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Borland 32RTM.EXE (Miscellaneous)

posted by awik, 01.02.2024, 13:39

Hi all,

I'm having problems running Borland DOS 32-bit extended programs under plain DOS on a Win98 VMware virtual machine.

I think the error is with the 32RTM.EXE program.

The errors are as follows.

First, I get this:
32loader error: 'C:\BC5\BIN\BCC32.EXE'
Invalid import references:
- module 'KERNEL32.dll' entrypoint 'IsDBCSLeadByteEx'
Do you want to attempt running this program (Y/N)?

If I answer "N", I get:
(Load error 84)
ERROR: The program can not be loaded

If I answer 'Y', the program runs, but crashes before it has the chance to terminate normally. I get this:
Fatal: Internal compiler error

and then the following (hand-copied manually, except for the hex register dump):
32loader runtime error: Unhandled exception
Exception 0E at 0197:00007880 error code 00000007
The invalid instruction was executed at 00007880
The instruction referenced illegal address 00028086

The program(s) runs fine in a Win98 DOS box. It also runs fine under plain DOS with the help of Japhet's HX DOS extender. I guess the reason for this is that the Borland programs are in PE format, and both Win98 and HX bypass the 32RTM.EXE DOS extender and load the the program in the same way as any other PE executable.

Is there a patch for these problems? I was unable to find one.

Albert Wik.


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