cedit editor (Announce)
> Now, by default, the highlighting for the programming language is not
> enabled, that is, after the first launch - it will be a regular editor. If
> desired, highlighting can be enabled in the settings file. Also, the
> freebsd 64-bit platform is now supported.
I noticed that to make this release, you replaced the previous cedit.zip file and the binary zip and tar.gz files in the "bin" directory on your SourceForge project:
So this means:
(1) there's no indication what version this release is - for example, if someone wants to know if they've already downloaded this version
(2) no one can download the previous release - such as to compare features/bugs between builds
Could you use version numbers in future releases of CEDIT? When releasing on SourceForge, a common way to do this is to create a directory with the version number (such as 1.2) and then put releases under that, preferably with a version number as part of the filename too (cedit12.zip, linux32_cedit-1.2.tar.gz, etc)
It would also be helpful to create a few files in your source code:
HISTORY.TXT that includes a copy of the release notes for each version
LICENSE.TXT with a copy of your license (your SourceForge project page says MIT license, but I don't see a copy of the license in your source code)
CONTRIB.TXT with a list of the contributors' names and email addresses (if you want others to contribute to your project)
Complete thread:
- cedit editor - stabud, 17.12.2022, 18:09 (Announce)
- cedit editor - stabud, 29.12.2022, 08:53
- cedit editor - jhall, 29.12.2022, 14:12
- cedit editor - stabud, 29.12.2022, 16:35
- cedit editor - stabud, 09.02.2023, 18:25
- cedit editor - stabud, 29.12.2022, 16:35
- cedit editor - jhall, 29.12.2022, 14:12
- cedit editor - stabud, 09.05.2023, 08:45
- cedit editor - stabud, 29.12.2022, 08:53