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FreeDOS spotted on TV! (Miscellaneous)

posted by usotsuki, 23.01.2023, 09:06

> Earlier today I watched an episode of Young Sheldon, the The Big Bang
> Theory spinoff, on TV.
> In this episode called Pasadena (S03E16) at around 05:20 Sheldon boots his
> Tandy 1000 SL computer to the DOS prompt. Besides "Microsoft(R) MS-DOS(R)
> Version N.NN" one can also read:
> CuteMouse vN.N alpha N [FreeDOS]
> Installed at COMn (0000h/IRQn) in Microsoft mode
> [image]
> I rewatched this part of the episode on Amazon Prime trying to get the
> numbers correctly (Is it version "2.0 alpha 4"?) and provide a better
> screenshot here, but unfortunately the streaming quality was too bad. Maybe
> someone could try on Apple TV?
> As the CuteMouse project started first in 1997, but Young Sheldon takes
> places from 1989 to the early 1990s this is a goof.

And also the message from Tandy MS-DOS 3.2's IBMBIO.COM appearing _after_ the drivers, plus a reference to DOSKEY, which first appeared in MS-DOS 5.

They put a lot of effort into it but not enough...


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