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The world is changing. (Miscellaneous)

posted by kerravon E-mail, Sydney, Free World South, 16.12.2022, 03:50

> I am partly understand they. And definitely not happy with this knowledge.
> In short words: they are near to animals or slave-peasants (from XV
> century) - reject any form of own responsibility.
> But i don't understand how to (and may be "why") they became in this state.
> Or never leave this state (because never be free). But in the same time -
> Ukraine share history last 300 years. Don't known.

My friend traces it to Ivan the Terrible. There
were people objecting to his dictatorship so he
withdrew the security forces and let anarchy rule
until people "learnt" the lesson that it was better
to have a dictator.

Another thing to note is that democracy and freedom
are great, but they are artificial creations. That
is not the natural state of humans. (in my analysis).
So I see a problem in the west with people basically
saying "who are these strange people who have
dictatorships instead of democracy?". They aren't
strange, they are natural.

It is also the natural state of humans to be tribal.

My Russian friend tried to explain to his father to
view the world as ideas competing rather than nations
competing, but said his father didn't get it.

> 1. Reliability. We build highly complex computing systems. Their
> reliability is equal to the reliability of a $2 fan. As man who live in
> ~100km to Tchernobyl Power Plant - i completly hate this reliability.

Reliability of software or hardware?

Software is a complete mess. My wife has been unable
to operate her bank account for months because the
SMSes can't get through and no-one seems to care or
know how to fix it. A 300 bps modem running on an XT
could transmit a 6 digit number to the other side of
the world in less than 1 second. In 1983. But in 2022
it takes months and counting.

Hardware I haven't noticed any unreliability.

> 2. It all started with the Pentium 4. When they could not increase
> productivity due to the quality of circuit planning, they increased
> productivity due to energy consumption. This story repeat again and again.
> 100-200wt CPU and 500wt GPU - it is madness.

Maybe you're buying the wrong CPU? I don't even
have a fan on my laptop. And I could switch to PdAndro
and run PDOS-generic on a tablet that is USB powered.
It's only the software that is missing. Or use
Bochs and the software is already there.

> (prices - one more madness :-D
> ) What's about 3..20wt for full home PC?

You only need to run something like MSDOS. The above
setup costs around US$50, new.

> Yes, i have (and love) RPI, but
> RPI reliability is equal to reliability of microSD (~1 year) or SSD (due to
> unix permanent writing to disk). It could not work forever like DOS.

I remember someone posting a message saying "do
the maths" and they posted figures that showed
it was not possible for an SD card (or USB stick
or something, can't remember) to be written
to enough times to corrupt it.

I didn't verify the maths, so I'm not saying you're
wrong, just that I've heard a different story.

BFN. Paul.

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