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Program Name Index – 1:  (0-9) — L

21 Aug 2006

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  1. 1Dir — (OneDIR) Option-rich Win9x compatible directory lister.
  2. 2Calc — TSR calculator with tape and paste result.
  3. 2M — Formats 3.5" HD or DD floppies to higher capacities.
  4. 32LiTE — Tight and versatile 32-bit exe compressor.
  5. 386SWAT — Protected mode debugger.
  6. 4DOS — Enhanced command processor replacement for DOS.
  7. 4DOS.HLP — Expanded replacement for the help file in 4DOS v7.50.130.
  8. 4OS2 — Enhanced command processor replacement for OS/2.

  9. @COMPARE — File comparer for large files.
  10. a2ps (Any to PostScript) — Generates PostScript from ASCII, dvi, and other file formats.
  11. AAEMACS — Emacs-style text editor.
  12. AB — TSR address book holds up to 64 addresses.
  13. Access — Auto-configurable, category based menu system (text mode version also available).
  14. Account Pro — Professional accounting program.
  15. ACD (Another change directory) — Quickly change to any directory; Win9x ready.
  16. Acid Warp — Hallucinogenic pattern cycler (usable as non-tsr scr. saver).
  17. Acrobat — Adobe's PDF file reader (old).
  18. Active@ KillDisk — Wipe an entire disk.
  19. ADDCOL — C-line program adds column of numbers from a text file.
  20. Addit — TSR addition calculator.
  21. Address Book — Office Address and Phone database.
  22. ADF — FOSSIL driver for BBS and FidoNet programs.
  23. ADinf (Advanced Diskinfoscope) — Antiviral, disk integrity checker.
  24. ADIR — Dir lister displays Win9x LFNs in plain DOS mode.
  25. AdjFDate — Adjusts file date plus or minus n days.
  26. ADQ (ATA Drive Query) — Determines which options are supported on a hard drive.
  27. Adrenal Manager — Mouse-driven, two-panel, graphical file manager, supports Win LFNs.
  28. Advanced Directory (ADir) — Hybrid DIR clone and file identifier.
  29. Advanced Set (Advset, ASET) — SET enhancer.
  30. AE — Assembly language editor.
  31. AGREP — Fast GREP-like util with approximate pattern matching capability.
  32. AIDA — System information and benchmarking program.
  33. AinView — Multi-archive shell supports numerous archive formats. Unpack/ file view functions.
  34. ALINK — ASM linker for the DOS/Win32 environment.
  35. Alter — Small and fast global search and replace tool.
  36. Amateur Radio Clock — Displays two analog clocks, showing local and UTC time.
  37. Analyzer — File identification based on signature.
  38. Another CD Player (ACP) — Programmable text mode audio CD player.
  39. ANSISET — Conveniently sets colors / reassigns keys using ANSI driver.
  40. AntiWord — Displays MS Word files, and converts to plain text, PostScript, PDF.
  41. aPACK — Super tight EXE and COM compressor.
  42. Arachne — Graphical Web browser package with Internet tools.
  43. ARC2ARC — Converts among PKZIP LZH ARJ and RAR archives.
  44. Archive Finder (AF) — Finds files in Arj, PkZip, Lha, and other archives.
  45. Archive Lister — Multi-panel (incl. FTP panels) file manager; Win9x compatible.
  46. Argus — DOS function tracer logs file access, other parameters (DOS only).
  47. ARI — High performance 32-bit multimedia archiver.
  48. ARJ — Archiver with unmatched file management capabilities.
  49. ASCIITable — TSR, mouse compatible ASCII chart.
  50. ASET (Advanced SET, ASET/2) — SET enhancer.
  51. ATAHD — IDE-ATA drive identitifier and analyzer.
  52. ATAPICD — Displays detailed ATAPI CD-ROM drive identity information.
  53. ATTRIB — Enhanced ATTRIB replacement.
  54. AUMenu — Keyboard-only menu handles large number of menu items.
  55. AutoChk — Checkbook program.
  56. Autocon — DOS boot manager.
  57. AUTOGIF — Catalogs images to HTML with extra file information.
  58. Aview (NCAV) — Multi-archive shell with pack, convert, unpack, file view functions.
  59. awk — Powerful text processor, ported from Unix.

  60. Baby Banana — Creates a customized, limited version of BananaCom.
  61. BananaCom — easy-to-use terminal with Z-Modem file transfer.
  62. bash — Port of Unix command shell.
  63. BasicLinux — A RAM disk Linux for older PCs, boots from DOS partition, diskettes, or CDROM; Internet support.
  64. Bat2Exec — Convert batch files to COM executable.
  65. BATCHMAN — Multi-function batch program.
  66. BatLite — Convert batch files to COM executable.
  67. Batpower — Old but useful batch util collection (do, no, sweep, pushdir, popdir).
  68. BBS2HTML — Converts FILES.BBS list to HTML.
  69. bCAD — Professional CAD program with 2D drafting and 3D modeling /rendering.
  70. BEEP — Beep tool with adjustable freq., duration, harmonics; can act as PAUSE replacement.
  71. Berkeley Utilities — Unixish tool set for DOS.
  72. BF — Blowfish file encryptor.
  73. BGFAX — FAX program (DOS, OS/2, Win32 versions).
  74. BIEW (Binary VIEW) — Hex Editor for power users, in 16- & 32-bit variants.
  75. BK Renamer — Renames all files in a directory, based on a regular expression. For Win9x command line, supports LFNs.
  76. Blackout — Small TSR screen blanker allows background processes to continue.
  77. Blowfish-CBC — BlowFish file encryptor.
  78. BLRMU (Bud L. Rasmussen's Mini Utilities) — Mixed group of 41 small COM utils.
  79. BLRUT (Bud L. Rasmussen's Utilities) — Mixed group of 28 small EXE utils.
  80. bmp2png and png2bmp — Convert graphics files, BMP to PNG and PNG to BMP.
  81. BOA Constrictor Archiver — Super-tight, option-limited flexible/solid archiver.
  82. Bobcat — Text mode Web browser and offline HTML viewer, based on 16-bit lynx.
  83. BOBCAT386 — Bobcat browser package for 80386+ CPUs.
  84. BOOTMGR (multi-BOOT ManaGeR) — Small multi-OS boot manager with low resource requirements.
  85. BP7PAT — Patches Borland Pascal 7's compiled exes that generate runtime error 200 on fast PCs.
  86. Breeze — Word Processor.
  87. BREXX (REXX) — Powerful but comprehensible procedural language, supplement / alternative to DOS batch.
  88. Browse — Tiny text file viewer and MORE substitute with mouse support.

  89. Cache Control — Mouse compatible control center for MS-DOS SmartDrive.
  90. CAL (1) — Mouse compatible calendar with holidays.
  91. CAL (2) — Displays months to standard output, with appointment notes.
  92. CAL (3) — 0.9K CAL displays calendar to standard output
  93. CAL2 — Yearly calendar with page breaks (for printing or display).
  94. CALC (1) — Small TSR programmer's calculator.
  95. CALC (2) — Enhanced TSR programmer's calculator.
  96. CALC (3) — Simple, easy TSR calculator.
  97. CALC (4) — Simple full screen calculator with file logging.
  98. CALC (5) — Advanced RPN calculator with graphical interface; mouse, menu-driven.
  99. CALC387 — Tiny 1K command line calculator (requires FPU).
  100. CALCONV — Performs date to day-of week conversions, calculates date differences, more.
  101. Calendar — 620 byte interactive calendar.
  102. CALPAGE — Displays boxed calendar to standard output.
  103. CAMWORK — Download images from digital cameras.
  104. Capture — Capture text mode screens to file (non-TSR).
  105. catdoc — Converts / extracts text from Word, Excel or PowerPoint files.
  106. CCD (Coig Change Directory) — Enhanced directory changer and directory tool.
  107. CD Navigator — Floppy, HD, and CD cataloger.
  108. CD-BENCH — Benchmark program for CD-ROM drives.
  109. CD-V — Programmable, VGA CD player.
  110. CDAY (Cheshiresoft Calendar-Almanac) — Multiple calendars with event notes and more.
  111. CDesc — Creates BBS-style description list of archive/ image files.
  112. CDPLAYER — Non-TSR, command line CD player.
  113. CDPTSR — Memory efficient TSR CD player with pop-up status line.
  114. CDX — Small, enhanced CHDIR doesn't use data file.
  115. CE-XYZ — File transfer protocol module (X, Y, Zmodem, and variants).
  116. CHANGE — Contextual search and replace tool.
  117. CharWatch — TSR character translator with 4 built-in translation tables.
  118. CheX — Good checkbook program with graphing and check printing functions.
  119. CHKSUM — Calculates 32 bit CRC and 16 bit checksums.
  120. CHKTXT — Removes suspicious control characters.
  121. CHOOSE — Pick files from pop-up list to pass to command line programs.
  122. CHOP — File splitter; options to split text files at natural boundaries (rejoin with COPY).
  123. CLOCK — Reliable memory resident, real time clock with alarms.
  124. CLUT — Powerful DBF viewer, editor, and manipulator.
  125. CmdEdit — Command line editor with file name completion, command history, macros, Win9x LFN support.
  126. CMOS — Save and restore CMOS settings.
  127. COL — Take text file and convert strings to a single column.
  128. COMTOEXE — Converts com files to exe (reverse of EXE2BIN).
  129. COMTOOL — Tiny (3.6K) terminal program -no file transfer.
  130. CONCAT — Join text files side by side (columnar).
  131. Conex — Small terminal program, supports many comm protocols.
  132. Connect (CN, IBM Handshaker) — Integrated shell with impressive Norton Commander-style file manager.
  133. CONVERT (1) — Command line units conversion program.
  134. CONVERT (2) — Converts among dBASE, delimited text, fixed text, Lotus 1-2-3 formats.
  135. CONVERT UNITS — Menu-driven units conversion program.
  136. CONVERT-IT — Simple interactive units converter.
  137. COUNTDN — Launch program after elapsed time, with keypress abort option.
  138. CRTFIX — Patches Borland Pascal 7's compiled exes that generate runtime error 200 on fast PCs; adapts to CPU freq.
  139. Crynwr — Packet drivers, connecting a PC to a network.
  140. Csap — Sorts directories and files on disk.
  141. CTRLALT — TSR that pops up ASCII charts, Hex table, ANSI codes; Mark/paste; more.
  142. CTRLCAPS — Turns Shift key into CapsLock toggle or Ctrl key.
  143. CUP386 (CyberWare Universal Unpacker, UCFCUP, CUP) — Unpacks many compressed executables.
  144. cURL — Two-way file transfer between client and server, using Internet protocols.
  145. CUT — Omit/extract columns from text files.
  146. CuteMouse (CTMOUSE) — Mouse driver uses less than 4K memory.
  147. CUTW — Omit/extract whole words from lines based on their position in line (1st word, 2nd word)
  148. CVIEW (1) — Fast scrolling text file viewer with dir browser.
  149. CVIEW (2) — Text viewer with C/C++ syntax highlighting.
  150. CWSDPMI — DOS Protected Mode Interface, provides services to 32-bit programs.
  151. Cyclone — Comm program with VT100 emulation, script support, Zmodem.

  152. D2D (D2D/98) — Floppy copier uses conv, ems, (ram)disk and/or xms memory.
  153. DAMP — Command line MP3 and CD player with music-synchronized graphical display.
  154. DataPerfect — Professional relational Database.
  155. Dates — Date reminder (non-tsr).
  156. DateTime — Simple time-date program, 24hr format.
  157. DAYCN — Calculates the number of days between two dates.
  158. DBF2HTML — Command line DBF to HTML converter.
  159. DBFView — dbase (*.dbf) file viewer and editor, mouse support.
  160. DBM (Database Manager) — Flexible database program.
  161. dBTAB — Converts DBF to tab-delimited ASCII text.
  162. DBV — xBase (*.DBF) file viewer and editor.
  163. DC (DOS Controller) — FAST file manager/menu for DOS, Norton Commander clone.
  164. DDIFF — Log changes in directory tree.
  165. DDKEY — Good keystroke macro processor with on-the-fly key definition.
  166. DDup — multi-drv dup file finder with delete/rename prompting.
  167. DE (DiskEditor) — FAT16 disk editor and viewer.
  168. DEFRAGR — Defragments FAT16 Disks.
  169. DELEN — Enhanced delete with extended wildcards; Win9x LFN compatible.
  170. Delete Directory (DD) — Directory remover, Win9x ready.
  171. Delta — Powerful visual file and directory comparer / synchronizer.
  172. DELTREE — Enhanced DELTREE clone.
  173. Deluxe Dir (DDIR) — Versatile directory lister also finds files in archives.
  174. Demacs — Emacs-style text editor.
  175. Description Editor (DEDIT) — Create and maintain 4DOS compatible file descriptions.
  176. DESI-III — Professional 2D CAD system.
  177. Desk/LaserJet Line Print (DJLP) — Print 2 pages of ASCII text onto one sheet.
  178. Desktop Calculator — Simple full screen calculator.
  179. DESKTOP2 — GUI desktop shell with program and file managers, text editor, more.
  180. DETAB — Converts tab characters to spaces (adjustable number).
  181. DFSee (Display File Systems) — Disk analysis and repair utility ([V]FAT[32], HPFS, NTFS).
  182. dg (data-grepper) — Search for a phrase, in text records.
  183. Diet — Compresses executables (including overlays) and com files.
  184. Diffutils, GNU — Unix-ish file difference package.
  185. DimVESA — DPMS power-saving screen blanker.
  186. Dir2Web — Converts a directory list to HTML with local or remote links.
  187. DIRCOMP — Flexible directory synchronizer and copying tool.
  188. Directory Freedom — Comprehensive directory utility/ file manager; Small, fast, configurable.
  189. DirMatch — Compare directories with file actions.
  190. DIRNOTES — Add descriptions / comments to files.
  191. DirTel — Address book can also save data to RTF and HTML formats.
  192. DIRTOTAL — Output summary of drive structure. Highly customizable.
  193. Disc-at-Once (DAO) — Golden Hawk's CD recording utilities.
  194. Disk OrGanizer — Defragments FAT16 disks.
  195. DISKED — Recovers data from disks with damaged BOOT sector, FATs, and directory areas.
  196. DiskEditor — Disk editor and viewer (FAT16).
  197. DiskImager — 1.44MB floppy disk imager can also create self-extracting (EXE) images.
  198. Disk Manager — Clipper based, floppy diskette file cataloging.
  199. DISKSECURE — Protects basic disk files from Viruses.
  200. DiskWaste — Calculates wasted disk space for FAT16 and FAT32 drives.
  201. Display — Image viewing and conversion package.
  202. DJGPP — 32-bit C/C++ development system for Intel 80386 (and higher) PCs running DOS.
  203. DL — Scrolling directory lister. Unix ls-like output.
  204. DN OSP — DOS Navigator derivative with 16- and 32-bit versions, Win9x LFN support, other enhancements.
  205. DN/2 — 32-bit file manager, DOS Navigator derivative.
  206. DO — Small "all-in-one" batch utility for file management.
  207. DoMenuT — Create windowed menus for batch files.
  208. Donames — Flexible file renamer.
  209. DOS, MS — Major commercial DOS (not freeware).
  210. DOS, IBM — Major commercial DOS (not freeware), still available.
  211. DOS Navigator — Excellent multi dual-panel file manager; now freeware.
  212. DOS PPPD — Point to Point Protocol packet driver and complete Internet connection kit.
  213. DOS-ftp — Watt-32 ftp client for 80386+ CPUs.
  214. DOS-Telnet — Watt-32 Telnet client, for 80386+ CPUs.
  215. dos2ux & ux2dos — Convert DOS format text > Unix format.
  216. DOSamp — Play MPEG Layer 3 files (MP3).
  217. DOSampEX — Extender for DOSamp MP3 player.
  218. Dosbar — Add system menu toolbar to Windows 3.1x DOS boxes.
  219. Dosclip — Copy and paste screen text with keys.
  220. DOSED — Edit command line, command history, filename completion.
  221. DOSEMU — Provides DOS system emulation under Linux.
  222. dosemu-freedos — DOS under DOSEMU and Linux.
  223. DOSLFN — Long File Name driver (emulator) for plain DOS, supports magnetic disks and CDs.
  224. DOSLFNM — Older version of DOSLFN, uses MSCDEX for CD access.
  225. DOSPROGS — Diverse collection of DOS-only utilities.
  226. DOSVNC (DOS Virtual Network Computing) — Remote control of one computer by another, over a LAN or the Internet.
  227. Double Lister — Dual window text comparer.
  228. DougMenu — Rock-solid, mouse and keyboard-driven command menu.
  229. DpmSave — DPMS power-saving screen blanker.
  230. DR-DOS and OpenDOS 7.01 / 7.02 / 7.03 — The Digital Research-Novell-Caldera-Lineo DOSes, now free.
  231. DR-DOS 7.04/7.05 — DR-DOS that manages FAT32 & LBA hard drives.
  232. DR-DOS, Enhanced — Updated, open source version of the Digital Research-Novell-Caldera OS.
  233. DRC — Create menu-based viewer from text file.
  234. DRLIST — Special LIST version for CTTY and ANSI files.
  235. Drop to DOS — Opens a DOS window into a Win32 folder.
  236. DRVEXCH — Exchange drive letters.
  237. DRVLOAD — Load device drivers from command line or batch file.
  238. Dtime — Simple time-date program (12 hour format).
  239. DU — Displays directory tree and its disk usage.
  240. DU (Disk Utility) — Comprehensive, multi-purpose c-line file management utility.

  241. E — Tiny, easy-to-use editor for word processing.
  242. Easy Base — Programmable relational database.
  243. EasyConsole — Simple command line GUI for all 32-bit Windows.
  244. Easy Word — Word processor with a mix of good features and limitations.
  245. EditV — Multiple window text editor with mouse support, smaller files.
  246. egrep/grep/fgrep, GNU — Search for text; basic and extended regular expression support.
  247. EKB (EuroKeyBoard) — Provides access to CP437 characters 80-FFh.
  248. ELIM — Delete files that DEL can't (contain illegal or space filename characters).
  249. Elvis — Excellent Vi-like text editor for power users.
  250. Emacs, GNU — Port of the Unix text editor.
  251. EMSDSK & XMSDSK (FU_RD) — RAM disk (ramdisk, ramdrive) can be created, resized, destroyed from c-line.
  252. ENDNOTE — Organizes endnotes in ASCII text files.
  253. ERI — High performance 32-bit multimedia archiver.
  254. ERR2ENV — Set current errorlevel to an env. parameter.
  255. Escape — TSR aids in escaping DOS programs, avoiding system crashes.
  256. ESP (Extension Sort Packer) — Freeware archiver, small, fast, tight, sfx, file split and easy to handle.
  257. EVAL — Advanced variable precision command line calculator.
  258. Eval (2) — Command line calculator.
  259. Evaluate Expression (EE) — Programmer's expression evaluator with TSR option.
  260. EXE — Enhanced full screen directory lister with file viewer.
  261. EXEC — Run programs not in path.
  262. EZClock — TSR clock, won't obscure overlaid screen text.
  263. EZEDIT — 4K dual file editor

  264. F-Prot — Antivirus scanner and disinfectant.
  265. FACT — Command line archive format conversion utility.
  266. FArc — System & archive file finder: 70+ formats, enhanced wildcards, Win9x LFNs.
  267. FastDial (FDD) — Phone dialer and phone contact database.
  268. Fast GREP (FGREP, FGREP386) — Finds files with given text.
  269. FASTI — Easy ZIP, ARJ, LZH unpacker creates directories for contents of each archive.
  270. FCUT (File Cutter) — Split files by size/parts; rejoin with COPY /B.
  271. Fdate — Rename file to its date or to calendar date.
  272. FDATE (2) — Multi-purpose date manipulation/ format utility for batch files.
  273. FDFORMAT — Format floppies to higher capacities.
  274. FDSMTPOP — Email receive / send agent.
  275. FED — Folding text editor with a friendly interface.
  276. FFIT — Efficiently pack files onto floppy.
  277. fgrep/grep/egrep, GNU — Search for text; basic and extended regular expression support.
  278. FiD — FILES.BBS creator with flexible formatting.
  279. File Maven — File manager with PC-to-PC file transfer capabilities.
  280. File Wizard (FW) — Feature-packed file manager with WIN9x support.
  281. Filec — Command line filename completion TSR; support for Win9x LFNs under Win9x.
  282. FileID — Create description list of zip/arj/lha archives -with many options.
  283. FileInfo — Executable file identifier w/ graphical characterization.
  284. Fileutils, GNU — Collection of file utilities ported to DOS from the GNU OS.
  285. Filex — File identification based on extensions.
  286. FILL — Efficiently pack files onto floppy or other writable media.
  287. Filter — Multipurpose text filter can also remove ANSI sequences.
  288. Findutils, GNU — Powerful file finding package, ported from UNIX.
  289. Fintrsct (File INTeRSeCTion) — Compares 2 files; outputs shared / unique lines to 3 report files.
  290. FIPS — Non-destructive partition splitting program, FAT16/32.
  291. FIRM — Floppy disk imager; can write to floppies having larger capacities than original.
  292. FIXCAPS — TSR makes the shift key work like a typewriter's.
  293. FIXTEXT — Character translation, DOS/MAC/UNIX conversion, more.
  294. Flarge — Find largest files on single drive.
  295. FLIP — Converts file(s) between UNIX and DOS text formats.
  296. Floppy Tool Kit — Floppy drive analyzer, tuner, cleaner utilities.
  297. FMORE — Fast MORE clone, uses direct video output.
  298. FORALL — File finder can run commands/ arguments on found files (FOR analog).
  299. FORCEXT — TSR forces extended text mode display (43, 50 lines).
  300. FORTUNE — Enhanced FOR. Translate var. into drive, path, or filename root-ext-chars.
  301. Fractint — Fractal generator.
  302. Fraction — Fraction calculator.
  303. Free FDISK — Disk partition management utility.
  304. Free Pascal (FPK Pascal) — 32-bit PASCAL compiler.
  305. FREEBASE (FBASE) — Simple database uses plain text files.
  306. FreeComm — Full featured Delrina term with script support (free but requires registration).
  307. FreeDOS — Free MS-DOS clone with many improvements.
  308. Freemacs — Emacs-style editor.
  309. FRENUM — Rename series of files with sequential numbers, optional prefix string.
  310. Friends — Basic address book with phone dialing function.
  311. FTE (Folding Text Editor) — Versatile power editor with an easy-to-use interface.
  312. FTP, WATTCP — Command line ftp client.
  313. FU — Multi-purpose text filter.

  314. GAG (Gestor de Arranque Gráfico) — Graphical boot manager for multiple OSes.
  315. gawk — Powerful text processor, ported from Unix.
  316. GCOPY — Recursive file copier.
  317. GDisk — Command line alternative to MS-DOS's FDISK and FORMAT (for fixed disks).
  318. GDSPELL — Easy-to-use stand-alone spell checker can handle big files.
  319. GEM — GUI for low resource PCs.
  320. Genesis Commander — Norton Commander clone.
  321. GetTyp — File identification based on signature.
  322. Ghostscript — Views and prints PostScript and PDF files.
  323. GIF-TOOLS — Create animated GIFs.
  324. GIFTAB — Catalogs images into single HTML page with "thumbnails."
  325. GIFtrans — Produces transparent GIF files for web pages.
  326. GO-LJ-PRINT — Print ASCII text files on HP Laserjet compatible printers.
  327. GPAGE — Generates formatted web pages from plain text lists of sites.
  328. GrafX2 — 256 color bitmap painting program.
  329. grep/egrep/fgrep, GNU — Search for text; basic and extended regular expression support.
  330. GSAR (General Search And Replace) — Multi-file, text or binary, search and replace.
  331. GSPlay — MIDI player.
  332. GSR (Global Search Replace) — 32-bit, interactive or c-line, multi-file search and replace tool.
  333. GVFM (Graphic Vision File Manager) — VGA mode, multi-window file manager.
  334. GZIP — Compresses single files, can handle *.tgz, *.gz, *.z extensions.

  335. HBREAK — TSR aids in escaping DOS programs, avoiding system crashes.
  336. HD-COPY — Very fast diskette copier.
  337. HelpDeco — Converts Win3/95 HLP files to RTF format.
  338. HexIt — Hex editor with macros; can insert and delete bytes.
  339. Hex — Small hex editor handles big files.
  340. HFM — Powerful file manager with many features, now free.
  341. HHsed (sed15) — Text search & replace (and more) using regular expressions. 16-bit version with docs & source.
  342. HIEW (Hacker's View) — Hex editor for power users.
  343. HighViewer — Norton-like text/HEX viewer with many features, HTML filter.
  344. HISTOGRAMS — Calculates descriptive statistics, generates histograms.
  345. HLIST (1) — VGA mode text viewer can also read files in ZIP archives.
  346. HLIST (2) — Offline HTML viewer and converter (text-mode).
  347. HoldIt — PAUSE replacement time-outs after specified time.
  348. HolmesCk — Checks old BIOS Real Time Clock, for Y2K compliance.
  349. HolmesFx — TSR fix for Real Time Clock's Y2K failures.
  350. HTGET — Command line http downloader.
  351. HTML Tidy — Command line HTML validator and cleanup tool.
  352. HTML_Cal — Creates monthly HTML calendar with link-day-to-file option.
  353. HTMLCRunch — Compresses (X)HTML/XML-pages.
  354. HTMSTRIP — Intelligent conversion of HTML to plain text.
  355. htmlpp — Powerful HTML preprocessor; requires Perl.
  356. htp — HTML preprocessor allows efficient management of multiple web pages.

  357. IDArc — Identifies ~160 different archive formats; Win9x LFN support.
  358. IDEATA — Displays detailed IDE-ATA drive identity information.
  359. IE — Mouse/ menu driven editor handles large files.
  360. Ifnumber — Batch util makes IF-predicatiton bigger/smaller than.
  361. IMD — Dir lister displays image properties, 4DOS descriptions, id's archives.
  362. IMG — Create/ restore floppy image, add-extract files to/ from image.
  363. Image Tab (IMGTAB) — Catalogs images into a single HTML document for easy viewing.
  364. IMP — Tight and fast 32-bit archiver.
  365. Imposter — DOS emulator for Win3.1x.
  366. IMPROCES — 256 color image processor and paint program
  367. Inertia player (IPLAY) — MOD player doesn't require sound card.
  368. InkUtils — Valuable collection of DOS/ Win9x-ready utilities.
  369. Info-Zip (zip & unzip) — PKUnzip-compatible archive opener.
  370. INFOEXE — Reports exe file length on disk, length of code, min/max memory requested, & more.
  371. InfView — Unix info file browser.
  372. INMAGIC Plus — Database program for textual information.
  373. INPUT — Get console input from within a batch file.
  374. InstaCalc — Older spreadsheet, still useful.
  375. Instat — General statistics program.
  376. INTERMEM — Non-TSR event reminder and scheduler (VGA).
  377. Ishtar — HTML to RTF conversion.
  378. Isnewer — Compare the dates of two files.
  379. ispell, GNU — Interactive spell checker, runs well on older PCs.
  380. Ispell, International (1) — Interactive text and HTML spell checker.
  381. Ispell, International (2) — Interactive spell checker, supports 8-bit characters.
  382. ISU (Interactive StatUnit) — Advanced statistical package.

  383. JAM — Disk compression package.
  384. JCOPY — Efficiently pack files (from single directory) onto floppy.
  385. jDif — Fast file difference utility.
  386. JED — Programmer's editor; supports Emacs, BRIEF, Borland IDE, other modes.
  387. Jorj — "Small" stand-alone dictionary program.
  388. Journal — Appointment calendar and expense account program with TSR option.
  389. JOVE (Jonathan's Own Version of EMACS) — Emacs-style editor.
  390. JPEG — Command line JPEG file converter/manipulator.
  391. JSPELL — Excellent interactive spell checker (English dictionary).
  392. JUKEMP3 — MP3 player with music speed/ direction controls and other effects.
  393. JUP (Jens's UnPacker) — Command line archive identifier, file lister, unpacker.
  394. Just — ASCII text justifying filter.
  395. Justify — Flexible text justifying filter.

  396. Kaspersky Antivirus 32 (KAV, KAV32) — Antivirus scanner and disinfectant.
  397. Kermit — Outstanding text and text-graphics network terminal.
  398. KEY-FAKE — Sends keystrokes to programs on startup.
  399. KeyGen — Auto-generates multiple passphrases; saves to file; configurable.
  400. KeyPress — Non-TSR, keyboard buffer stuffer.
  401. KGB — DOS function tracer, logs file access.
  402. killEOF — Remove end of file (EOF) characters.
  403. KLine — Delete all lines in text file(s) containing search phrase.
  404. KZAP (KILL-O-ZAP) — Dual file hex editor and viewer with TSR option.

  405. L_H — Customizable HTML and XML viewer.
  406. LC (Line Count) — Simple page and line counter for ASCII files, accepts wildcards.
  407. less — File pager / viewer and MORE replacement.
  408. LFN Tools — DOS command suite (COPY, DIR, CD, DEL, REN... more) displays Win9x LFNs under plain DOS.
  409. LFNDOS — LFN driver for 16-bit DOS & DOS under Win9x.
  410. LGAFIND — Small fast file finder searches in arcs too; enhanced wildcards.
  411. LGFastView (LGFV, Fast Viewer) — Small and fast multi-archive viewer, supports ~90 formats.
  412. LHA — Creates freely distributable self extracting archives.
  413. LHARK — LHA variant, faster and tighter.
  414. LINK/LN — Link executable files to file names in other directories.
  415. LIST — Excellent text file viewer, Win9x LFN support.
  416. Little PhoneBook (LPhone) — Address and Phone database.
  417. LM — Power user text file formatter, search-replace, and more.
  418. LMOD — Line and list modification (batch util).
  419. LOCATE — Small, very fast file finder with useful batch creation capability, transcends DOS wildcard limitations.
  420. LOGECHO — Roll your own date and time format with this ECHO replacement.
  421. look — Look up words (from a word list) to verify spelling.
  422. LPQ — Manipulates the print queue.
  423. LPR — Pipes standard input into a print spool file and display.
  424. LPT2DSK — Capture printer output to disk file.
  425. LSD (LSR) — Directory lister, file finder, and disk & system information tool.
  426. LSppp — A Point to Point Protocol packet driver for Ethernet or dialup connections.
  427. LTOOLS — Command line tools to read / write Linux ext2 filesystem from DOS/ Windows.
  428. LWhiz — Command line image viewer for JPEG, GIF and other formats.
  429. LxPic — Tiny, portable JPG, BMP, GIF viewer with big features.
  430. LxVox — Tiny WAV file player (8-bit mono), no sound card required.
  431. lynx — Text mode Web browser and offline HTML viewer, for 80386+ CPUs.
  432. LZEXE — Packs executables (*.exe) into smaller, functional programs.

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