INC'ing (Developers)
> Ok, but there might be kind of confusion on your side.
> HX and Win32Inc are not linked. That is, to assemble a HX part
> (for example PESTUB), you don't need Win32Inc.
> Furthermore, HXDEV does contain a MACROS.INC file.
YES. I was searching at wrong place
> I usually use a NMAKE.EXE, which is just stored in a tools directory
Of what ? It isn't in my copy of HXSRC 2.14
> Might be a good idea to reveal 1 of the million errors so one can guess
Now using the HXDEV includes ... is better, only cca 100'000 errors in the includes when compiling PESTUB ... "?FLAT" is not (???) defined ?
At least, IDECHECK now compiles and links no idea what stupid bug I had committed previously
This is a LOGITECH mouse driver, but some software expect here
the following string:*** This is Copyright 1983 Microsoft ***
Complete thread:
- MOV RIP,POASM - DOS386, 01.05.2008, 04:59 (Developers)
- MOV RIP,POASM - Rugxulo, 01.05.2008, 06:00
- MOV RIP,POASM - DOS386, 01.05.2008, 06:02
- MOV RIP,POASM - Japheth, 01.05.2008, 12:14
- MOV RIP,POASM | JWLINK can mix OMF with COFF ? - DOS386, 02.05.2008, 21:47
- MOV RIP,POASM | WIN32inc, PESTUB.ASM, MACROS.INC - DOS386, 09.05.2008, 07:50
- MOV RIP,POASM | WIN32inc, PESTUB.ASM, MACROS.INC - Japheth, 09.05.2008, 09:39
- MOV RIP,POASM | WIN32inc, PESTUB.ASM, MACROS.INC - DOS386, 11.05.2008, 12:50
- some infos - Japheth, 11.05.2008, 20:05
- INC'ing - DOS386, 31.05.2008, 03:05
- INC'ing - Rugxulo, 04.06.2008, 01:53
- download source for NMAKE - Japheth, 10.07.2008, 16:43
- download source for NMAKE - Rugxulo, 10.07.2008, 22:28
- INC'ing - DOS386, 31.05.2008, 03:05
- some infos - Japheth, 11.05.2008, 20:05
- MOV RIP,POASM | WIN32inc, PESTUB.ASM, MACROS.INC - DOS386, 11.05.2008, 12:50
- MOV RIP,POASM | WIN32inc, PESTUB.ASM, MACROS.INC - Japheth, 09.05.2008, 09:39
- MOV RIP,POASM - Rugxulo, 01.05.2008, 06:00