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lDebug release 9 - Heatshrink compressed drives? (Announce)

posted by jadoxa Homepage E-mail, Queensland, Australia, 29.01.2025, 08:46

> If you ever feel bored, maybe you could consider building a heatshrinked
> version of SHSUCDHD?

If you've got the RAM I think you'd be better off just using gzip and SHSUCDRD. But anyway, here's a demonstration compressor (Windows binary), using Tamp (with a modified compressor.c to remove the header byte). It's not exactly quick, but a Windows (or Linux) version could parallelize. Haven't looked into decompressing, but it seems a straight-forward implementation would add about 5K (2k code, 2Ki buffer, 1Ki window). Not that I'll probably ever write one...


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