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The world is changing. (Miscellaneous)

posted by DosWorld, 15.12.2022, 19:07
(edited by DosWorld on 16.12.2022, 00:23)

> Incredible things are happening?


> That's fantastic news - I'll have an endless
> supply of helium for my daughter's balloons.

... and free energy. In short words: they receive more energy then spend. Carbon - not need anymore.

So, now humanity has two choices:

1. Build a Giant Alcohol Distiller (distillation is energy-expensive process!) and then - build alco-Matrix.
2. Fly to stars.

Personal me, - i don't believe in (2), because it is a dream for a 3.5 autistic people (including me, my Emperor Elon I and, may be, person who read this post). Imho, all others choose got drunk + shooting.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!

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