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30.01.2025, 11:24

ZEROFILL R2.00 released! (Announce)

Recently it has been some interest again in ZEROFILL, so I decided to give it priority against my other software (FileOptimizer) as well as other spare time projects ("Guardatiempo" Youtube Channel, "A contrarreloj Paul Davis books", ...).

Here it is ZEROFILL 2.00, an updated release after almost 3 years including most highly demanded features:

- Support extended FAT32 drives with 7305 DOS service if available (EDR-DOS, FreeDOS, DOSBox-X).
- Increased speed by generating temporary 1GB files instead of 500MB files as in previous version.

Information as well as download links available on Sourceforge:

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30.01.2025, 13:01

@ Guti

ZEROFILL R2.01 released!

And now we have 2.01 too. Busy DOS day today :-)

- Changed temporary file naming convention from ZEROFILL.XXX to ZEROXXXX.FIL in order to support up to 9999 files instead of 999 (Fritz Mueller).
- Added a question at the end of the process to confirm deletion of temporary files (Fritz Mueller).
- Upgraded to UPX 4.2.4.
- Minor code optimizations and cleanup.

> Recently it has been some interest again in ZEROFILL, so I decided to give
> it priority against my other software (FileOptimizer) as well as other
> spare time projects ("Guardatiempo" Youtube Channel, "A contrarreloj Paul
> Davis books", ...).
> Here it is ZEROFILL 2.00, an updated release after almost 3 years including
> most highly demanded features:
> - Support extended FAT32 drives with 7305 DOS service if available
> (EDR-DOS, FreeDOS, DOSBox-X).
> - Increased speed by generating temporary 1GB files instead of 500MB files
> as in previous version.
> Information as well as download links available on Sourceforge:

Visit my personal blog at



01.02.2025, 00:30

@ Guti

ZEROFILL R2.01 released!

I only vaguely recall that some previous version of yours would crash (only) under VirtualBox. I ended up writing my own in i8086-msdos FreePascal (using int64 and DOS unit's FAT32-aware DiskFree function). That was on my MetaDOS floppy image to clear junk (deleted) data, mostly just to compress better.

For comparison, there are other ways to do it.

* Jason Hood (Jadoxa) modified a WIPE utility to add both LFN and FAT32 awareness.
* UNIX dd is probably ideal, but I doubt our DOS ports (GNUish or DJGPP) support /dev/zero or /dev/random . At the very least, they are too old to support progress info. (I also haven't heavily tested the UnxUtils Win32 version.)
* Does DJGPP's old (CoreUtils) FileUtils have SHRED? Probably, but that's more for security than just zeroing out for better compression.
* There's probably an easy way in 4DOS to do the same thing.



03.02.2025, 06:05

@ Rugxulo

ZEROFILL R2.01 released!

Thank you so much. Since version 2.0 ZEROFILL is using 64 bit arithmetic as well as supporting extended diskfree is available.

> I only vaguely recall that some previous version of yours would crash
> (only) under VirtualBox. I ended up writing my own in i8086-msdos
> FreePascal (using int64 and DOS unit's FAT32-aware DiskFree function). That
> was on my MetaDOS floppy image to clear junk (deleted) data, mostly just to
> compress better.
> For comparison, there are other ways to do it.
> * Jason Hood (Jadoxa) modified a
> WIPE utility to
> add both LFN and FAT32 awareness.
> * UNIX dd is probably
> ideal, but I doubt our DOS ports (GNUish or DJGPP) support /dev/zero or
> /dev/random . At the very least, they are too old to support progress info.
> (I also haven't heavily tested the UnxUtils Win32 version.)
> * Does DJGPP's old (CoreUtils) FileUtils have SHRED? Probably, but that's
> more for security than just zeroing out for better compression.
> * There's probably an easy way in 4DOS to do the same thing.

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