ACalc.exe (Miscellaneous)
> - a simple calculator for DOS?
I've been using the command-line ACALC.EXE for ages. It's from IBM PC-DOS 7.0/2000. The updated version with a fix is available here:
Here's the /? help:
ACALC [/T[:]format] expression
/T Specifies the output format type
format D=Decimal (default) B=Binary O=Octal X=heXadecimal
A=All (decimal, binary, octal, and hexadecimal)
expression Specifies a valid numeric expression.
Numbers prefixed with 'b', 'o', and 'x' are assumed to be binary, octal,
and hexadecimal respectively. Decimal numbers are not prefixed.
Arithmetic Operators: Bitwise Operators:
() Separators & Bitwise AND
* Multiplication : Bitwise OR
/ Division ^ Bitwise XOR
% Modulo (remainder of x/y) { Left Shift
+ Addition } Right Shift
- Subtraction
General Math Functions:
ABS(x) Absolute Value of x
EXP(x) Exponential of x
FACT(x) Factorial of x (a positive number less than 21)
LOG(x) Natural Logarithm of x (a positive number)
LOG10(x) Logarithm of x (a positive number) to the Base 10
MAX(x;y) Larger of the two values x and y
MIN(x;y) Smaller of the two values x and y
PI() Value of Pi (3.14159265359)
POW(x;y) x raised to the power of y
SQRT(x) Square Root of x (a positive number)
Trigonometric Math Functions:
COS(x) Cosine of the Angle x in Radians
SIN(x) Sine of the Angle x in Radians
TAN(x) Tangent of the Angle x in Radians
Example: ACALC FACT(((8+1)/2)*2-SQRT(MAX(6;3)))
- Doug B.
Complete thread:
- RAR GUI and a calculator - Vehudis, 03.11.2011, 14:05 (Miscellaneous)
- RAR GUI and a calculator - Rob, 03.11.2011, 15:24
- RAR GUI and a calculator - Rugxulo, 03.11.2011, 17:13
- RAR GUY | WingZip 16.0 released 2011-10-22 | calculator - DOS386, 04.11.2011, 09:25
- ACalc.exe - Doug, 05.11.2011, 07:16
- Calculator - Vehudis, 05.11.2011, 08:28
- Calculator - andrea936, 06.11.2011, 12:14
- Calculator - marcov, 07.11.2011, 21:39
- Calculator - Rugxulo, 08.11.2011, 03:03
- RAR GUI and a calculator - Paul, 10.11.2011, 21:53
- Re: Calculator - Vehudis, 11.11.2011, 09:09