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Berlin, Germany,
18.07.2007, 13:04

Welcome to "DOS ain't dead"! (Announce)

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I) About

This forum evolved from a support forum for BTTR Software customers in 2006 to the most popular English-speaking DOS-only forum for users and developers running MS-DOS-compatible operating systems. So we hereby invite you to stay for a while. :waving:

To get write access (= become a forum member), drop us a short message. (Please include the username you would like us to register!)

II) Forum rules

1) Be respectful with others and maintain the integrity of your discussion partners.
2) Please post in English only!
3) Please do not top-post! :-|
4) Please do not bottom-post! :-(
5) Please use interleaved reply style instead! :-)
6) Do not post illegal content. (Not even external links to!)

III) Recommendations not only for newbies

If you want helpful responses, be sure to understand the following articles.
Both articles are available in many different languages.
* How To Ask Questions The Smart Way by Eric S. Raymond, Rick Moen
* How to Report Bugs Effectively by Simon Tatham

IV) Categories

Please choose a category wisely before submitting your message!
Admins or moderators are free to move your message to a different category without further notice.

1) Announce: Announce DOS-related information (new software incl. updates, websites, ...) here.
2) Users: Discuss using DOS, software for DOS, or hardware in DOS.
3) Developers: Discuss coding for DOS or coding DOS itself, e.g., FreeDOS.
4) DOSX: Discuss DOS extenders or protected-mode programming.
5) Emulation: Running DOS in Bochs, QEMU, VirtualBox, Windows Virtual PC, ... (no DOS command window!).
6) How-tos: Guides for specific tasks, e.g., how to install, use, or build some software.
7) Miscellaneous: Things that do not fit any of the other categories.
8) User Introductions: Write something about yourself, so other forum members know your background better.
9) Sandbox: Play around with the "my little forum" software.

V) Formatting your messages

BBCode is a lightweight markup language that allows you to format messages.
BBCode tags are enclosed in square braces `[' and `]' surrounding a keyword.
So you have to replace all curly braces `{' and `}' to make those tags working in your messages.
(I'm using curly braces here to disable their parsing by the forum software.)

A short list including examples:
* {b}bolded text{/b} = bolded text
* {i}italicized text{/i} = italicized text
* {u}underlined text{/u} = underlined text
* {s}strikethrough text{/s} = strikethrough text
* {d}deleted text{/d} = deleted text (alias for {s}{/s})

* {code}monospaced text{/code} = monospaced text

* {link}{/link} =
* {link=}BTTR Software{/link} = BTTR Software
* {url} same as {link}
* {url=} same as {link=}
* {msg=1}Welcome to "DOS ain't dead"!{/msg} = Welcome to "DOS ain't dead"!

* {img}img/homepage.gif{/img} = [image]

VI) Admins and moderators

* Main admin: rr - Robert Riebisch
* Deputy admin: ecm - E. C. Masloch
* Deputy admin: mht - Michal H. Tyc
* Moderator: Rugxulo

VII) Known issues

* 2024-04-02: mail notifications may contain "unusual" characters, e.g., รข??, because sending as UTF-8 is not supported

Forum admin

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