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Looking for info about INT12h, mem tools and copy tools (Miscellaneous)

posted by nico7550, 21.07.2023, 21:15


While searching for the smallest mem like tools that can output conventional memory in bytes, I decide to look how it's done.

So I take a look to MEMSTAT from Japheth (in the JEMM package) because of the size of the source that it's easier for a skillless like me... and so I found the INT12h(AX) but it give the memory in KB only. And all the interrupt list I parse only speak of Kb none of bytes.

Can someone point me on some documentation that explain how this info is retrieve ?

And If you have a small tools that can display conventional memory in bytes and all the others infos, it will be appreciate thanks. (I use for the moment

In parallel, I was looking for an external copy tools because one of the kernel I test (Paragon dos 7.01) give sharing buffer overflow when I install a ramdisk. I test VCOPY.COM (2KB) but big file give CRC error, so I use XCOPY (16Kb) while waiting to find for a smaller tools, if you have any suggestion ?



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