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The world is changing. (Miscellaneous)

posted by DosWorld, 15.12.2022, 21:03
(edited by DosWorld on 16.12.2022, 01:24)

> BTW, I have been talking for something like 12
> years to an ethnic Russian who migrated


> Not because he can't translate into
> Russian, but because people point-blank refuse
> to switch worldviews. But they do in fact have
> an understandable, albeit alien, paradigm.

I am stop any communication with russian anonymous community after March (Saw reaction on Bucha).
"Much knowledge multiplies many sorrows"
I am partly understand they. And definitely not happy with this knowledge.
In short words: they are near to animals or slave-peasants (from XV century) - reject any form of own responsibility.
But i don't understand how to (and may be "why") they became in this state. Or never leave this state (because never be free). But in the same time - Ukraine share history last 300 years. Don't known.

So, Giant Alcohol Distiller is not impossible.:-D

> I saw someone mention that there was an
> agreement to leave a "buffer zone".

This is wet dream of russian government (in any form of government) from 1945. Imho, many people from this forum can discuss it and tell how they "like" it. Forget it. Now, need to finish what wasn't done in '90. It was main mistake of frightened east in 90th. It must be sovled, but postpone=increase cost and pain more and more times.

Did you known what was at end of Chicken Kiev speech in parliament? (1991) George Bush listen whistling. "Bush does not understand that we are fighting against a totalitarian state." - this words is told in 1991. And now we come back to this words again in 2022, but have a bloody fight. Where did this "totalitarian state" come from? Maybe it didn't go away? What the Putin's first place of job? May be KGB? Hmm... SURPRISE!

[mad mode]We known date when russia will be separated on parts.[/mad mode] :-D

>> I will try not to say bad about the power consumption of modern
>> processors anymore.:-D
> Is it good or bad? I used to have a problem with
> my laptop's fan being very noisy.

Here is two points:

1. Reliability. We build highly complex computing systems. Their reliability is equal to the reliability of a $2 fan. As man who live in ~100km to Tchernobyl Power Plant - i completly hate this reliability.

2. It all started with the Pentium 4. When they could not increase productivity due to the quality of circuit planning, they increased productivity due to energy consumption. This story repeat again and again. 100-200wt CPU and 500wt GPU - it is madness. (prices - one more madness :-D ) What's about 3..20wt for full home PC? Yes, i have (and love) RPI, but RPI reliability is equal to reliability of microSD (~1 year) or SSD (due to unix permanent writing to disk). It could not work forever like DOS.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!

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