.
> So you think that the freedom to disagree with your "ideology" is something
> that, "even in the free world", must be "defeated" in a "war".

Hell no. We need Devil's Advocates at the very minimum.

From time to time I tell people I'm a "true communist"
too, as evidenced by all my public domain software.

I'm demonstrating the "from each according to their
ability", without the need for a communist dictator.

Most communists I have met are very good at the
"to each according to their needs (and they "need"
a lot)" but not so good when I start asking what
they can do that is within their ability.

> I thought
> democracy is supposed to be, at least in part, about the freedom to
> disagree?

Absolutely! I even disagree with myself. I am
constantly challenging everything in my brain.

Previously I was under the impression that there
was no apparent standard for small systems, but
currently I am saying "apparently there is - what
is it? Can you figure out what it is from first
principles? Why didn't the Amiga use it? Was it
because of copyright issues?".

BFN. Paul.


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