> If I understand the documentation correct, I can switch into protect mode
> by calling address provided in INT2Fh/AX=1687h but there is no transparent
> way how to get back into real (VM86) mode.
> The only way is just to terminate the application.
> But I don't want to
> terminate it. Maybe is possible to run some child process but I don't want
> to call any external EXE file.
This is correct too. To accomplish this without relying on files, create a fake process. You can do this manually, then set the PSP with Int21.50 or use Int21.26 or Int21.55.
EDIT: Here's an example program that switches to 32-bit PM within a child process, does some debugging/testing stuff then returns to its parent process in RM. Worked in NTVDM after assembling with NASM 2.08rc-something. Based on some TSR installation/relocation stuff and some DPMI test program.
;%include "CMMACROS.MAC"
%define _4digitshex(h) ((((h)/1000h)% 10h)+'0' +(('A'-'9'-1)*((((h)/1000h)% 10h)/0Ah))), \
((((h)/100h)% 10h)+'0' +(('A'-'9'-1)*((((h)/100h)% 10h)/0Ah))), \
((((h)/10h)% 10h)+'0' +(('A'-'9'-1)*((((h)/10h)% 10h)/0Ah))), \
(((h)% 10h)+'0' +(('A'-'9'-1)*(((h)% 10h)/0Ah)))
; ASCIZ string
; %1+ = Optional string
%imacro asciz 0-1+.nolist
%if %0 >= 1
db %1
db 0
cpu 386
org 100h
bits 16
pop ax ; get word saved on stack for COM files
mov bx, sp
shr bx, 4
jnz .smallstack
mov bx, 1000h ; it was a full 64 KiB stack
mov ah, 4Ah ; free unused memory
int 21h
xor ax, ax
xchg ax, word [2Ch]
mov es, ax
mov ah, 49h
int 21h ; free environment if any
mov bx, 80h
mov ah, 48h
int 21h ; allocate memory for child process
jc nomemory
; ax:0-> DOS memory allocated for child process
mov es, ax
xor di, di ; es:di->
xor si, si
mov cx, 8*8
rep cs movsw ; copy process segment prefix into newly allocated block
dec ax
mov ds, ax ; ds = MCB of allocated block
inc ax ; ax = allocated block!
mov word [ 8 ], "DP"
mov word [ 8+2 ], "MI"
mov word [ 8+4 ], "PS"
mov word [ 8+6 ], "PC" ; Force MCB string to "DPMIPSPC"
; mov word [ 1 ], ax ; Set owner to itself
; (leave owner as us)
mov es, ax ; es = new PSP
mov dx, cs
mov ds, dx ; ds = old PSP
mov di, 18h
mov cx, 20
mov word [ es:32h ], cx
mov word [ es:34h ], di
mov word [ es:34h+2 ], ax ; fix the new PSP's PHT pointer
mov word [ es:0Ah ], childterminated
mov word [ es:0Ah+2 ], dx ; set termination address
mov word [ es:16h ], dx ; set parent PSP to current one
; The stack address set on the child's termination
; is that of the last Int21 call to a usual function
; (such as Int21.48 or .45) from the parent process.
; All registers will be lost though, because we don't
; build a fake stack frame.
push di
mov al, -1
rep stosb ; initialize new PHT with empty entries
pop di
mov cx, word [ 32h ] ; = number of current process handles
cmp cx, 20
jbe .normalpht
mov cx, 20
lds si, [ 34h ] ; -> current process handle table
xor bx, bx
mov dl, -1
cmp byte [si+bx], dl ; source PHT handle used?
je .phtnext ; no -->
mov ah, 45h
int 21h ; DUP
jc nohandle
xchg ax, bx
xchg dl, byte [si+bx] ; get DUPed handle and kill PHT entry
xchg ax, bx
mov byte [es:di+bx], dl ; write into PHT of new process
inc bx ; next handle
loop .phtloop
mov bx, es
mov ah, 50h
int 21h ; set current PSP to new
; mov ah, 1Ah
; mov ds,
; mov dx, 80h
; int 21h ; set DTA
; Now executing in the child process's environment.
; Terminating will return to label childterminated.
mov ax, cs
mov word [rmcallstruc0.cs], ax
mov word [rmcallstruc0.ds], ax
mov word [rmcallstruc0.es], ax
mov word [rmcallstruc0.ss], ax
pop word [rmcallstruc0.flags] ; setup with RM values
mov ax, 1687h
int 2Fh
or ax, ax ; DPMI host installed?
jnz nohost
push es ; save DPMI entry address
push di
or si, si ; host requires client-specific DOS memory?
jz .nomemneeded ; no -->
mov bx, si
mov ah, 48h ; alloc DOS memory
int 21h
jc nomemory
mov es, ax
mov si, msg.debuginfo
call printstring
mov bp, sp
mov ax, 0001h ; start a 32-bit client
call far [bp] ; initial switch to protected-mode
jnc initsuccessful
mov si, msg.initfailed
jmp short rmerror
mov si, msg.nohandle
jmp short rmerror
mov si, msg.nohost
jmp short rmerror
mov si, msg.nomemory
call printstring
mov ax, 4CFFh
int 21h
initsuccessful_ofs equ (initsuccessful-$$+100h)
; now in protected mode
mov bx, cs
mov cx, cs
lar cx, cx
shr cx, 8
or ch, 40h ; make a 32-bit cs
mov ax, 9
int 31h
; now in 32-bit PM
bits 32
now32bit_ofs equ (now32bit-$$+100h)
mov word [ data.pspsel ], es
push ds
pop es
mov esi, msg.welcome
call printstring
mov ax, 0303h
push cs
pop ds
mov esi, callback ; ds:esi-> called procedure
mov edi, rmcallstruc1 ; es:edi-> (inreentrant) real mode call structure
int 31h ; allocate RM callback
push ss
pop ds
jc nocallback
mov dword [callrm.callback], edx
mov word [callrm.callback+2], cx
mov ax, 0302h
xor ebx, ebx
xor ecx, ecx
mov edi, rmcallstruc0
callingrm_ofs equ (callingrm-$$+100h)
int 31h ; call RM procedure with interrupt stack
jc callrmfailed
mov ecx, dword [callrm.callback+2]
mov edx, dword [callrm.callback]
mov ax, 0304h
int 31h ; free RM callback
mov esi, msg.bye
call printstring
mov ax, 4C00h ; normal client exit
int 21h
mov esi, msg.callrmfailed
jmp short pmerror
mov esi, msg.nocallback
call printstring
movzx ecx, word [callrm.callback+2]
movzx edx, word [callrm.callback]
mov eax, edx
and eax, ecx
inc ax
jnz .done
mov ax, 0304h
int 31h ; free RM callback
mov ax, 4CFFh
int 21h
; This is a RM callback. Called from RM, executed in PM.
; INP: es:edi-> RM call structure
; ds:esi-> RM stack
; ss:esp-> DPMI host internal stack
; CHG: all (?) except es:edi
; read/write RM call structure to communicate with RM code
push dword [esi]
pop dword [es:edi+2Ah] ; set RM cs:ip
add word [es:edi+2Eh], byte 4 ; pop 4 byte from the stack
; The int3 trap doesn't work here with the debugger.
; int 03h however does. Note that both might crash
; the DPMI host if no debugger is installed.
bits 16
int3 ; int 03h or int3 traps (in real or V86 mode)
; don't cause any problems.
xor ax, ax
push ax
push ax
call -1:-1
.callback equ $-4
pop ax
pop ax
; Print a string with simple instructions. Don't use
; pointers or instructions depending on the default operation
; size, this is called in both 16- and 32-bit modes.
mov dl, al
mov ah, 2
int 21h
or al, al
jnz .next
; The (DPMIed) child process has terminated.
childterminated_ofs equ (childterminated-$$+100h)
push cs
pop ds
mov ah, 4Dh
int 21h
mov si, msg.backsuccess
test al, al
jz .success
mov si, msg.backerror
call printstring
mov ax, 4C00h
int 21h ; terminate DOS process
.pspsel: dw 0
; This one is used to call down to our RM part
; from the 32-bit PM code. All values are filled
; in either here or in our RM initialization.
.edi: dd 0
.esi: dd 0
.ebp: dd 0
dd 0
.ebx: dd 0
.edx: dd 0
.ecx: dd 0
.eax: dd 0
.flags: dw 0
.es: dw 0
.ds: dw 0
.fs: dw 0
.gs: dw 0
.ip: dw callrm
.cs: dw 0
.sp: dw rmcallsp
.ss: dw 0
; This one is utilized by the DPMI host and
; our RM callback when called from RM. All
; values are filled in by the DPMI host.
.edi: dd 0
.esi: dd 0
.ebp: dd 0
dd 0
.ebx: dd 0
.edx: dd 0
.ecx: dd 0
.eax: dd 0
.flags: dw 0
.es: dw 0
.ds: dw 0
.fs: dw 0
.gs: dw 0
.ip: dw 0
.cs: dw 0
.sp: dw 0
.ss: dw 0
.callrmfailed: asciz "Calling real mode procedure failed.",13,10
.bye: asciz "Calling real mode procedure which called callback successful.",13,10
.backsuccess: asciz "Child process terminated okay, back in real mode.",13,10
.backerror: asciz "Child process terminated with error, back in real mode.",13,10
.nocallback: asciz "Could not allocate real mode callback.",13,10
.nohost: asciz "No DPMI host installed.",13,10
.nohandle: asciz "No free DOS file handle for child process creation.",13,10
.nomemory: db "Not enough DOS memory for child process creation or"
asciz "client initialization.",13,10
.initfailed: asciz "DPMI initialization failed.",13,10
.debuginfo: db "Protected mode breakpoint at ",_4digitshex(initsuccessful_ofs),"h.",13,10
db "32-bit code segment breakpoint at ",_4digitshex(now32bit_ofs),"h.",13,10
db "Real mode procedure called at ",_4digitshex(callingrm_ofs),"h.",13,10
db "Return from child process at "
db _4digitshex(childterminated_ofs),"h.",13,10
asciz 13,10
.welcome: asciz "Welcome in 32-bit protected mode.",13,10
align 2
--- l |