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nuclear war (Miscellaneous)

posted by DosWorld, 26.11.2022, 22:53
(edited by DosWorld on 27.11.2022, 00:08)

> Can you tell me more about the "art"? Is it the
> thrill of provably being able to run in less
> than 640k?
> Or is it 16-bit?

1. Partly, yes. Dos (memory model) can be full applicable to solve all problems, until your program have 'size(int) < 65536'. Also, dos is real-time (or very near).

2. Over-engineering (over-complicated) applications (which consume too much resources) with low quality of programmers in modern 'industrial programming' (enterprise etc). Example of this over-engineering - web browser engines. When i do programming for dos - i am free (not need reproduce/reuse over complicated things to solve something simple).
When you have interview, I don't recommend talk about B+Tree and restrict your brain to student-level knowledge about binary/avl/red-black tree (one time, i was looks like a person who tells wonderful-lie story) and learn very well all syntax sugar in modern language (which you will use).

You talk about memory restrictions - imho it is not so important.
(I am more restricted with 2gb file limit)

> Are you interested in going lower, e.g. programming
> the C64? What about the 68000 Amiga 500? It came with
> 512k memory from memory.

It is a little bit different scene, for me.
And this is more about home-computer.
I have no idea, why home computer must have more then one core and tons of features from mainframes (enterprise computers). And consume too much of energy. Also, Personal Computer (PC) with multiuser OS. Does it sounds strange? (next, need expect multiuser toothbrush :-D on market)

This is applicable for normal life (when you live a happy life and can waste resources), but we live in mad world with crazy people ("sorry, i have no better planet for you" (c) me). It will be broken with first small problem. At last blackout this week, i have only one real working source of news. Hey! Where is yours web2.0? I dont see it! :-D :-D
But my HP LX200 can continue work near to unlimited time.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!


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