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24.02.2022, 05:37

The world is changing. (Miscellaneous)

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Expecting another portion of concern from EU leaders. :-D :-D :-D

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North Jackson, Ohio (USA),
24.02.2022, 05:46

@ DosWorld

The world is changing. [OT]


> Expecting another portion of concern from EU leaders. :-D :-D :-D

The little details change.
(names & faces, specific events)

The 'big picture' is exactly the same today as it was over 2400 years ago.

"Children today are tyrants.
They contradict their parents,
gobble their food,
and tyrannize their teachers."

Greek philosopher in Athens (469 BC - 399 BC)



24.02.2022, 06:01
(edited by DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 06:11)

@ glennmcc

The world is changing. [OT]


> > Expecting another portion of concern from EU leaders. :-D :-D :-D
> The little details change.

Exploded 7 rockets (in ~5km to me), imho, not so small change. I hope, this time, it will be end for russsia.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!


24.02.2022, 10:29

@ DosWorld

The world is changing. [OT]


> Exploded 7 rockets (in ~5km to me), imho, not so small change. I hope, this
> time, it will be end for russsia.

Their argument is that they have to "defend" those who want the area to become part of Russia, while others want it to stay part of Ukraine.

I guess quite a few just want the area to not be subject of any figh ts, but would not participate in figh ting for it to be part of either country?

Either way, why would that be the end for Russia? They are what is left over from a large group of states and they want that to gr ow, while the NATO wants their group to gr ow, in spite of having promised to leave a buffer zone.

So my impression is that third parties figh t about what happens with Ukraine, rather than leaving them peacefully in the middle? I wonder what po lls in various areas of Ukraine itself would say, if there were po lls?

I hope you will manage to stay unharmed!

PS: Extra spaces are word filter related.

FreeDOS / DOSEMU2 / ...



Germany (West),
24.02.2022, 11:28

@ mceric

The world is changing. [OT]


> So my impression is that third parties figh t about what happens with
> Ukraine, rather than leaving them peacefully in the middle? I wonder what
> po lls in various areas of Ukraine itself would say, if there were po lls?


24.02.2022, 14:45
(edited by DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 15:14)

@ mceric

The world is changing. [OT]


> who want the area to become part of Russia

This is lie. IRL: "we are occupy part of another country, and want join to our sponsor". (in other case, you must agree - this territory have unlimited human resources. 90% people who can work - escape in first years. They dont start immediately fight with russians and lost houses - this is price of doubt)

> why would that be the end for Russia?

Some time does not matter how many guns enemies have. They spend last resources (political, economical) - it will be collapse of Russia. Ideological bankruptcy of the state model

For me, this war+collapse must hide most big theft/criminals in history. "When they talk about patriotism, immediately check for what they stole.". It hard to believe, but government can have 100% criminal model.

> I hope you will manage to stay unharmed!

Life is permanently expanding my vision of borders of madness and stupidity. I fear more for my brain than for my body.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!


24.02.2022, 16:33
(edited by DosWorld, 24.02.2022, 16:48)

@ DosWorld

The world is changing. [OT]


Russians into Tchernobyl zone, nuclear-storage guards is fight.

(if radioactive dust storage will be damaged, everyone will join in the fun);_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!


24.02.2022, 18:45

@ DosWorld

The world is changing. [OT]


We lost control in Tchernobyl. Here is no sense to try escape.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!



03.03.2022, 02:49
(edited by RayeR, 03.03.2022, 03:08)

@ DosWorld

The world is changing. [OT]


Hi, are you from Ukraine? What city?
I was traveling across UA 2 times ~3 yars ago, remebering Lvov, Kyjev, Pervomajsk, Chernobyl (that was the primary target of the trip)...
Today I read that russians are trying to get another nuclear power plant under control:

I wish all good to your brave people who are defending own country. We, Czech people, have similar historical bad experience from 1938 - nazi Germany and 1968 - Russia and allied armies of Warszava pact so I can imagine how do you feel, lost in the dark... but we are with you, trying to help over 700k people who emigrated in recent days. I like your president, I think he's giving a good moral support for your people. A raised flag for you

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03.03.2022, 05:24
(edited by DosWorld, 03.03.2022, 06:35)

@ RayeR

The world is changing. [OT]


> Hi, are you from Ukraine? What city?

Jsem z Kyjeva.

> I wish all good to your brave people who are defending own country. We,
> Czech people, have similar historical bad experience from 1938 - nazi
> Germany and 1968 - Russia and allied armies of Warszava pact so I can

When i live in Praha, i watch few films about 1968 (we have no info about it, imho this films must be translated for everybody). Few scene cant forget.
Imho looks like similar scenario. (Starts from capture airport near to Kladno -> airports Gostomel/Vasylkyv etc).

> I like your president,

Yes. Everybody like him - today he have 99.9999% support.
Clown by profession (in fact) is better leader then other professional politic %)
and may be best president in Ukraine for all time (or first normal president?).

> A raised flag for
> you

:-))) THANKS !!

PS: Many ukrainians use russian language as native, but nobody support russian. Please be patient.
PPS: I hope some cultural differences of migrants dont very disturb sweet CR.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!



04.03.2022, 03:35

@ DosWorld

The world is changing. [OT]


> Jsem z Kyjeva.

Nice city, and very large compared to Prague...
We was accommodated in hotel Kozatskiy on Maidan but I had only one night to explore the city, took some photos...
I read Kyjev is still defending but there's moving a huge 64km russian convoy so it would get worse...

> When i live in Praha,

Did you study or work here?

> i watch few films about 1968 (we have no info about
> it, imho this films must be translated for everybody). Few scene cant
> forget.
> Imho looks like similar scenario. (Starts from capture airport near to
> Kladno -> airports Gostomel/Vasylkyv etc).

Also it's similar the young russian soldiers - I saw some captives, just 18-year boys who doesn't know where and why they are, they just follow the commands. Same as here - they didn't know anything about Czechoslovakia and they though that evil west are attacking us and they come to "protect" and defense communist regime... and then some of them keep ocupying our country for next 20 years until SSSR has fallen.

> Yes. Everybody like him - today he have 99.9999% support.
> Clown by profession (in fact) is better leader then other professional
> politic %)
> and may be best president in Ukraine for all time (or first normal
> president?).

Tomorrow there should be some direct video talk of your president to CZ on Vaclav's square at 18h, expected to be there some 10k+ people.

> PS: Many ukrainians use russian language as native, but nobody support
> russian. Please be patient.
> PPS: I hope some cultural differences of migrants dont very disturb sweet
> CR.

There are living and working ~200k ukraines here in CZ so we are familiar with. Over 700k migrated from Ukraine in recent days, mostly into Poland. Also some men are moving back from CZ to Ukraine to help you.

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10.03.2022, 03:20

@ RayeR

The world is changing. [OT]


> > When i live in Praha,
> Did you study or work here?

Work. "External IT consultant".

> 18-year boys who doesn't know where and why they are

They life cost is 0.00 (as everybody, in ussr/russian empire).

I hope, this madness stop fast. But this is just a hope.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!



16.03.2022, 23:06

@ DosWorld

The world is changing. [OT]


Are you still in Kyjev? How the common life goes on there?
There are over 2,5M refugees, over 200k in CZ...
Now it seems that some negotiation could start.
Also the warming weather complicates russians movements outside roads.
I think Ukraine neutral status would be good deal but don't agree with demilitarization. Just opposite, like in Swiss every man should get a traning and hold a gun at home to be ready if further attack will happen, nobody knows...

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04.03.2022, 01:43
(edited by DosWorld, 04.03.2022, 03:38)

@ DosWorld

The world is changing. [OT]


> We lost control in Tchernobyl. Here is no sense to try escape.

Fire on nuc power plant in Zaporizhia, rocket hit the power unit.
Nuclear exploding - no (thanks, god!).;_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp

Update: The situation is changing. The news is disturbing;_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp;_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp


PS: Thanks!!;_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!



05.03.2022, 04:39

@ DosWorld

The world is changing. [OT]


It seems that power plant is safe and reactors are untouched. Russians keeps the operator crew to do their work. I hope they are not so mad to intentionally damage reactors, they just want to take control over it to blackout big cities to demoralize you...

This evening your president speaking via TV on Vaclav Sqaure to us (~1/2 - 3/4 full)

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03.03.2022, 02:26

@ DosWorld

Power plants


> "Putin go home..."

But I would suggest Germany to start up again nucelar power plants and fuck green deal instead of relying on russian gas and draining cheap supplies from CZ and PL power plants :\

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03.03.2022, 08:48

@ RayeR

Power plants


> But I would suggest Germany to start up again nucelar power plants and fuck
> green deal instead of relying on russian gas and draining cheap supplies
> from CZ and PL power plants :\

Not sure what this has to do with the website certificate, but nuclear power is a lot more expensive than renewables and we already are too far with preparations to shut down the last nuclear plants.

For example you would first have to get new fuel for them, from places such as Kasachstan or Russia or from other continents:

FreeDOS / DOSEMU2 / ...


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Berlin, Germany,
03.03.2022, 13:40

@ mceric

Power plants


> > But I would suggest Germany to start up again nucelar power plants and
> fuck
> > green deal instead of relying on russian gas and draining cheap supplies
> > from CZ and PL power plants :\
> Not sure what this has to do with the website certificate, but nuclear
> power is a lot more expensive than renewables and we already are too far
> with preparations to shut down the last nuclear plants.

I moved RayeR's and your message to the other topic.

Forum admin



04.03.2022, 02:56

@ mceric

Power plants


> Not sure what this has to do with the website certificate, but nuclear

Sorry for posting to wrong thread.

> power is a lot more expensive than renewables and we already are too far
> with preparations to shut down the last nuclear plants.

But you cannot rely just only on renewables. In the autumn and winter, when the sun is almost behind the clouds and wind may stop blow... you just have to kick in gas power planst or buy ele. from your east neighbours. For the supply and grid stability it's needed to have stable sources like nuclear and coal power plants. The price is relative, we are planning to build further reactor blocks of Dukovany and Temelin power plants but it may take 20 or more years. Who knows what price of ele. will be? Nobody guessed it will grow rocket high in recent year...

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04.03.2022, 09:42

@ RayeR

Power plants


> But you cannot rely just only on renewables. In the autumn and winter, when
> the sun is almost behind the clouds and wind may stop blow... you just have
> to kick in gas power planst or buy ele. from your east neighbours.

That is what our energy lobby also likes to say, but it reminds me of a simulation by energy experts several years ago in context of slowly shutting down coal plants. They found out that even in a year with worst case weather, they could have immediately shut down 6 GW of coal plants and simply use more gas in the few moments where there was neither enough wind nor enough sun. And by now, we do have shutdown some more coal and nuclear plants and built some more renewable ones.

Regarding grid stability, we already had claims that the sudden change in sunlight during one of the eclipses in this century would cause a horrible blackout because of all the supply fluctuations. But instead, they just needed a few more experts to be present in the control rooms to press a few more buttons than usual.

So I am not overly worried about this. However, we do have a lot of fossil fuels in heating and for warm water and we certainly cannot just tell everybody to switch to electric fan heaters and water cookers for their houses and showers.

As you already say, it would take many years to build more nuclear plants. By that time, for the same price, you can build a pile of renewable plants and even energy storage facilities. This is all not very surprising, but alas our fossil industry has, in the last decades, been able to convince politics to slow down the change.

Also, nuclear is not economically viable. The UK had to promise to pay twice the market value for electricity to make sure a new block in one of their nuclear plants got built. And right now, home owners in Germany who sell their solar energy would be paid more if they were able to trade on the free energy market than when using the government "supported" prices which were originally meant to bridge the gap between the cost for creating renewable versus fossil energies years ago when solar and wind were expensive and coal and gas were cheap.

In that context, you probably have heard that Germany has an agreement to pay companies to stop producing coal energy by 2038. I think that by that time, they would have stopped anyway, because they would not longer be able to compete. So it is ironic that we even pay them to stop "early" while they would have stopped earlier by themselves.

PS about people fighting in wars:

> they though that evil west are attacking us

Tricking people into thinking that they are fighting in a "good" war is probably a widespread problem, but it depresses me that humans love to form a mob to fight against "strangers" even without that. The we versus others hate is a part of human nature. Apparently russia also sent chechens, to get around the feeling that brothers have to fight against brothers, hoping that chechens and ukrainians feel more like strangers for each other?

FreeDOS / DOSEMU2 / ...


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North Jackson, Ohio (USA),
04.03.2022, 22:23

@ mceric

Power plants


>> The we versus others hate is a part of human nature.

I disagree.

Hate in all of it's forms is 'learned behavior'.

"You've Got To Be Carefully Taught" - SOUTH PACIFIC (1958)




05.03.2022, 04:13

@ mceric

Power plants


>Regarding grid stability, we already had claims that the sudden change in
>sunlight during one of the eclipses in this century would cause a horrible
>blackout because of all the supply fluctuations. But instead, they just
>needed a few more experts to be present in the control rooms to press a few
>more buttons than usual.

Yeah, just press a few more buttons...
But it was possible because the grid is common for whole Europe and you could
drain peaks from other countries who had strong and stable production. Our
experts says that risk of several blackouts in Europe significatnly increased in
recent years because of increase share of unstable renewables against other
stable supplies. Our grid operator CEPS is monitoring the inflows and outflows
across our borders. We often see that there are huge flows from north to south
Germany across CZ HV grid. To protect our HV grid from overload CEPS had to
install special regulation HV transformers at borders to be able to regulate
foreign flows. And CEPS is also building new HV lines to make it more robust.

The eneregy market is not free, it is heavily distorted by emission permissions and other dotations that intentionally handicap coal plants over others not because they couldn't compete.

I'm also very disturbed about various enforcements comming from EU
that dictate us when we must stop our coal plants regardless how much they are
old/modern, etc. and that this conditions are changing during the game. E.g.
our most modern coal plant Ledvice was heavily reconstructed in 2017 to reach
very high efficiency and low emissions. It cost a lot of m0ney [why is a m0ney a forbidden word here?] and the operator CEZ expected some pay-off period. I think it was planned to operate at minimum
until 2050 but it will be forced shutdown much sooner. And instead of it we
have to build gas power plants and pay for gas to Russia or USA. And what would
we do when a few years later also the gas will become a "bad guy" and we will
be enforced to shutdown newly built gas power plants?
But now the game can change again...

I don't say that nuclear power planst are the best and only one to have
(BTW France has greater share of nucelars than us and they probably think it's OK)
but we just have nothing better and such stable. The fussion is still not coming
for tens of years. I think nobody can estimate now what prices of electricity,
plants and fuel in next 20 years. I would like that every county could choose
own way and take its responsibility for it instead forcing others what is good
for all.

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05.03.2022, 12:49

@ RayeR

Power plants


> We often see that there are huge flows from north to south Germany across CZ HV grid. To protect our HV grid from overload CEPS had to install special regulation HV transformers at borders...

That is indeed a policy problem, because the large HV power lines are traditionally owned by the same type of people who own the large fossil fuel power plants. So they are not motivated to pay for the upgrade of the high voltage grid and help other players including small, decentralized renewable energy collectors, to distribute their energy across Germany.

It may have gotten a bit "better" since we ended up to have the larger renewable energy plants being built and run by the SAME players after failing to support that upcoming economic sector with the original young companies: Years ago, politicians preferred the solar panels, converters and wind energy systems to be built as cheap as possible in any other country. As far as I remember, we have lost more jobs in the renewables compared to the peak years ago than there are left in the whole fossil energy.

So a power grid is probably one of the things which should be run by state owned and not by oligarchy owned companies.

FreeDOS / DOSEMU2 / ...


06.03.2022, 13:47

@ mceric

Power plants


Some interesting data:

Germany is exporting far more electricity than it is importing. If you continue to March, that still is the case, in spite of a possible hack disturbing 11 GW in wind power plants:

The effect on the amount of available wind energy is very visible:

FreeDOS / DOSEMU2 / ...



16.03.2022, 23:32
(edited by RayeR, 17.03.2022, 00:03)

@ mceric

Power plants


Yes, the total production of electricity is greater than imports but it has nothing to do with stability and short drops that have to be covered from foreign production. The graph at
shows like it goes wild from min to max due to renewables. I think that best use of renewables are on houses where it's consumed locally but not in large scopes that destabilize the global grid.
Otherwise you have to admit that electricity will not be available everytime for everyone but the consumption will be strictly limited by spot prices that you will pay - e.g. on sunny/windy day the price will be 100x lower than in gloomy still day and lot of people would simply cannot pay for that - this is not a progress.
I know that building nuclerar power plants was delayed on many places and price has incerased but everything growed up due to inflation, also price of electricity has increased and noone can guess for next 10 years. In our case it's easier that we will not build a new plant on a green field but just add reactor blocks to existing infrasteucture.

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26.03.2022, 07:14

@ RayeR

Power plants


Hello RayeR, hello mceric,

> I know that building nuclerar power plants was delayed on many places and
> price has incerased but everything growed up due to inflation, also price
> of electricity has increased and noone can guess for next 10 years. In our
> case it's easier that we will not build a new plant on a green field but
> just add reactor blocks to existing infrasteucture.

Hmm... I am having this mental picture of a scene where a certain leader in the East is threatening to cut off gas and oil supplies, and people in the West still cannot quite decide whether to build more nuclear plants or more wind turbines (or both)... :-|

Thank you!

--- · · 😴 "MOV AX,0D500H+CMOS_REG_D+NMI"


26.03.2022, 11:14

@ tkchia

Power plants


> Hello RayeR, hello mceric,
> > I know that building nuclerar power plants was delayed on many places
> and
> > price has incerased but everything growed up due to inflation, also
> price
> > of electricity has increased and noone can guess for next 10 years. In
> our
> > case it's easier that we will not build a new plant on a green field but
> > just add reactor blocks to existing infrasteucture.
> Hmm... I am having this mental picture of a scene where a certain leader in
> the East is threatening to cut off gas and oil supplies, and people in the
> West still cannot quite decide whether to build more nuclear plants or more
> wind turbines (or both)... :-|

Indeed! Note that the UK example actually DOES describe the case where "only" a reactor block has to be added. Still that only worked out financially after the government offered to pay far above normal prices for electricity, which at some point were so low that even coal and gas were not making much profit any more.

At the same time, Germany has been focusing for years to "rescue" the fossil industry, which caused the loss of several 100 000 renewable jobs which apparently have less lobby power. We just left that sector to China and other countries which can build turbines and photovoltaics at the lowest prices.

Either way, discussing about what to do indeed is one of the less effective ways of getting it done. I remember a public discussion event 10 years ago in the Netherlands where some activists from the "other" side seriously suggested to wait until we "soon" have safe fusion power so we could avoid having "ugly" turbines and solar panels standing around in the meantime.

FreeDOS / DOSEMU2 / ...


Homepage E-mail

North Jackson, Ohio (USA),
27.03.2022, 05:22

@ mceric

Power plants


> > Hello RayeR, hello mceric,
> >
> > > I know that building nuclerar power plants was delayed on many places
> > and
> > > price has incerased but everything growed up due to inflation, also
> > price
> > > of electricity has increased and noone can guess for next 10 years. In
> > our
> > > case it's easier that we will not build a new plant on a green field
> but
> > > just add reactor blocks to existing infrasteucture.
> >
> > Hmm... I am having this mental picture of a scene where a certain leader
> in
> > the East is threatening to cut off gas and oil supplies, and people in
> the
> > West still cannot quite decide whether to build more nuclear plants or
> more
> > wind turbines (or both)... :-|
> Indeed! Note that the UK example actually DOES describe the case where
> "only" a reactor block has to be added. Still that only worked out
> financially after the government offered to pay far above normal prices for
> electricity, which at some point were so low that even coal and gas were
> not making much profit any more.
> At the same time, Germany has been focusing for years to "rescue" the
> fossil industry, which caused the loss of several 100 000 renewable jobs
> which apparently have less lobby power. We just left that sector to China
> and other countries which can build turbines and photovoltaics at the
> lowest prices.
> Either way, discussing about what to do indeed is one of the less effective
> ways of getting it done. I remember a public discussion event 10 years ago
> in the Netherlands where some activists from the "other" side seriously
> suggested to wait until we "soon" have safe fusion power so we could avoid
> having "ugly" turbines and solar panels standing around in the meantime.

Yep.... "government officials" in every country talk, talk, talk and talk some more.

But, never seem to actually _DO_ much of anything that amounts to much. :(



30.03.2022, 09:17

@ glennmcc

Power plants


By the way, from a news item about wind energy and hydrogen being an upcoming trend in France: The French plan to build new nuclear reactors, which they expect to be ready by 2035. Not exactly a quick fix compared to the renewables you could install until then.

FreeDOS / DOSEMU2 / ...



30.03.2022, 17:16

@ mceric

Power plants


I still didn't get how do you think you will be able to maintain stable global grid by connecting more and more renewables _without_ any big e-storage devices (like pump&sink water power plants) while reducing old good stable sources. You have only 2 options during drop - buy electricity outside from someone else who will be able to produce it (for very high spot price) or cut off some consumers during peak load. BTW is Germany ready to stop buying Russian gas used to finance Putler's army? I read it will took at least 3 years...

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01.04.2022, 04:37

@ RayeR

Power plants


Hm, since today Russia wants to pay for gas in roubles only. Let's see...

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Berlin, Germany,
01.04.2022, 07:18

@ RayeR

Power plants


> Hm, since today Russia wants to pay for gas in roubles only. Let's see...

Russia wants to get payed for gas in rubles

Forum admin



27.03.2022, 09:25

@ mceric

Power plants


Hello mceric,

> Either way, discussing about what to do indeed is one of the less effective
> ways of getting it done. I remember a public discussion event 10 years ago
> in the Netherlands where some activists from the "other" side seriously
> suggested to wait until we "soon" have safe fusion power so we could avoid
> having "ugly" turbines and solar panels standing around in the meantime.

Ugh, that would be a very uncool suggestion, if someone actually said it.

Personally, I am more inclined towards renewables — but apparently activists such as George Monbiot and James Hansen have stated that nuclear power is necessary for energy independence, and their words hold weight to me.

Thank you!

--- · · 😴 "MOV AX,0D500H+CMOS_REG_D+NMI"



Germany (South),
15.03.2022, 11:34

@ RayeR

Power plants


> I don't say that nuclear power planst are the best and only one to have
> but we just have nothing better and such stable.

You are perfectly right, but it's a hopeless case talking to people that are blinded by ideology. And in the German case, it's even worse, it's not just stupidity, it's stupidity coupled with arrogance and smart-alec ( which, according to good old Dostoevsky, is a "terrible power" :-D ).

MS-DOS forever!


15.03.2022, 20:54

@ Japheth

Power plants


> You are perfectly right, but it's a hopeless case talking to people that
> are blinded by ideology. And in the German case, it's even worse...

Well there is news about a new nuclear power plant in Finland: It started producing electricity this year and the bill was 11 000 000 000 Euro while original plan was to finish it in 2010 for 3 000 000 000 Euro.

Imagine all the gigawatts the Finns could have installed for that price without having to wait an extra 12 years.

Or think about Hinkley Point C, which only got built at all because the UK government promised to pay far more than the market price for any electricity sold by them:

"the expected operational start date is June 2026 with a build cost of £22–23 billion"

People really have to be blinded by ideology to still build those things. Probably the same people who still buy CRT monitors because of the more warm and fuzzy image quality ;-)

FreeDOS / DOSEMU2 / ...



Germany (South),
15.03.2022, 21:11

@ mceric

Power plants


I can only hope, mceric, that you aren't German -otherwise: Q.E.D. :-D

MS-DOS forever!


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North Jackson, Ohio (USA),
15.03.2022, 23:03

@ mceric

Power plants


> > You are perfectly right, but it's a hopeless case talking to people that
> > are blinded by ideology. And in the German case, it's even worse...
> Well there is news about a new nuclear power plant in Finland: It started
> producing electricity this year and the bill was 11 000 000 000 Euro while
> original plan was to finish it in 2010 for 3 000 000 000 Euro.
> Imagine all the gigawatts the Finns could have installed for that price
> without having to wait an extra 12 years.
> Or think about Hinkley Point C, which only got built at all because the UK
> government promised to pay far more than the market price for any
> electricity sold by them:
> "the expected operational start date is June 2026 with a build cost of
> £22–23 billion"
> People really have to be blinded by ideology to still build those things.
> Probably the same people who still buy CRT monitors because of the more
> warm and fuzzy image quality ;-)

Took an extra 12yrs to complete and cost jumped from 3B to 11B ???

Hmmm.... sounds just like a US government project. ;-)



Homepage E-mail

Berlin, Germany,
16.03.2022, 09:32

@ glennmcc

Power plants


> Took an extra 12yrs to complete and cost jumped from 3B to 11B ???
> Hmmm.... sounds just like a US government project. ;-)

Or Berlin airport 'Willy Brandt'.

The airport was originally planned to open in October 2011, five years after starting construction in 2006. However, the project encountered a series of successive delays due to poor construction planning, execution, management, and corruption. Berlin Brandenburg Airport finally received its operational licence in May 2020, and opened for commercial traffic on 31 October 2020, 14 years after construction started and 29 years after official planning was begun.

By 2009 the construction cost was budgeted at €2.83 billion. ... The airport was scheduled to open in 2020 with a total cost exceeding €7 billion.
Also see this paragraph:

Forum admin


26.03.2022, 05:51

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.


Mariupol (russians)

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!


07.04.2022, 10:39
(edited by DosWorld, 07.04.2022, 11:48)

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.



This message has been sent to the following recipients:
1. Police of the Netherlands
2. Department of Cyber-Police of Ukraine.
3. The press of the country of the Netherlands.

(used google translate)

I am a citizen of Ukraine, Viacheslav Komenda,
I live in the city of Kyiv, [censored]

I'll start with some facts.

A source:

1. Prosus (Naspers holding) from the Netherlands is also the owner of the and services (private trading platforms)
2. The website is closed for access from other countries (only Russia)

A source:

3. On the russian-market site there were advertisements for the sale of "trophies" (the source talk about the "trophy" from Brovary city - clothing with the symbols of the Olympic Team of Ukraine)

I want to inform the police about the possible complicity of the specified holding in looting (resale) in order to obtain benefits (paid ads, commission, etc.), as well as complicity in hiding the traces of possible crimes.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!


07.04.2022, 13:12

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.


Also, if somebody want create games, i can share personal info of russian soldiers in different scope - general (~120k soldiers), top marauders (sent over 50kg from Belarus to Russia), some persons from FSB (KGB), or war-criminal divisions stuff (located in Bucha).

Source - mil department of Ukraine, political opposition from Belarus.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!


Homepage E-mail

Berlin, Germany,
07.04.2022, 19:01

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.


> Also, if somebody want create games, i can share personal info of russian
> soldiers in different scope - general (~120k soldiers), top marauders (sent
> over 50kg from Belarus to Russia), some persons from FSB (KGB), or
> war-criminal divisions stuff (located in Bucha).

"want create games"? What games? And why? :confused:

Forum admin


11.04.2022, 14:45
(edited by DosWorld, 11.04.2022, 17:42)

@ rr

The world is changing.


> What games?

Strategy-style etc. Today, we have tons of content - maps, photos, video etc.
Not need invent game-world, just go out from home and make photo.

For example, today i made few photo (one of) when i return to home from north:

Few games has been created: 1, 2
(imho, not best games)

> And why? :confused:

Because people like games.
Possible sell via steam, but i don't believe in commercial part of this idea.
May be, i am return to this idea and create something "just for fun".

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!


08.05.2022, 13:57
(edited by DosWorld, 08.05.2022, 14:35)

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.


Top-secret defense object:

PS: bottles at left and right - "Molotov cocktail".

PPS: Why Greta Thunberg keep silince? :-D (I have more questions to people who promote she). Also, more funny fact - i hear nothing about COVID from 24 feb. (has been ended, no mask required all this time. balaclava is enough) :-D

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!



08.05.2022, 16:59
(edited by tkchia, 08.05.2022, 17:54)

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.


Hello DosWorld,

> PPS: Why Greta Thunberg keep silince? :-D (I have more questions to people

Apparently her message got ... co-opted? And apparently she does not like that (naturally).

> > But, in her own bleak assessment, it all made little difference. “They
> > invite cherry-picked young people to meetings like this to pretend they
> > are listening to us,” she told a youth conference in Milan, Italy ahead of
> > COP26 last year.
> >
> > Her appearances in the halls of power had been sensational, televisual,
> > but ultimately just the right amount of discomfort for world leaders to
> > endure. Politicians would leave the room believing, “Yeah! We got
> > flagellated by Greta, and I’ve been absolved of my sins!” Henn said.
> >
> > The language she used to burn world leaders got coopted, sublimated.


> who promote she). Also, more funny fact - i hear nothing about COVID from
> 24 feb. (has been ended, no mask required all this time. balaclava is
> enough) :-D

Well, new subvariants of COVID-19 Omicron are still springing up, as late as last month (April 2022). So this whole COVID-19 pandemic is still very much in the present tense. :-|

If your local news is not talking about it, it probably just means that they decided not to pay attention, for whatever reason.

And I imagine that for someone in (or near) 🇺🇦, certain matters might be more urgent than getting the next dose of the Moderna vaccine. But that does not mean the virus is no longer around...   Stay safe.

Thank you!

--- · · 😴 "MOV AX,0D500H+CMOS_REG_D+NMI"


08.05.2022, 18:03

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.


> Why Greta Thunberg keep silince? :-D (I have more questions to people
> who promote she). Also, more funny fact - i hear nothing about COVID
> from 24 feb. (has been ended, no mask required all this time...

There still is plenty of news about covid. Maybe you stopped reading it when reading more about the war? still focuses on climate protests, which in turn do occasionally also mention the war, but their main topic of course is the environment.

FreeDOS / DOSEMU2 / ...



Germany (South),
09.05.2022, 13:07

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.


> PPS: Why Greta Thunberg keep silince?
> i hear nothing about COVID from 24 feb.

You shouldn't "fear" that the rats have left the sinking ship...

This COVID thing has shown once more that people rather believe "a big lie than a small one". :-D

And this war - well, I guess they welcome the opportunity to blame Mr. Putin for the quickly approaching crash of the Euro...

MS-DOS forever!



Bucharest, Romania,
09.05.2022, 14:42

@ Japheth

The world is changing.


> > PPS: Why Greta Thunberg keep silince?
> > i hear nothing about COVID from 24 feb.
> You shouldn't "fear" that the rats have left the sinking ship...
> This COVID thing has shown once more that people rather believe "a big lie
> than a small one". :-D
> And this war - well, I guess they welcome the opportunity to blame Mr.
> Putin for the quickly approaching crash of the Euro...

Great post! I was ready to write something similar. Anyway, perhaps you know the quote, no matter who said it: “You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.”

Glory to God for all things


Homepage E-mail

North Jackson, Ohio (USA),
10.05.2022, 16:59

@ Khusraw

The world is changing.


> > > PPS: Why Greta Thunberg keep silince?
> > > i hear nothing about COVID from 24 feb.
> >
> > You shouldn't "fear" that the rats have left the sinking ship...
> >
> > This COVID thing has shown once more that people rather believe
> "a big lie than a small one". :-D
> >
> > And this war - well, I guess they welcome the opportunity to blame Mr.
> > Putin for the quickly approaching crash of the Euro...
> Great post! I was ready to write something similar. Anyway, perhaps you
> know the quote, no matter who said it: “You can fool all the people some
> of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all
> the people all the time.”

Thank you both for saying what I have been saying for over 2years now.
(namely, that this whole Covid-19 situation has been a HUGE lie)

260) Sat, 2020-04-11 - 09:58:37 (GMT-0500)
This experiment being run by the worlds governments to see just
how difficult it would be to create a worldwide panic and seize
virtual total control has been a total success for them because
it has shown just how EASY it has been.

And Steve, you were correct in your statement the other day.

This experiment has shown that next time it will be even easier to
seize even greater control via the use of an even less threatening method.



Homepage E-mail

Berlin, Germany,
10.05.2022, 17:22

@ glennmcc

The world is changing.


> Thank you both for saying what I have been saying for over 2years now.
> (namely, that this whole Covid-19 situation has been a HUGE lie)

I'm glad to know so many smart people, who get the trick.

> This experiment being run by the worlds governments to see just
> how difficult it would be to create a worldwide panic and seize
> virtual total control has been a total success for them because
> it has shown just how EASY it has been.

Do you really believe, that "the worlds governments" would not split over such a plan? That would have been the first time in history.

Forum admin


Homepage E-mail

North Jackson, Ohio (USA),
10.05.2022, 18:25

@ rr

The world is changing.


> > Thank you both for saying what I have been saying for over 2years now.
> > (namely, that this whole Covid-19 situation has been a HUGE lie)
> I'm glad to know so many smart people, who get the trick.
> > This experiment being run by the worlds governments to see just
> > how difficult it would be to create a worldwide panic and seize
> > virtual total control has been a total success for them because
> > it has shown just how EASY it has been.
> Do you really believe, that "the worlds governments" would not split over
> such a plan? That would have been the first time in history.

Some of the 'small/less powerful' goverments did not "fall in line".

The 'large/powerful' ones collaborated with each other and took
virtual total control of virtually the entire world's population
with mandated quarantines, social distancing, wearing of masks,
shutting-down businesses, arresting and jailing those who violated
the mandates... etc...etc...

I wrote this almost a year ago...

And this one December 26, 2020...




10.05.2022, 18:36

@ glennmcc

The world is changing.


Hello glennmcc,

> Some of the 'small/less powerful' goverments did not "fall in line".
> The 'large/powerful' ones collaborated with each other and took
> virtual total control of virtually the entire world's population

So, by this theory, are Russia and Ukraine on the same side of this vast worldwide COVID conspiracy, or not? Or perhaps the people who propose this "vast worldwide conspiracy" theory have zero idea what is really going on, and they are just blowing smoke?

Thank you!

--- · · 😴 "MOV AX,0D500H+CMOS_REG_D+NMI"


Homepage E-mail

North Jackson, Ohio (USA),
10.05.2022, 18:46

@ tkchia

The world is changing.


> Hello glennmcc,
> > Some of the 'small/less powerful' goverments did not "fall in line".
> > The 'large/powerful' ones collaborated with each other and took
> > virtual total control of virtually the entire world's population
> So, by this theory, are Russia and Ukraine on the same side of this vast
> worldwide COVID conspiracy, or not? Or perhaps the people who propose this
> "vast worldwide conspiracy" theory have zero idea what is really going on,
> and they are just blowing smoke?
> Thank you!

which of us has been fooled and has not yet
been convinced that they have been fooled ?




10.05.2022, 19:02

@ glennmcc

The world is changing.


Hello glennmcc,

> > > Some of the 'small/less powerful' goverments did not "fall in line".
> > > The 'large/powerful' ones collaborated with each other and took
> > > virtual total control of virtually the entire world's population

> > So, by this theory, are Russia and Ukraine on the same side of this vast
> > worldwide COVID conspiracy, or not? Or perhaps the people who propose
> this
> > "vast worldwide conspiracy" theory have zero idea what is really going
> on,
> > and they are just blowing smoke?
> > Thank you!

As far as I can tell, I asked a very simple, direct question, which anyone who knows The Truth™ can answer with a very simple, direct answer.

Either you know the answer — and the answer might be "yes", or it might be "no", or it might be (!) "well, yes and no". Or, you might say "I don't really know" — which will be a perfectly honest answer, in my book.

Thank you!

--- · · 😴 "MOV AX,0D500H+CMOS_REG_D+NMI"


Homepage E-mail

North Jackson, Ohio (USA),
10.05.2022, 19:27

@ tkchia

The world is changing.


> Hello glennmcc,
> > > > Some of the 'small/less powerful' goverments did not "fall in line".
> > > > The 'large/powerful' ones collaborated with each other and took
> > > > virtual total control of virtually the entire world's population
> > > So, by this theory, are Russia and Ukraine on the same side of this
> vast
> > > worldwide COVID conspiracy, or not? Or perhaps the people who propose
> > this
> > > "vast worldwide conspiracy" theory have zero idea what is really going
> > on,
> > > and they are just blowing smoke?
> > > Thank you!
> >
> As far as I can tell, I asked a very simple, direct question, which anyone
> who knows The Truth™ can answer with a very simple, direct answer.
> Either you know the answer — and the answer might be "yes", or it might
> be "no", or it might be (!) "well, yes and no". Or, you might say "I don't
> really know" — which will be a perfectly honest answer, in my book.
> Thank you!

Excuse me, I did not realize that you were looking for a simple 'yes/no'.

Yes, Russia and Ukraine _were_ in-on the compliance with perpetrating
the Covid-19 lie upon the world. Now, of-course they have bigger problems
and are no-longer concerned with continuing that perpetration.

No.... those of us who see the truth have not been fooled
and are not blowing smoke.

Yes... IMO, you seem to be one of those who have been fooled
but have not yet been (and probably never will be),
convinced that they have been fooled.

Which of-course will make it even easier for the governments to perpetrate
an even bigger lie and take even more control the next time with their
continued scaremongering which has been going on for a very, very long time.

The powers in charge keep us in a perpetual state of fear,
keep us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor with
the cry of grave national emergency.
Always there has been some terrible evil to gobble us up if
we did not blindly rally behind it by furnishing the exorbitant
sums demanded.
Yet, in retrospect, these disasters seem never to have happened,
seem never to have been quite real.

--General Douglas MacArthur




10.05.2022, 19:51
(edited by tkchia, 10.05.2022, 20:12)

@ glennmcc

The world is changing.


Hello glennmcc,

> Yes, Russia and Ukraine _were_ in-on the compliance with perpetrating
> the Covid-19 lie upon the world. Now, of-course they have bigger problems
> and are no-longer concerned with continuing that perpetration.

I am pretty sure both Russia and Ukraine do still recognize the existence of COVID-19, even now.

Anyway... this is all very interesting. Normally, if one suspects some sort of conspiracy, one would go about collecting more information and evidence about the conspiracy itself. Names, places, dates, times, documents, signatures, recordings, you name it.

It makes sense for one to want to know more about the details of this vast COVID-19 conspiracy, or any other conspiracy for that matter, if indeed there is a conspiracy. Why would anyone want to know less about the details of a conspiracy?

And yet — the "evidence" and "information" I am seeing about this "COVID conspiracy" is but a huge gigantic nothing-burger. I am seeing a lot of quotations from Mark Twain, Douglas MacArthur, etc., but nothing on the actual "COVID conspiracy" itself. And those who want to Spread the Truth About The Conspiracy™ do not actually seem to want to know more about it. This is all very strange, is it not?

--- · · 😴 "MOV AX,0D500H+CMOS_REG_D+NMI"


Homepage E-mail

North Jackson, Ohio (USA),
10.05.2022, 20:19

@ tkchia

The world is changing.


> Hello glennmcc,
> > Yes, Russia and Ukraine _were_ in-on the compliance with perpetrating
> > the Covid-19 lie upon the world. Now, of-course they have bigger
> problems
> > and are no-longer concerned with continuing that perpetration.
> I am pretty sure both Russia and Ukraine do still recognize the
> existence of COVID-19, even now.
> Anyway... this is all very interesting. Normally, if one suspects some
> sort of conspiracy, one would go about collecting more information and
> evidence about the conspiracy itself. Names, places, documents,
> signatures, recordings, you name it.
> It makes sense for one to know more about the details of this vast
> COVID-19 conspiracy, or any other conspiracy for that matter, if indeed
> there is a conspiracy. Why would anyone want to know less about the
> details of the conspiracy?
> And yet — the "evidence" and "information" I am seeing about this
> "COVID conspiracy" is but a huge gigantic nothing-burger. I am seeing a
> lot of quotations from Mark Twain, Douglas MacArthur, etc., but nothing on
> the actual "COVID conspiracy" itself. And those who want to Spread the
> Truth About The Conspiracy™ do not actually seem to want to know more
> about it. This is all very strange, is it not?

We could go back-n-forth till we're blue in the face.

I'll never be able to convince you that you have been fooled
into believing a governmental lie.

You'll never be able to convince me that I have been fooled
into believing that the governments are lying.

So, my final words on this subject are simply....

2006) Wed, Dec 19, 2012 - 10:32:45 am (EST) (GMT-0500)
There is one simple fact that I feel can't be denied.

No matter what any of us have to say about _anything_ ...
NOTHING will ever change as a result of us talking about it here on this board.

2007) Wed, Dec 19, 2012 - 10:41:42 am (EST) (GMT-0500)

With such strong issues as these.....
The opinions that each of us have are solidly and permanently set
'for life' and none of us will ever be able to change the others opinion.




10.05.2022, 18:25
(edited by tkchia, 10.05.2022, 18:38)

@ rr

The world is changing.


Hello rr, hello glennmcc,

> > This experiment being run by the worlds governments to see just
> > how difficult it would be to create a worldwide panic and seize
> > virtual total control has been a total success for them because
> > it has shown just how EASY it has been.
> Do you really believe, that "the worlds governments" would not split over
> such a plan? That would have been the first time in history.


<sarc>, so Putin was right after all, when he said that there is a vast NATO conspiracy to, um, do bad things or something! Or is Putin actually a part of the whole conspiracy after all, and he was just acting his part? Then perhaps the whole "invasion of Ukraine" thing and the whole "Bucha massacre" thing, they are actually all fake, and part of this huge worldwide conspiracy to, well, I don't know what? </sarc>

Seriously, I do not know why it is so hard for some to accept that there might be an actual virus outbreak going on.

Or maybe I do know. I have heard someone argue, in all seriousness, that `global warming is not real, because if it were real, then we will need to spend a lot of $$ on mitigating it'. (This is of course a logical fallacy.) I guess, by the same token, if COVID-19 is real, then we will have to accept a lot of inconvenience in our lives, so "obviously" COVID "cannot" be real.

Thank you!

--- · · 😴 "MOV AX,0D500H+CMOS_REG_D+NMI"


10.05.2022, 20:20

@ glennmcc

The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes


> Thank you both for saying what I have been saying for over 2 years now.
> (namely, that this whole Covid-19 situation has been a HUGE lie)

So you say that China, Russia, all western countries etc. have been secretly working together against THEMSELVES? Because of... sadism?

Brazil has told everybody to just ignore the problem. Result: They saved cash for retirement funds (old people are at risk of dying) and the economy was hit because young people were too ill to work. So "ignore it and keep working" failed.

India has just ignored the poor, maybe millions have died without anybody noticing. Among the poor, those who were too ill to work lost their jobs and got replaced by others.

China is doing extreme lockdowns, to keep the rest of the place zero covid. Do they know how horrible the long term consequences of covid are, but keep them secret? Or do they just prefer to annoy some people more to give the majority more liberties? Either way, they never needed health excuses when banning criticism.

If there is a secret world government, then why does it not simply stop wars by stopping to fight with itself?

Some of those talking about new world order cite an old French source about using a pandemic as excuse for that. If you read the source, you will find that they just said that the world should cooperate to help poor countries fight a possible pandemic, to reduce infection risk for the rich as well.

This has not happened, as far as I can tell. The poor were lucky that they are young enough to get over covid, but widespread infections have helped create more variants now spreading around the world.

FreeDOS / DOSEMU2 / ...



10.05.2022, 21:06
(edited by tkchia, 10.05.2022, 21:19)

@ mceric

The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes


Hello mceric,

> India has just ignored the poor, maybe millions have died without anybody
> noticing. Among the poor, those who were too ill to work lost their jobs
> and got replaced by others.

There was also ... Turkmenistan, which apparently decided in 2020 that COVID-19 did not exist in their country, but for some reason acted as if it did exist.

> > On July 12, the Turkmen Health Ministry recommended mask wearing to
> > protect individuals from increased "dust" in the air. It also recommended
> > maintaining distance from other people, but didn't include a reason.

It is almost like most governments would actually prefer to dismiss COVID-19 as unreal if they could...

Thank you!

--- · · 😴 "MOV AX,0D500H+CMOS_REG_D+NMI"


10.05.2022, 21:46

@ tkchia

The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes


> Turkmenistan,
> which apparently decided in 2020 that COVID-19 did not exist in their
> country, but for some reason acted as if it did exist.

That news is almost 2 years old. You desperately seem to be hoping to be the victim of a persistent secret global dictatorship while everybody has returned to normal life.

Reminds me of when I saw a sticker last summer, which was protesting against "locking everybody up". The sticker was on a lamp-post a few steps away from an open cafe where people were enjoying their cakes. Even THAT is 1 year ago by now.

FreeDOS / DOSEMU2 / ...



10.05.2022, 23:06

@ mceric

The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes


Hello mceric,

> Turkmenistan,
> > which apparently decided in 2020 that COVID-19 did not exist in their
> > country, but for some reason acted as if it did exist.
> That news is almost 2 years old. You desperately seem to be hoping to be
> the victim of a persistent secret global dictatorship while everybody has
> returned to normal life.

I suppose. :-D Well, the news story is old, but the key thing is that the events did indeed happen, and the story shows the lengths that some leaders are willing to go to, to avoid drumming up any COVID scare.

Thank you!

--- · · 😴 "MOV AX,0D500H+CMOS_REG_D+NMI"



Germany (South),
11.05.2022, 08:48
(edited by Japheth, 11.05.2022, 08:59)

@ mceric

The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes


> If there is a secret world government, then why does it not simply stop wars by stopping to fight with itself?

This sentence reveals that you haven't the slightest idea how human beings and societies are "working".

It's probably a common problem of all so-called "humanists" ... :-D

Let me tell you something, for free: Without that strange emotion commonly called FEAR neither humans nor societies can exist.

And one fear that works really well for societies is the fear of war. That's why, for example, they shouldn't have talked so much about "peace dividend" after the cold war had ended in the 1990ies, but rather about "peace costs". One may see those costs now, 30 years later, mostly in the western countries...

Well, what I want to say: since you are so naive, you should really stop explaining "the world" to other people. I know, that's hard for someone who loves sooo much to talk - and I can't help. :-(

MS-DOS forever!


11.05.2022, 22:20
(edited by DosWorld, 11.05.2022, 22:48)

@ mceric

The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes


> So you say that China, Russia, all western countries etc. have been
> secretly working together against THEMSELVES? Because of... sadism?
> If there is a secret world government, then why does it not simply stop
> wars by stopping to fight with itself?

Because they are not fighting against themselves, but against each other.

Did you know that the England-Saxon elites want to enslave Russia?

PS: Sorry, i can't stop kidding, when hear "world government" (russian propaganda based on this) or "Nazi's secret bases in Antarctica". :-D I am stop see russsian-spoken youtube (excluding few persons), bacause overloaded of conspiracy theories madness, last 2-4 years.
PPS: But it not mean: world government and secret bases does not exists. :-D

PPPS: American's artillery (M777A2) in UA, now: (thanks!)

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!


16.06.2022, 14:23
(edited by DosWorld, 16.06.2022, 16:17)

@ DosWorld

The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes


First time, when i completely agree with Dmitry Medvedev:

-[ quote ]-
That's what European lovers of frogs, liver and pasta like to visit Kyiv. Benefits are nil. Again they promised to join the EU, old howitzers, drank vodka and left by train, like a hundred years ago - home. And all is well. Only now this does not bring Ukraine closer to peace. And the clock is ticking...


Why my president waste time and vodka for this Gasprom top-managers ? (hard to believe they have another employer)

Stanmeier, Merkel, Macron made a mistakes (3 times! Georgia, Minsk1, Minsk2) that will lead to the decline of their countries. But they continue to confidently go down this way. They are already afraid, but have not yet understood what will cause it. :-D Fool time. Business as usual and free m0ney for politicians - is over.

When will politicians be kicked out for fighting global warming? (and other invented problems) They are more afraid of global warming than a rocket fire in Europe (right now I hear a rocket launch warning from the street).

Also, where is "deep concern" magic words? This words is free.
We need more of fresh deep concern.
It works, last 8 years.

I returned my assault rifle to the warehouse, but I am getting a license for civilian weapons. And I don't expect anything from this b[censored]wjob. I advise residents of neighboring countries to do the same. Gun does not ask for food, and shooting at the shooting range is fun. Instead listen free magic words from corrupt officials.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!


16.06.2022, 17:44

@ DosWorld

The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes


> That's what European lovers of frogs, liver and pasta like to visit Kyiv.
> Benefits are nil. Again they promised to join the EU, old howitzers, drank
> vodka and left by train, like a hundred years ago

I guess if the Ukraine would actually pay for all those weapons that they keep demanding it would be a different story. Germany is famous for being one of the world's largest arms traders and always keen on finding new customers.

> Why my president waste time and vodka for this Gasprom top-managers ?

It certainly would help the environment if the west would stop buying Russian fuels, indeed. However, that would reduce global warming and you are against that.

> Also, where is "deep concern" magic words? This words is free.
> We need more of fresh deep concern. It works, last 8 years.

The west could also stop pretending to be concerned until there is some profit to be made. Would that be better?

> I returned my assault rifle to the warehouse...

In which country can you buy assault rifles in supermarkets? I know only one such place at the moment: Walmart in USA. I am sure the Americans, too, would be glad to sell weapons to paying customers in Ukraine. Start making war a business case and the world will join.

FreeDOS / DOSEMU2 / ...


16.06.2022, 19:42
(edited by DosWorld, 16.06.2022, 22:43)

@ mceric

The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes


> In which country can you buy assault rifles in supermarkets?

BUY?? :-D :-D Personally me, i got my full-auto AK74 and full backpack of ammo (without counting - "as much as you can lift") for free. "something for free, but you will not be happy with it" :-D

video (not by me, but i was present here and confirm):

PS: The weapon was received and returned in accordance with the law. I currently have no criminal record and am not wanted.

> I guess if the Ukraine would actually pay for all those weapons
> that they keep demanding it would be a different story.

Yes it is. The question arises: where did the m0ney go? Now, we have no time to handle it. But, initially, Zelensky was not going to fight. His campaign promise was to stop the war. Solution was simple: "just need to stop shooting". He lied.

Another payment - nuclear weapon. I think we pay enough (10 times) for today "delivery". Imho, about m0ney, soldier death's, weapons, war - must care US/UK (by signed agreement). But this is not work. Why? Why we must ASK about weapon now? Why i sleep on asphalt in Feb? I am fully dislike it - i have a house with 2 warm cat. American soldiers must sleep instead me. Enough just show a map and say "you know what you have to do". And stop weapon delivery for us - our soldiers will not go near to fights, because they can die. Instead this, today we receive 3 old liars and a empty barrel of concern.

> Start making war a business case and the world will join.

World disarm us and want sell weapon to us. Nice deal, but may be another time.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!



16.06.2022, 18:52

@ DosWorld

The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes


Hello DosWorld,

> When will politicians be kicked out for fighting global warming? (and other
> invented problems) They are more afraid of global warming than a rocket
> fire in Europe (right now I hear a rocket launch warning from the street).

Is there a law of physics saying that there can only be one major problem in the world at any time? I do not think Newton or Einstein ever discovered such a physical law.

Global warming is a problem. Rockets raining down on Ukraine are also a problem. Covid-19 is a problem. Heck, people drinking "milk" that is not actually milk ... is also a problem.

These are all problems. Just because my brain may not be able to handle more than one problem at once, it does not mean that the world will somehow alter itself to fit my brain — no siree. A good leader recognizes all the problems as they are, juggles them as best as they can, and places competent people in the right places to solve and manage all these problems.

Thank you!

--- · · 😴 "MOV AX,0D500H+CMOS_REG_D+NMI"



Germany (South),
17.06.2022, 07:49

@ tkchia

The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes


> A good leader recognizes all the problems as they are, juggles them as best as they can,
> and places competent people in the right places to solve and manage all these problems.


You obviously must also believe in Santa Clause...

I'm sure leaders try to "solve" problems, but solving their problems is usually the cause of the problems we ( the "others" ) have.

> Thank you!

I thank you too!

MS-DOS forever!



17.06.2022, 11:22
(edited by tkchia, 17.06.2022, 15:34)

@ Japheth

The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes


Hello Japheth,

> > Global warming is a problem. Rockets raining down on Ukraine are also a problem. Covid-19 is a problem. Heck, people drinking "milk" that is not actually milk ... is also a problem.

> :-D
> You obviously must also believe in Santa Clause...

Hmm, OK.

I believe that Covid-19 and global warming are very real and very big problems — and that food safety could also become a big problem, if not addressed properly.

And this somehow means that I am deluded and believe in fairy tales — unlike certain self-styled grand masters of pragmatic Realpolitik, who think we can deal with problems by simply hand-waving them away. :clap:

--- · · 😴 "MOV AX,0D500H+CMOS_REG_D+NMI"



Germany (South),
17.06.2022, 17:18

@ tkchia

The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes


> who think we can deal with problems by simply hand-waving them away.

One problem you may surely be able to deal with: cite with correct context!

MS-DOS forever!



16.06.2022, 19:11

@ DosWorld

The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes


Hello DosWorld,

> I returned my assault rifle to the warehouse, but I am getting a license
> for civilian weapons. And I don't expect anything from this
> b[censored]wjob. I advise residents of neighboring countries to do the
> same. Gun does not ask for food, and shooting at the shooting range is fun.
> Instead listen free magic words from corrupt officials.

OK, I kind of admire the sentiment, but I do not for a moment believe in the "good guy with gun stops bad guy with gun" mantra.

In the first place, what we are seeing here is not just "bad" guys with guns, but "bad" guys with cannons that pound incessantly at critical infrastructure that offers food, water, electricity, medicine, and transport. There are bigger problems at stake here, than just putting a gun in every hand.

Thank you!

--- · · 😴 "MOV AX,0D500H+CMOS_REG_D+NMI"


16.06.2022, 20:07
(edited by DosWorld, 16.06.2022, 23:40)

@ tkchia

The world is changing, but conspiracies are unlikely causes


> OK, I kind of admire the sentiment, but I do not for a moment believe in
> the "good guy with gun stops bad guy with gun" mantra.

Yes, this philosophy limitedly - works, until moment when bad guys came and you two choice:

1. die
2. die with a rifle (or fork, if have no gun) in a hand. No matter how good you shoot.

After that, the problem of moral choice (or "what i should to do") does not exist.
All stays clear and simple - just need kill.

Also, here is a misstake - woman can scream on 15km distance, before shooting. I hear full night.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!


09.05.2022, 18:52
(edited by DosWorld, 09.05.2022, 19:38)

@ Japheth

The world is changing.


> This COVID thing has shown once more that people rather believe "a big lie
> than a small one". :-D

Now, we have (in UA) situation near to ideal for mass pandemic. Questions: Where are the stadiums filled with infected corpses? Where are the statistics with millions of deaths?


1. Civil people does not use mask and have free entrance to shops, metro, bus'es, government offices etc. (100% of restrictions is stoped)
2. Army = "many people in one place". Bomb shelters also do not isolate people from each other.
3. Medicine state:
3.1. Many people have no access to medicine (also to drugs, water, food, electricity and Greta's twitter)
3.2. Government medic system is a little bit degradated (imho, medicine power is 70% then before war)
4. High internal migration of people (inside country).
5. High external migration of people (from/to country - UA <=> EU). What about COVID into Poland? Poland must be most damaged, but not. Why? Polish President Anrzej Duda said that in the near future there will be no more borders between Poland and Ukraine, and the peoples of the two countries will be able to "live together on this land." I am not sure in near future, but this is not sounds like an introduction to total quarantine.

Personally, me: had a strange flu for a week. (everything is OK, just drinks many hot tea and many sleep). I have no info about deaths from my social links.

Imho, power of COVID is very overscaled. Near to criminally overscaled. (re-read my questions at begin)

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!



09.05.2022, 19:37

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.


Hello DosWorld,

> Now, we have (in UA) situation near to ideal for mass pandemic. Questions:
> Where are the stadiums filled with infected corpses? Where are the
> statistics with millions of deaths?

I am pretty sure you can find the answers to these questions if you just look in the right places...

In short: apparently Poland still sees about 1,000 to 2,000 new coronavirus cases, and up to about 64 deaths from the coronavirus, every day (as of April). And Ukraine was seeing about 29,000 to 44,000 new cases including 100 to 310 deaths every day, at least up to 18 February, but apparently they could not (?) keep track of this stuff once the invasion began.

So there you go.

Thank you!

--- · · 😴 "MOV AX,0D500H+CMOS_REG_D+NMI"


09.05.2022, 19:50
(edited by DosWorld, 09.05.2022, 20:45)

@ tkchia

The world is changing.



2021-04-07 638
2021-04-08 956
2021-04-09 768
2021-04-10 749
2021-04-11 245
2021-04-12 60
2021-04-13 645
2021-04-14 804
2021-04-15 682

2022-04-07 64
2022-04-08 58
2022-04-09 41
2022-04-10 ?
2022-04-11 ?
2022-04-12 61
2022-04-13 40
2022-04-14 39
2022-04-15 34

This is pandemic caused by infected-people migration.


This article says:

"February-March 2022

With the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine there have been increasing concerns that COVID may become a bigger problem moving forward, alongside a polio epidemic.[13][77]"

Ok, let's read source [13] and [77]:


Date is "Feb. 26, 2022", this first-day article and can't have statistic to compare.

(aljazeera? Good source)

"Since the invasion, cases have dropped but this is most likely due to not testing, given the competing priorities for residents of both countries."

Imho, all this is mean "we cant measure it, we have no numbers, but need sell panic".

Too much international bureaucracy, who immediately start fight with "may become a bigger problem" but reject to solve exists a real problem.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!


09.05.2022, 20:47

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.


> Imho, power of COVID is very overscaled. Near to criminally overscaled.

You do know that the current dominant Omicron variant is a lot less deadly than Delta, right? Which makes it similar to influenza. In short, depending on your age and luck, it can be quite nasty to get it and you might be unable to go to work for weeks, but yes, if that is your definition of harmless, you will almost certainly survive it. Even without vaccination, if you prefer getting more symptoms instead. I assume that your age and weight, as with previous variants, will make a big difference.

Most countries only recommend things for prevention now, instead of requiring them, such as wearing masks, in the past. This is scary for people with bad immune systems, but they can try to wait until everybody else got it, which will slow down the spread.

FreeDOS / DOSEMU2 / ...


09.05.2022, 21:21

@ mceric

The world is changing.


> > Imho, power of COVID is very overscaled. Near to criminally overscaled.
> You do know that the current dominant Omicron variant is a lot less deadly
> than Delta, right?

Overall, the extremely high rate of spread, combined with its ability to evade both double vaccination and the body's immune system, means the total number of patients requiring hospital care at any given time is still of great concern.

Bold text is false. IMHO.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!


09.05.2022, 22:37

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.


> Overall, the extremely high rate of spread, combined with its ability to
> evade both double vaccination and the body's immune system, means the
> total number of patients requiring hospital care at any given time
> is still of great concern
> (source)
> Bold text is false. IMHO.

That is no claim from somebody on Wikipedia, their source is linked:

As you can see, the statement came from some university in USA in December 2021. Whether and which politicians in May 2022 still worry about covid-19 is an entirely different question compared to the 2021 thoughts of "Oh WOW! That Omicron is super infectious! Should we worry about it? Or be happy that it supplants Delta?"

FreeDOS / DOSEMU2 / ...



09.05.2022, 18:54

@ Japheth

The world is changing.


Hello Japheth,

> > PPS: Why Greta Thunberg keep silince?
> > i hear nothing about COVID from 24 feb.
> You shouldn't "fear" that the rats have left the sinking ship...
> This COVID thing has shown once more that people rather believe "a big lie
> than a small one". :-D

Huh? Are you saying the possibility of run-away climate change is not real? Or that COVID-19 is not real? Or ... ?

(No, I do not think the workings of CO₂ molecules or coronavirus particles have any relation to what news journalists do or do not do.)

Thank you!

--- · · 😴 "MOV AX,0D500H+CMOS_REG_D+NMI"


07.10.2022, 22:10
(edited by DosWorld, 08.10.2022, 00:10)

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.


(Impressionable people better do not read/look)

"Killing in toilets" is one of Putin's old memes. Implied the power of his special services (don't ask me why, because "need to start explain it - from 1917" - soviet brain-damage).
(putins soldier try to hide into village toilet)


Another notable story of love and death of two russian soldiers. 18+

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!


12.11.2022, 11:01
(edited by DosWorld, 12.11.2022, 12:03)

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.


Gypsies in Ukrainian army.

"The Gypsies have an unwritten law - not to fight. But we are not invaders, we defend our country!". How Transcarpathian Gypsies fight at the front.

"When my 8 comrades and I came to the Svaliava military registration and enlistment office, the commissar could not understand what we want for a long time," says Mykhailo Titychko, call sign "Baron".

All nine Roma were enrolled in the unit engaged in the repair of damaged equipment. However, at the beginning of the war, the brigade fought heavy defensive battles and felt a shortage of fighters in the mountain assault infantry units.

Therefore, the commander decided to create a separate combat company from among the repairmen and asked who would go into it voluntarily. All nine Roma volunteered and held their defenses in the southeastern direction for several months.

They make their example for the integration of Gypsies into society more than any long-term programs, priority strategies, multiethnic concepts.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!


15.11.2022, 22:05
(edited by DosWorld, 15.11.2022, 23:43)

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.


> Expecting another portion of concern from EU leaders.

"Price of concern". Right now.:-(

For us - everyday. Don't be afraid - you will stop worry and/or listen missile-alarms very fast.

I don't know why, but I slept well during the all kind of attacks, but, some time, I am awakened and frightened by the city services rattling when taking away garbage containers.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!


14.12.2022, 01:33

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.


I am feel like i am live in a history book.

I will try not to say bad about the power consumption of modern processors anymore.:-D

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!



Sydney, Free World South,
14.12.2022, 03:10

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.


> I am feel like i am live in a history book.

Not sure what that means. Incredible things are
happening? History is being repeated?


That's fantastic news - I'll have an endless
supply of helium for my daughter's balloons.

> I will try not to say bad about the power consumption of modern processors
> anymore.:-D

Is it good or bad? I used to have a problem with
my laptop's fan being very noisy. But the laptop
I am using now (cheapest new one I could find),
doesn't even have a fan. It's pretty fantastic
actually. 9200 pesos. Less than US$200 I think.

BTW, I have been talking for something like 12
years to an ethnic Russian who migrated to the
UK at the age of 10 or something about why
Russians are nutcases.

There has been a constant flow of understanding
over that period, and he was forced to flip
worldviews at the beginning of that process.

I'm not sure whether the analysis could be useful
as part of the information war. I think it's
highly unlikely that any significant portion of
the Russian people will flip worldview like my
friend did. Not because he can't translate into
Russian, but because people point-blank refuse
to switch worldviews. But they do in fact have
an understandable, albeit alien, paradigm.

BTW, I saw someone mention that there was an
agreement to leave a "buffer zone". Neither NATO,
nor even America alone made any such agreement.
Such an agreement would have needed to be discussed
formally within NATO and require unanimous agreement
to accept the enslavement/insecurity of people
living in "buffers". I haven't seen any sign of even
a majority of states agreeing to such a thing, or
even a single state even tabling such a thing as
a topic of debate. Just more Russian wishful thinking.
I believe there is evidence of a single American
official saying that privately, without authority.
That ain't official policy or agreement. Nor is it
official government policy to drink bleach to cure

BFN. Paul.


15.12.2022, 19:07
(edited by DosWorld, 16.12.2022, 00:23)

@ kerravon

The world is changing.


> Incredible things are happening?


> That's fantastic news - I'll have an endless
> supply of helium for my daughter's balloons.

... and free energy. In short words: they receive more energy then spend. Carbon - not need anymore.

So, now humanity has two choices:

1. Build a Giant Alcohol Distiller (distillation is energy-expensive process!) and then - build alco-Matrix.
2. Fly to stars.

Personal me, - i don't believe in (2), because it is a dream for a 3.5 autistic people (including me, my Emperor Elon I and, may be, person who read this post). Imho, all others choose got drunk + shooting.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!


15.12.2022, 21:03
(edited by DosWorld, 16.12.2022, 01:24)

@ kerravon

The world is changing.


> BTW, I have been talking for something like 12
> years to an ethnic Russian who migrated


> Not because he can't translate into
> Russian, but because people point-blank refuse
> to switch worldviews. But they do in fact have
> an understandable, albeit alien, paradigm.

I am stop any communication with russian anonymous community after March (Saw reaction on Bucha).
"Much knowledge multiplies many sorrows"
I am partly understand they. And definitely not happy with this knowledge.
In short words: they are near to animals or slave-peasants (from XV century) - reject any form of own responsibility.
But i don't understand how to (and may be "why") they became in this state. Or never leave this state (because never be free). But in the same time - Ukraine share history last 300 years. Don't known.

So, Giant Alcohol Distiller is not impossible.:-D

> I saw someone mention that there was an
> agreement to leave a "buffer zone".

This is wet dream of russian government (in any form of government) from 1945. Imho, many people from this forum can discuss it and tell how they "like" it. Forget it. Now, need to finish what wasn't done in '90. It was main mistake of frightened east in 90th. It must be sovled, but postpone=increase cost and pain more and more times.

Did you known what was at end of Chicken Kiev speech in parliament? (1991) George Bush listen whistling. "Bush does not understand that we are fighting against a totalitarian state." - this words is told in 1991. And now we come back to this words again in 2022, but have a bloody fight. Where did this "totalitarian state" come from? Maybe it didn't go away? What the Putin's first place of job? May be KGB? Hmm... SURPRISE!

[mad mode]We known date when russia will be separated on parts.[/mad mode] :-D

>> I will try not to say bad about the power consumption of modern
>> processors anymore.:-D
> Is it good or bad? I used to have a problem with
> my laptop's fan being very noisy.

Here is two points:

1. Reliability. We build highly complex computing systems. Their reliability is equal to the reliability of a $2 fan. As man who live in ~100km to Tchernobyl Power Plant - i completly hate this reliability.

2. It all started with the Pentium 4. When they could not increase productivity due to the quality of circuit planning, they increased productivity due to energy consumption. This story repeat again and again. 100-200wt CPU and 500wt GPU - it is madness. (prices - one more madness :-D ) What's about 3..20wt for full home PC? Yes, i have (and love) RPI, but RPI reliability is equal to reliability of microSD (~1 year) or SSD (due to unix permanent writing to disk). It could not work forever like DOS.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!



Sydney, Free World South,
16.12.2022, 03:50

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.


> I am partly understand they. And definitely not happy with this knowledge.
> In short words: they are near to animals or slave-peasants (from XV
> century) - reject any form of own responsibility.
> But i don't understand how to (and may be "why") they became in this state.
> Or never leave this state (because never be free). But in the same time -
> Ukraine share history last 300 years. Don't known.

My friend traces it to Ivan the Terrible. There
were people objecting to his dictatorship so he
withdrew the security forces and let anarchy rule
until people "learnt" the lesson that it was better
to have a dictator.

Another thing to note is that democracy and freedom
are great, but they are artificial creations. That
is not the natural state of humans. (in my analysis).
So I see a problem in the west with people basically
saying "who are these strange people who have
dictatorships instead of democracy?". They aren't
strange, they are natural.

It is also the natural state of humans to be tribal.

My Russian friend tried to explain to his father to
view the world as ideas competing rather than nations
competing, but said his father didn't get it.

> 1. Reliability. We build highly complex computing systems. Their
> reliability is equal to the reliability of a $2 fan. As man who live in
> ~100km to Tchernobyl Power Plant - i completly hate this reliability.

Reliability of software or hardware?

Software is a complete mess. My wife has been unable
to operate her bank account for months because the
SMSes can't get through and no-one seems to care or
know how to fix it. A 300 bps modem running on an XT
could transmit a 6 digit number to the other side of
the world in less than 1 second. In 1983. But in 2022
it takes months and counting.

Hardware I haven't noticed any unreliability.

> 2. It all started with the Pentium 4. When they could not increase
> productivity due to the quality of circuit planning, they increased
> productivity due to energy consumption. This story repeat again and again.
> 100-200wt CPU and 500wt GPU - it is madness.

Maybe you're buying the wrong CPU? I don't even
have a fan on my laptop. And I could switch to PdAndro
and run PDOS-generic on a tablet that is USB powered.
It's only the software that is missing. Or use
Bochs and the software is already there.

> (prices - one more madness :-D
> ) What's about 3..20wt for full home PC?

You only need to run something like MSDOS. The above
setup costs around US$50, new.

> Yes, i have (and love) RPI, but
> RPI reliability is equal to reliability of microSD (~1 year) or SSD (due to
> unix permanent writing to disk). It could not work forever like DOS.

I remember someone posting a message saying "do
the maths" and they posted figures that showed
it was not possible for an SD card (or USB stick
or something, can't remember) to be written
to enough times to corrupt it.

I didn't verify the maths, so I'm not saying you're
wrong, just that I've heard a different story.

BFN. Paul.


16.12.2022, 13:40
(edited by DosWorld, 16.12.2022, 14:31)

@ kerravon

The world is changing.


> > reject any form of own responsibility.

Sorry, i am forgot a small note: i am talk with liberal-russians.
emprior-russians is nightmare, i dont try to talk with category - this is work for medicine. imho.

> Another thing to note is that democracy and freedom
> are great, but they are artificial creations. That
> is not the natural state of humans. (in my analysis).

In general - yes. But times is changed. We stop wars (or near to stop) and switch to business.

Dictatorship model is better when you have a enemies and have a war (like until XX century). But Dictatorship model is not work for a peace time.

For example, we had a democracy (or "plus-minus the same"). But right now, we have a war -> it stop any political process (election etc) and Zelensky have rights near to dictator. But until war end. After end, we return all political process. If Zelensky don't do it - we rebel. (imho, IRL he want escape to sea and drink a little bit beer, rather then became dictator)

> Reliability of software or hardware?


> Maybe you're buying the wrong CPU? I don't even

I don't buy it, but it was available on market.

> > RPI reliability is equal to reliability of microSD (~1 year) or SSD (due
> to
> > unix permanent writing to disk). It could not work forever like DOS.
> I remember someone posting a message saying "do
> the maths" and they posted figures that showed
> it was not possible for an SD card (or USB stick
> or something, can't remember) to be written
> to enough times to corrupt it.

I have no math, i have expirience. I have two "clusters" of RPI3. One "cluster" is 8 RPI3 which packed into 1U server case +power source.
So, this two clusters die in 1..2 year due to microSD die (i mean 16 microsd is die).

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!



16.12.2022, 23:55

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.


Hello DosWorld,

> > > In short words: they are near to animals or slave-peasants (from XV
> > > century) - reject any form of own responsibility.
> > > But i don't understand how to (and may be "why") they became in this state.
> Sorry, i am forgot a small note: i am talk with liberal-russians.
> emprior-russians is nightmare, i dont try to talk with category - this is
> work for medicine. imho.

Hmm. Well, these just came in:

> Speaking to the Guardian, [MEP Hannah] Neumann recalled a visit to Saudi
> Arabia in 2020 when [Eva] Kaili raised an issue concerning a Qatari princess
> at every single meeting — including when MEPs talked to an
> organisation delivering humanitarian aid to hungry people in Yemen.

> They found that the unvaccinated people were 72% more likely to be involved
> in a severe traffic crash — in which at least one person was transported to
> the hospital — than those who were vaccinated.
> [...] the [study] authors theorize that people who resist public health
> recommendations might also "neglect basic road safety guidelines."

I guess the common thread is, people are surprisingly easy to manipulate into doing (or thinking) dumb things. Or something.

Thank you!

--- · · 😴 "MOV AX,0D500H+CMOS_REG_D+NMI"


20.12.2022, 01:28
(edited by DosWorld, 20.12.2022, 01:42)

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.


Also, next days we will celebrate first 100k good russians. Today is 98800.
(no paint)

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!


20.12.2022, 21:10

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.



Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!



Sydney, Free World South,
26.12.2022, 05:34

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.


> 99230

I am currently debating a Russian in Russia, on Discord, if you wish to observe. Contact me via discord link if you are interested. Anyone else is welcome to observe too.

So far he hasn't resorted to name-calling etc. A similar debate with a Russian in the past took months, and he gave up and switched worldviews.

It's unlikely that this guy will switch worldviews, as that is exceedingly rare, but it's also rare that anyone will engage with me for as long as this guy already has.

Interestingly his girlfriend broke up with him because she is anti-war and he is pro-war.


18.01.2023, 03:30
(edited by DosWorld, 18.01.2023, 04:38)

@ kerravon

The world is changing.


> > 99230
116950 (yesterday +870, not bad day)

> I am currently debating a Russian in Russia, on Discord, if you wish to
> observe.

Ups. I missed this post, sorry.
Stop do it.

Short explanation: Best answer (in this debate) is a bullet.

Full explanation: You're going to have to refute the tons of lies that Russian TV has generated over the past 10 years. It works like a smoke-machine with speed (and quality) of /dev/random. Main goal - overload you. It brought too much pain - it can only be stopped, without arguments. The time for conversations (disputes) is over and time "call a police". (imho) They was fools (possible be persuaded) or simulate fools, now they are dangerous criminals. Everyday people die. Doesn't matter what they say - i'll not listen. I don't want waste my time and brain, but 1.5g of dust from Dynamit Nobel - is not too expensive and i ready spend.


PS: I had find Greta Thunberg in ... Germany. Looks like she is alive and happy: :-D

PPS: I don't understand why she try do protest in another country. From my point of view, need to ask German-people opinion at first. If she dislike german's opinion - she can make protest near to German Ambassador, in Sweden.

Make DOS great again!
Make Russia small again!


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Berlin, Germany,
18.01.2023, 08:55

@ DosWorld

The world is changing.


Okay, it's time to stop here now. I will lock this thread now. For more political discussions use another platform, please.

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