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8086 rules (Miscellaneous)

posted by kerravon E-mail, Sydney, Free World South, 21.02.2024, 23:35
(edited by kerravon on 22.02.2024, 01:19)

> > This was not without its limitations. If an application utilized or
> relied
> > on any of the techniques below, it would not run:
> >
> > ...
> > Use of BIOS functions, due to the BIOS interrupts being reserved by
> > Intel[31]
> I would classify "Would not run" as a vast overstatement. Specifically
> regarding the BIOS functions, that is not actually a DOS problem -- it is a
> BIOS problem. And even then, the only BIOS interrupt problem I've come
> across that has any practical effect is INT 05, which used by both the BIOS
> PrintScreen function and by the CPU BOUND instruction (which didn't even
> exist until the 80286).

You can do BIOS calls from PM16?

ie read a disk?

edit: and into memory above 1 MiB?


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