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nuclear war (Miscellaneous)

posted by DosWorld, 12.11.2022, 11:35
(edited by DosWorld on 12.11.2022, 11:49)

> What does it even mean to "win" a "War on Terror"? I can understand waging
> specific wars on specific groups, such as Al-Qaeda, or the Islamic State,
> or the Taliban. But how does one stamp out all possible "terrorist"
> activity in the past, present, and even future? At which point can one
> truly declare, "mission accomplished"?

1. There is no strong terrorism, there is a weak West.
2. It is easier to fight terrorism, seksism (sorry, word filter), racism and toxicity than with a real military opponent (or real problem). Where is all of this fighters? I don't see anyone here. ZER0. (excluding Banksy - we see some his works here, 2, 3)

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